NEON Canopy Height Model (CHM)
Height of the top of canopy above bare earth (Canopy Height Model; CHM). The CHM is derived from the LiDAR point cloud and is generated by creating a continuous surface of canopy height estimates across the entire spatial domain of the LiDAR survey. The point … airborne canopy forest lidar neon neon-prod-earthengine -
NEON Digital Elevation Model (DEM)
Digital models of the surface (DSM) and terrain (DTM) derived from NEON LiDAR data. DSM: Surface features (topographic information with vegetation and man-made structures present). DTM: Bare earth elevation (topographic information with vegetation and man-made structures removed). Images are given in meters above mean sea … airborne dem forest lidar neon neon-prod-earthengine -
NEON Directional Surface Reflectance
The NEON AOP surface directional reflectance data is a hyperspectral VSWIR (visible to shortwave infrared) data product, containing 426 bands spanning wavelengths from ~380 nm to 2510 nm. Wavelengths between 1340-1445 nm and 1790-1955 nm are set to -100; these are water vapor absorption bands … airborne forest hyperspectral neon neon-prod-earthengine publisher-dataset -
NEON Bidirectional Surface Reflectance
The NEON AOP surface bidirectional reflectance data is a hyperspectral VSWIR (visible to shortwave infrared) data product, containing 426 bands spanning wavelengths from ~380 nm to 2510 nm. Wavelengths between 1340-1445 nm and 1790-1955 nm are set to -100; these are water vapor absorption bands … airborne forest hyperspectral neon neon-prod-earthengine publisher-dataset -
NEON RGB Camera Imagery
High resolution Red-Green-Blue (RGB) orthorectified camera images mosaicked and output onto a fixed, uniform spatial grid using nearest-neighbor resampling; spatial resolution is 0.1 m. The digital camera is part of a suite of instruments on the NEON Airborne Observation Platform (AOP) that also includes a … airborne forest highres neon neon-prod-earthengine orthophoto
[null,null,[],[[["The NEON datasets provide various remote sensing data, including Canopy Height Models (CHM), Digital Elevation Models (DEM), and surface reflectance data, collected using LiDAR and hyperspectral imaging."],["The CHM represents canopy height above bare earth, derived from LiDAR point clouds to create a continuous surface of height estimates."],["NEON offers both directional and bidirectional surface reflectance data, covering visible to shortwave infrared wavelengths with hyperspectral resolution."],["High-resolution RGB camera imagery is also available, orthorectified and mosaicked with a spatial resolution of 0.1 meters."],["The datasets are primarily focused on forest and vegetation monitoring, but also include topographic information and can be used for various environmental analyses."]]],[]]