Le librerie client RBM semplificano la creazione di agenti RBM utilizzando Node.js, C#, Python o Java. Le librerie vengono pubblicate nel nostro progetto open source e rilasciate nei repository internet per un facile utilizzo nel codice.
Aggiungi la seguente dipendenza al file package.json
"dependencies": {
"@google/rcsbusinessmessaging": "^1.0.7"
Controlla il repository npm per trovare la versione più recente.
Importa dove richiesto nel codice:
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');
Aggiungi la seguente dipendenza al file pom.xml
Controlla il repository Maven per trovare la versione più recente.
Esegui l'importazione dove richiesto nel codice:
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper;
Prima di iniziare, segui questi passaggi:
- Registra un agente.
Scarica e installa il software necessario:
- SDK Java 8
- Maven 3.3.9 o versioni successive
- .NET SDK 2.1 o versioni successive
Scarica il primo Sample Agent.
Nota: accedi con il tuo Account Google RBM per accedere ai link di download.Estrai il file sulla macchina locale.
Segui le istruzioni nel file README per configurare le tue credenziali RBM.
Inviare messaggi
Negli esempi seguenti, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilizzato per Python) presuppone che il file da cui stai lavorando si trovi una directory sotto la cartella dell'app principale. Potresti dover modificare la località a seconda della configurazione del progetto.
Invito al tester
Fino a quando non hai lanciato l'agente, questo può comunicare solo con i dispositivi di test invitati. Il seguente codice invia un invito a diventare tester a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Send the tester invite to the device rbmApiHelper.sendTesterInvite('+12223334444', function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Register the device as a tester rbmApiHelper.registerTester("+12223334444"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service # Send the tester invite to a device rbm_service.invite_tester('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Register the device as a tester rbmApiHelper.RegisterTester("+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Controllo delle funzionalità
L'agente può comunicare solo con dispositivi abilitati all'RCS. Puoi verificare se un dispositivo è abilitato per RCS controllando le funzionalità del dispositivo. Il codice seguente verifica la funzionalità di un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Send a capability check to the device rbmApiHelper.checkCapability('+12223334444', function(response) { // Print capabilities of the device console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Check the capabilities of the device boolean capability = rbmApiHelper.getCapability("+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service # Send the tester invite to a device response = rbm_service.make_cap_request('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Register the device as a tester Capabilities capabilities = rbmApiHelper.GetCapability("+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Messaggio semplice
Un messaggio semplice è fatto puramente di testo. Il codice seguente invia un semplice messaggio SMS a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', }; // Send a simple message to the device rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Send simple text message to user rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444" ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create a simple RBM text message message_text = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') # Send text message to the device messages.MessageCluster().append_message(message_text).send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Messaggio con risposte suggerite
Le risposte suggerite aiutano gli utenti a navigare nelle conversazioni con il tuo agente. Un semplice messaggio può includere una raccolta di risposte e azioni suggerite. Il seguente codice invia un semplice messaggio di testo con due risposte suggerite a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); let suggestions = [ { reply: { 'text': 'Suggestion #1', 'postbackData': 'suggestion_1', }, }, { reply: { 'text': 'Suggestion #2', 'postbackData': 'suggestion_2', }, }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with suggestion chips to the device rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1", "suggestion_1").getSuggestedReply()); suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2", "suggestion_2").getSuggestedReply()); // Send simple text message to user rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggested replies for the message to send to the user cluster.append_suggestion_chip(messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #1', 'reply:suggestion_1')) cluster.append_suggestion_chip(messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #2', 'reply:suggestion_2')) # Send a simple message with suggestion chips to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { // Create suggestion chips new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1", "suggestion_1").SuggestedReply(), new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2", "suggestion_2").SuggestedReply() }; // Send simple text message with suggestions to user rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Messaggio multimediale
Il seguente codice invia un'immagine o un video a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); let params = { fileUrl: 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif', msisdn: '+12223334444', }; // Send an image/video to a device rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.AgentContentMessage; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.AgentMessage; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); String fileUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif"; // create media only message AgentContentMessage agentContentMessage = new AgentContentMessage(); agentContentMessage.setContentInfo(new ContentInfo().setFileUrl(fileUrl)); // attach content to message AgentMessage agentMessage = new AgentMessage(); agentMessage.setContentMessage(agentContentMessage); rbmApiHelper.sendAgentMessage(agentMessage, "+12223334444"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create media file attachment file_message = messages.FileMessage('http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif') messages.MessageCluster().append_message(file_message).send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); string fileUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif"; // Create content info with the file url ContentInfo contentInfo = new ContentInfo { FileUrl = fileUrl }; // Attach content info to a message AgentContentMessage agentContentMessage = new AgentContentMessage { ContentInfo = contentInfo, }; // Attach content to message AgentMessage agentMessage = new AgentMessage { ContentMessage = agentContentMessage }; rbmApiHelper.SendAgentMessage(agentMessage, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Scheda interattiva
Con una scheda interattiva, puoi inviare un blocco di informazioni correlate: titolo, descrizione, immagine e fino a 4 risposte o azioni suggerite. Il seguente codice invia una richcard a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Suggested replies to be used in the card let suggestions = [ { reply: { 'text': 'Suggestion #1', 'postbackData': 'suggestion_1', }, }, { reply: { 'text': 'Suggestion #2', 'postbackData': 'suggestion_2', }, }, ]; // Image to be displayed by the card let imageUrl = 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif'; // Definition of the card parameters let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', messageDescription: 'RBM is awesome!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, imageUrl: imageUrl, height: 'TALL', }; // Send rich card to device rbmApiHelper.sendRichCard(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.StandaloneCard; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.cards.CardOrientation; import com.google.rbm.cards.MediaHeight; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1", "suggestion_1").getSuggestedReply()); suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2", "suggestion_2").getSuggestedReply()); String imageUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif"; // Create a standalone rich card to send to the user StandaloneCard standaloneCard = rbmApiHelper.createStandaloneCard( "Hello, world!", "RBM is awesome!", imageUrl, MediaHeight.MEDIUM, CardOrientation.VERTICAL, suggestions ); rbmApiHelper.sendStandaloneCard(standaloneCard, "+12223334444"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Suggested replies to be used in the card suggestions = [ messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #1', 'reply:suggestion_1'), messages.SuggestedReply('Suggestion #2', 'reply:suggestion_2') ] # Image to be displayed by the card image_url = 'http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif'; # Define rich card structure rich_card = messages.StandaloneCard('VERTICAL', 'Hello, world!', 'RBM is awesome!', suggestions, image_url, None, None, 'MEDIUM') # Append rich card and send to the user cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(rich_card) cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; using RCSBusinessMessaging.Cards; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { // Create suggestion chips new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #1", "suggestion_1").SuggestedReply(), new SuggestionHelper("Suggestion #2", "suggestion_2").SuggestedReply() }; string imageUrl = "http://www.google.com/logos/doodles/2015/googles-new-logo-5078286822539264.3-hp2x.gif"; // Create rich card with suggestions StandaloneCard standaloneCard = rbmApiHelper.CreateStandaloneCard( "Hello, world!", "RBM is awesome", imageUrl, MediaHeight.TALL, CardOrientation.VERTICAL, suggestions ); // Send rich card to user rbmApiHelper.SendStandaloneCard(standaloneCard, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Carosello di schede interattive
I caroselli raggruppano più schede interattive, consentendo all'utente di confrontare le opzioni e di reagire singolarmente. Il seguente codice invia un carosello di schede informative con due schede a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Images for the carousel cards let card1Image = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg'; let card2Image = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg'; // Define the card contents for a carousel with two cards, each with one suggested reply let cardContents = [ { title: 'Card #1', description: 'The description for card #1', suggestions: [ { reply: { text: 'Card #1', postbackData: 'card_1', } } ], media: { height: 'MEDIUM', contentInfo: { fileUrl: card1Image, forceRefresh: false, }, }, }, { title: 'Card #2', description: 'The description for card #2', suggestions: [ { reply: { text: 'Card #2', postbackData: 'card_2', } } ], media: { height: 'MEDIUM', contentInfo: { fileUrl: card2Image, forceRefresh: false, }, }, }, ]; // Definition of carousel card let params = { msisdn: '+12223334444', cardContents: cardContents, }; // Send the device the carousel card defined above rbmApiHelper.sendCarouselCard(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.CardContent; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.cards.CardOrientation; import com.google.rbm.cards.CardWidth; import com.google.rbm.cards.MediaHeight; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; import com.google.rbm.SuggestionHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); List cardContents = new ArrayList(); // Images for the carousel cards String card1Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg"; // Create suggestions for first carousel card List card1Suggestions = new ArrayList(); card1Suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Card #1", "card_1")); cardContents.add( new StandaloneCardHelper( "Card #1", "The description for card #1", card1Image, card1Suggestions) .getCardContent(MediaHeight.SHORT) ); // Images for the carousel cards String card2Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg"; // Create suggestions for second carousel card List card2Suggestions = new ArrayList(); card2Suggestions.add( new SuggestionHelper("Card #2", "card_2")); cardContents.add( new StandaloneCardHelper( "Card #2", "The description for card #2", card2Image, card2Suggestions) .getCardContent(MediaHeight.SHORT) ); // Send the carousel to the user rbmApiHelper.sendCarouselCards(cardContents, CardWidth.MEDIUM, "+12223334444"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Images for the carousel cards card_image_1 = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg'; card_image_2 = 'https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg'; # Suggested replies to be used in the cards suggestions1 = [ messages.SuggestedReply('Card #1', 'reply:card_1') ] suggestions2 = [ messages.SuggestedReply('Card #2', 'reply:card_2') ] # Define the card contents for a carousel with two cards, # each with one suggested reply card_contents = [] card_contents.append(messages.CardContent('Card #1', 'The description for card #1', card_image_1, 'MEDIUM', suggestions1)) card_contents.append(messages.CardContent('Card #2', 'The description for card #2', card_image_2, 'MEDIUM', suggestions2)) # Send the device the carousel card defined above carousel_card = messages.CarouselCard('MEDIUM', card_contents) cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(carousel_card) cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; using RCSBusinessMessaging.Cards; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Image references to be used in the carousel cards string card1Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/cute-dog.jpg"; string card2Image = "https://storage.googleapis.com/kitchen-sink-sample-images/elephant.jpg"; // Suggestion chip lists to be used in carousel cards List<Suggestion> suggestions1 = new List<Suggestion> { new SuggestionHelper("Card #1", "card_1").SuggestedReply() }; List<Suggestion> suggestions2 = new List<Suggestion> { new SuggestionHelper("Card #2", "card_2").SuggestedReply() }; // Create the card content for the carousel List<CardContent> cardContents = new List<CardContent> { // Add items as card content new StandaloneCardHelper( "Card #1", "The description for card #1", card1Image, suggestions1).GetCardContent(), new StandaloneCardHelper( "Card #2", "The description for card #2", card2Image, suggestions2).GetCardContent() }; // Send the carousel to the user rbmApiHelper.SendCarouselCards(cardContents, CardWidth.MEDIUM, msisdn);Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Componi un numero
Il seguente codice invia un'azione Dial a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Define a dial suggested action let suggestions = [ { action: { text: 'Call', postbackData: 'postback_data_1234', dialAction: { phoneNumber: '+15556667777' } } }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with a dial suggested action rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.DialAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); // creating a dial suggested action DialAction dialAction = new DialAction(); dialAction.setPhoneNumber("+15556667777"); // creating a suggested action based on a dial action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction(); suggestedAction.setText("Call"); suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234"); suggestedAction.setDialAction(dialAction); // attaching action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(); suggestion.setAction(suggestedAction); suggestions.add(suggestion); // Send simple text message with the suggestion action rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create a dial suggested action suggestions = [ messages.DialAction('Call', 'reply:postback_data_1234', '+15556667777') ] # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggestions for the message to send to the user for suggestion in suggestions: cluster.append_suggestion_chip(suggestion) # Send a simple message with suggested action to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Create a dial an agent suggested action DialAction dialAction = new DialAction { PhoneNumber = "+15556667777" }; // Creating a suggested action based on a dial action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction { Text = "Call", PostbackData = "postback_data_1234", DialAction = dialAction }; // Attach action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion { Action = suggestedAction }; List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { suggestion }; rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Visualizzare una località
Il codice seguente invia un'azione di visualizzazione della posizione a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Define a view location suggested action let suggestions = [ { action: { text: 'View map', postbackData: 'postback_data_1234', viewLocationAction: { latLong: { latitude: 37.4220188, longitude: -122.0844786 }, label: 'Googleplex' } } }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with a view location suggested action rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.ViewLocationAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); // creating a view location suggested action ViewLocationAction viewLocationAction = new ViewLocationAction(); viewLocationAction.setQuery("Googleplex, Mountain View, CA"); // creating a suggested action based on a view location action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction(); suggestedAction.setText("View map"); suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234"); suggestedAction.setViewLocationAction(viewLocationAction); // attaching action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(); suggestion.setAction(suggestedAction); suggestions.add(suggestion); // Send simple text message with the suggestion action rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create a view location suggested action suggestions = [ messages.ViewLocationAction('View map', 'reply:postback_data_1234', query='Googleplex, Mountain View, CA') ] # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggestions for the message to send to the user for suggestion in suggestions: cluster.append_suggestion_chip(suggestion) # Send a simple message with suggested action to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // create an view location action ViewLocationAction viewLocationAction = new ViewLocationAction { Query = "Googleplex Mountain View, CA" }; // Attach the view location action to a suggested action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction { ViewLocationAction = viewLocationAction, Text = "View map", PostbackData = "postback_data_1234" }; // Attach the action to a suggestion object Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion { Action = suggestedAction }; List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { suggestion }; rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Condivisione della posizione
Il seguente codice invia un'azione di condivisione della posizione a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Define a share location suggested action let suggestions = [ { action: { text: 'Share your location', postbackData: 'postback_data_1234', shareLocationAction: { } } }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with a share location suggested action rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.ShareLocationAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); // creating a share location suggested action ShareLocationAction shareLocationAction = new ShareLocationAction(); // creating a suggested action based on a share location action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction(); suggestedAction.setText("Share location"); suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234"); suggestedAction.setShareLocationAction(shareLocationAction); // attaching action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(); suggestion.setAction(suggestedAction); suggestions.add(suggestion); // Send simple text message with the suggestion action rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create a share location suggested action suggestions = [ messages.ShareLocationAction('Share location', 'reply:postback_data_1234') ] # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggestions for the message to send to the user for suggestion in suggestions: cluster.append_suggestion_chip(suggestion) # Send a simple message with suggested action to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Create a share location action ShareLocationAction shareLocationAction = new ShareLocationAction(); // Attach the share location action to a suggested action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction { ShareLocationAction = shareLocationAction, Text = "Share location", PostbackData = "postback_data_1234" }; // Attach the action to a suggestion object Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion { Action = suggestedAction }; List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { suggestion }; rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Apri URL
Il seguente codice invia un'azione Apri URL a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Define an open URL suggested action let suggestions = [ { action: { text: 'Open Google', postbackData: 'postback_data_1234', openUrlAction: { url: 'https://www.google.com' } } }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with an open URL suggested action rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.OpenUrlAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); // creating an open url suggested action OpenUrlAction openUrlAction = new OpenUrlAction(); openUrlAction.setUrl("https://www.google.com"); // creating a suggested action based on an open url action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction(); suggestedAction.setText("Open Google"); suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234"); suggestedAction.setOpenUrlAction(openUrlAction); // attaching action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(); suggestion.setAction(suggestedAction); suggestions.add(suggestion); // Send simple text message with the suggestion action rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create an open url suggested action suggestions = [ messages.OpenUrlAction('Open Google', 'reply:postback_data_1234', 'https://www.google.com') ] # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggestions for the message to send to the user for suggestion in suggestions: cluster.append_suggestion_chip(suggestion) # Send a simple message with suggested action to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Create an open url action OpenUrlAction openUrlAction = new OpenUrlAction { Url = "https://www.google.com" }; // Attach the open url action to a suggested action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction { OpenUrlAction = openUrlAction, Text = "Open Google", PostbackData = "postback_data_1234" }; // Attach the action to a suggestion object Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion { Action = suggestedAction }; List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { suggestion }; rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Crea un evento di calendario
Il codice seguente invia un'azione Crea evento nel calendario a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Define a create calendar event suggested action let suggestions = [ { action: { text: 'Save to calendar', postbackData: 'postback_data_1234', createCalendarEventAction: { startTime: '2020-06-30T19:00:00Z', endTime: '2020-06-30T20:00:00Z', title: 'My calendar event', description: 'Description of the calendar event', }, } }, ]; let params = { messageText: 'Hello, world!', msisdn: '+12223334444', suggestions: suggestions, }; // Send a simple message with a create calendar event suggested action rbmApiHelper.sendMessage(params, function(response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.CreateCalendarEventAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.SuggestedAction; import com.google.api.services.rcsbusinessmessaging.v1.model.Suggestion; import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Create suggestions for chip list List<Suggestion> suggestions = new ArrayList<Suggestion>(); // creating a create calendar event suggested action CreateCalendarEventAction createCalendarEventAction = new CreateCalendarEventAction(); calendarEventAction.setTitle("My calendar event"); calendarEventAction.setDescription("Description of the calendar event"); calendarEventAction.setStartTime("2020-06-30T19:00:00Z"); calendarEventAction.setEndTime("2020-06-30T20:00:00Z"); // creating a suggested action based on a create calendar event action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction(); suggestedAction.setText("Save to calendar"); suggestedAction.setPostbackData("postback_data_1234"); suggestedAction.setCreateCalendarEventAction(createCalendarEventAction); // attaching action to a suggestion Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion(); suggestion.setAction(suggestedAction); suggestions.add(suggestion); // Send simple text message with the suggestion action rbmApiHelper.sendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions ); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service from rcs_business_messaging import messages # Create a calendar event suggested action suggestions = [ messages.CreateCalendarEventAction('Save to Calendar', 'reply:postback_data_1234', '2020-06-30T19:00:00Z', '2020-06-30T20:00:00Z', 'My calendar event', 'Description of the calendar event') ] # Create text message to send to user text_msg = messages.TextMessage('Hello, world!') cluster = messages.MessageCluster().append_message(text_msg) # Append suggestions for the message to send to the user for suggestion in suggestions: cluster.append_suggestion_chip(suggestion) # Send a simple message with suggested action to the device cluster.send_to_msisdn('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using Google.Apis.RCSBusinessMessaging.v1.Data; using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Create a calendar event action CreateCalendarEventAction calendarEventAction = new CreateCalendarEventAction { Title = "My calendar event", Description = "Description of the calendar event", StartTime = "2020-06-30T19:00:00Z", EndTime = "2020-06-30T20:00:00Z" }; // Attach the calendar event action to a suggested action SuggestedAction suggestedAction = new SuggestedAction { CreateCalendarEventAction = calendarEventAction, Text = "Save to calendar", PostbackData = "postback_data_1234" }; // Attach the action to a suggestion object Suggestion suggestion = new Suggestion { Action = suggestedAction }; List<Suggestion> suggestions = new List<Suggestion> { suggestion }; rbmApiHelper.SendTextMessage( "Hello, world!", "+12223334444", suggestions );Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Revoca messaggi
Nell'esempio seguente, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilizzato per Python) presuppone che il file da cui stai lavorando sia una directory sotto la cartella principale dell'app. Potresti dover modificare la posizione in base alla configurazione del progetto.
Il seguente codice revoca un messaggio esistente non recapitato con una biblioteca client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered rbmApiHelper.revokeMessage('+12223334444', messageId, function(err, response) { console.log(response); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … try { // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered rbmApiHelper.revokeMessage(messageId, "+12223334444"); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); }Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service # Stop the message associated with message_id from being delivered rbm_service.revoke('+12223334444', message_id)Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Stop the message associated with messageId from being delivered rbmApiHelper.RevokeMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Inviare eventi
Negli esempi seguenti, rbm_api_helper.js (non utilizzato per Python) presuppone che il file da cui stai lavorando si trovi una directory sotto la cartella dell'app principale. Potresti dover modificare la località a seconda della configurazione del progetto.
Lettura di eventi
Gli eventi di lettura comunicano all'utente che l'agente ha ricevuto il messaggio e lo rassicurano sul fatto che la piattaforma RBM ha inviato il messaggio. Il seguente codice invia un evento di lettura a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage('+12223334444', messageId);Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service # Send the device an event to indicate that message_id was read rbm_service.send_read_event('+12223334444', message_id)Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read rbmApiHelper.SendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
Eventi di digitazione
Gli eventi di digitazione comunicano all'utente che il tuo agente sta scrivendo un messaggio. Il seguente codice invia un evento di digitazione a un dispositivo con una libreria client.
// Reference to RBM API helper const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging'); // Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing rbmApiHelper.sendIsTypingMessage('+12223334444', function() { console.log('Typing event sent!'); });Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
import com.google.rbm.RbmApiHelper; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(); // Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing rbmApiHelper.sendIsTypingMessage("+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service # Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing rbm_service.send_is_typing_event('+12223334444')Questo codice è un estratto di un agente RBM di esempio.
using RCSBusinessMessaging; … // Create an instance of the RBM API helper RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation, projectId); // Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing rbmApiHelper.SendIsTypingMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");Questo codice è un estratto di un agente di esempio RBM.
Passaggi successivi
Consulta le best practice e i sample dell'agente RBM per conoscere la piattaforma e le sue funzionalità.