将 Google 表单中的文件上传到 Google 云端硬盘

时长:10 分钟


  • 了解该解决方案的用途。
  • 了解 Apps Script 服务在解决方案中的作用。
  • 设置脚本。
  • 运行脚本。


使用 Google 表单同时在 Google 云端硬盘中上传和整理文件。 该表单包含有关要上传的文件以及文件整理方式的输入信息。




Apps 脚本服务


  • 脚本服务 - 创建每次有人提交表单时都会触发的触发器。
  • 属性服务 - 存储脚本在设置期间创建的触发器的 ID,以防止重复触发器。
  • 云端硬盘服务 - 在设置过程中,获取表单在云端硬盘中的位置,并在同一位置创建一个文件夹。用户提交表单后,云端硬盘服务会将文件路由到该文件夹,以及(如果已选择)指定的子文件夹。如果子文件夹尚不存在,脚本会创建该子文件夹。
  • 表单服务 - 获取用户提交表单后选择的文件和文件夹名称,并将其发送到云端硬盘服务。



  • Google 账号(Google Workspace 账号可能需要管理员批准)。
  • 一个能够访问互联网的网络浏览器。



  1. 前往 forms.google.com,然后点击“空白”
  2. 点击无标题表单,然后将表单重命名为将文件上传到云端硬盘
  3. 点击未命名的问题,然后将该问题重命名为子文件夹
  4. 子文件夹问题上,依次点击“更多”图标 > 说明
  5. 说明中,输入选择要用来存储文件的子文件夹。如果您选择“<None>”,文件将存储在“已上传的文件”文件夹中。
  6. 子文件夹问题中添加以下选项:
    • <无>
    • 项目 A
    • 项目 B
    • 项目 C
  7. 如需将问题设为必答,请点击必答
  8. 点击“添加题目”图标
  9. 点击单选题,然后选择上传文件
  10. 点击继续
  11. 问题中,输入要上传的文件。您可以选择允许用户上传的文件类型和文件数量上限。
  12. 如需将问题设为必答,请点击必答

创建 Apps 脚本项目

  1. 在表单中,依次点击“更多”图标 > 脚本编辑器
  2. 点击未命名项目,然后将该项目重命名为将文件上传到云端硬盘
  3. 如需创建其他脚本文件,请依次点击“添加文件” > 脚本。将文件命名为 Setup
  4. 将这两个脚本文件的内容替换为以下内容:

    // TODO Before you start using this sample, you must run the setUp() 
    // function in the Setup.gs file.
    // Application constants
    const APP_TITLE = "Upload files to Drive from Forms";
    const APP_FOLDER_NAME = "Upload files to Drive (File responses)";
    // Identifies the subfolder form item
    const APP_SUBFOLDER_ITEM = "Subfolder";
    const APP_SUBFOLDER_NONE = "<None>";
     * Gets the file uploads from a form response and moves files to the corresponding subfolder.
     * @param {object} event - Form submit.
    function onFormSubmit(e) {
      try {
        // Gets the application root folder.
        var destFolder = getFolder_(APP_FOLDER_NAME);
        // Gets all form responses.
        let itemResponses = e.response.getItemResponses();
        // Determines the subfolder to route the file to, if any.
        var subFolderName;
        let dest = itemResponses.filter((itemResponse) =>
          itemResponse.getItem().getTitle().toString() === APP_SUBFOLDER_ITEM);
        // Gets the destination subfolder name, but ignores if APP_SUBFOLDER_NONE was selected;
        if (dest.length > 0) {
          if (dest[0].getResponse() != APP_SUBFOLDER_NONE) {
            subFolderName = dest[0].getResponse();
        // Gets the subfolder or creates it if it doesn't exist.
        if (subFolderName != undefined) {
          destFolder = getSubFolder_(destFolder, subFolderName)
        console.log(`Destination folder to use:
        Name: ${destFolder.getName()}
        ID: ${destFolder.getId()}
        URL: ${destFolder.getUrl()}`)
        // Gets the file upload response as an array to allow for multiple files.
        let fileUploads = itemResponses.filter((itemResponse) => itemResponse.getItem().getType().toString() === "FILE_UPLOAD")
          .map((itemResponse) => itemResponse.getResponse())
          .reduce((a, b) => [...a, ...b], []);
        // Moves the files to the destination folder.
        if (fileUploads.length > 0) {
          fileUploads.forEach((fileId) => {
            console.log(`File Copied: ${fileId}`)
      catch (err) {
     * Returns a Drive folder under the passed in objParentFolder parent
     * folder. Checks if folder of same name exists before creating, returning 
     * the existing folder or the newly created one if not found.
     * @param {object} objParentFolder - Drive folder as an object.
     * @param {string} subFolderName - Name of subfolder to create/return.
     * @return {object} Drive folder
    function getSubFolder_(objParentFolder, subFolderName) {
      // Iterates subfolders of parent folder to check if folder already exists.
      const subFolders = objParentFolder.getFolders();
      while (subFolders.hasNext()) {
        let folder = subFolders.next();
        // Returns the existing folder if found.
        if (folder.getName() === subFolderName) {
          return folder;
      // Creates a new folder if one doesn't already exist.
      return objParentFolder.createFolder(subFolderName)
        .setDescription(`Created by ${APP_TITLE} application to store uploaded Forms files.`);
    // TODO You must run the setUp() function before you start using this sample.
     * The setUp() function performs the following:
     *  - Creates a Google Drive folder named by the APP_FOLDER_NAME
     *    variable in the Code.gs file.
     *  - Creates a trigger to handle onFormSubmit events.
    function setUp() {
      // Ensures the root destination folder exists.
      const appFolder = getFolder_(APP_FOLDER_NAME);
      if (appFolder !== null) {
        console.log(`Application folder setup.
        Name: ${appFolder.getName()}
        ID: ${appFolder.getId()}
        URL: ${appFolder.getUrl()}`)
      else {
        console.log(`Could not setup application folder.`)
      // Calls the function that creates the Forms onSubmit trigger.
     * Returns a folder to store uploaded files in the same location
     * in Drive where the form is located. First, it checks if the folder
     * already exists, and creates it if it doesn't.
     * @param {string} folderName - Name of the Drive folder. 
     * @return {object} Google Drive Folder
    function getFolder_(folderName) {
      // Gets the Drive folder where the form is located.
      const ssId = FormApp.getActiveForm().getId();
      const parentFolder = DriveApp.getFileById(ssId).getParents().next();
      // Iterates through the subfolders to check if folder already exists.
      // The script checks for the folder name specified in the APP_FOLDER_NAME variable.
      const subFolders = parentFolder.getFolders();
      while (subFolders.hasNext()) {
        let folder = subFolders.next();
        // Returns the existing folder if found.
        if (folder.getName() === folderName) {
          return folder;
      // Creates a new folder if one doesn't already exist.
      return parentFolder.createFolder(folderName)
        .setDescription(`Created by ${APP_TITLE} application to store uploaded files.`);
     * Installs trigger to capture onFormSubmit event when a form is submitted.
     * Ensures that the trigger is only installed once.
     * Called by setup().
    function installTrigger_() {
      // Ensures existing trigger doesn't already exist.
      let propTriggerId = PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().getProperty('triggerUniqueId')
      if (propTriggerId !== null) {
        const triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
        for (let t in triggers) {
          if (triggers[t].getUniqueId() === propTriggerId) {
            console.log(`Trigger with the following unique ID already exists: ${propTriggerId}`);
      // Creates the trigger if one doesn't exist.
      let triggerUniqueId = ScriptApp.newTrigger('onFormSubmit')
      PropertiesService.getScriptProperties().setProperty('triggerUniqueId', triggerUniqueId);
      console.log(`Trigger with the following unique ID was created: ${triggerUniqueId}`);
     * Removes all script properties and triggers for the project.
     * Use primarily to test setup routines.
    function removeTriggersAndScriptProperties() {
      // Removes all triggers associated with project.
      const triggers = ScriptApp.getProjectTriggers();
      for (let t in triggers) {
     * Removes all form responses to reset the form.
    function deleteAllResponses() {


  1. 在 Apps 脚本编辑器中,切换到 Setup.gs 文件。
  2. 在函数下拉菜单中,选择 setUp
  3. 点击运行
  4. 根据提示为脚本授权。如果 OAuth 意见征求界面显示此应用未经验证警告,请依次选择高级 > 前往 {Project Name}(不安全)以继续操作。

  5. 返回表单,然后点击“预览”图标 预览图标

  6. 在表单中,选择一个子文件夹并上传文件。

  7. 点击提交

  8. 前往云端硬盘,然后打开将文件上传到云端硬盘(文件回复)文件夹。您上传的文件位于您在表单中选择的子文件夹中。


此示例由 Google 维护,并由 Google 开发者专家提供帮助。
