Neural networks: Nodes and hidden layers

To build a neural network that learns nonlinearities, begin with the following familiar model structure: a linear model of the form y=b+w1x1+w2x2+w3x3.

We can visualize this equation as shown below, where x1, x2, and x3 are our three input nodes (in blue), and y is our output node (in green).

Exercise 1

In the model above, the weight and bias values have been randomly initialized. Perform the following tasks to familiarize yourself with the interface and explore the linear model. You can ignore the Activation Function dropdown for now; we'll discuss this topic later on in the module.

  1. Click the Play (▶️) button above the network to calculate the value of the output node for the input values x1=1.00, x2=2.00, and x3=3.00.

  2. Click the second node in the input layer, and increase the value from 2.00 to 2.50. Note that the value of the output node changes. Select the output nodes (in green) and review the Calculations panel to see how the output value was calculated.

  3. Click the output node (in green) to see the weight (w1, w2, w3) and bias (b) parameter values. Decrease the weight value for w3 (again, note that the value of the output node and the calculations below have changed). Then, increase the bias value. Review how these changes have affected the model output.

Adding layers to the network

Note that when you adjusted the weight and bias values of the network in Exercise 1, that didn't change the overall mathematical relationship between input and output. Our model is still a linear model.

But what if we add another layer to the network, in between the input layer and the output layer? In neural network terminology, additional layers between the input layer and the output layer are called hidden layers, and the nodes in these layers are called neurons.

The value of each neuron in the hidden layer is calculated the same way as the output of a linear model: take the sum of the product of each of its inputs (the neurons in the previous network layer) and a unique weight parameter, plus the bias. Similarly, the neurons in the next layer (here, the output layer) are calculated using the hidden layer's neuron values as inputs.

This new hidden layer allows our model to recombine the input data using another set of parameters. Can this help our model learn nonlinear relationships?

Exercise 2

We've added a hidden layer containing four neurons to the model.

Click the Play (▶️) button above the network to calculate the value of the four hidden-layer nodes and the output node for the input values x1=1.00, x2=2.00, and x3=3.00.

Then explore the model, and use it to answer the following questions.

How many parameters (weights and biases) does this neural network model have?

Try modifying the model parameters, and observe the effect on the hidden-layer node values and the output value (you can review the Calculations panel below to see how these values were calculated).

Can this model learn nonlinearities?
