
AuthToken interface

google.maps.journeySharing.AuthToken interface

The auth token returned by the token fetcher.

Type:  number
The expiration time in seconds. A token expires in this amount of time after fetching.
Type:  string
The token.

AuthTokenContext interface

google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenContext interface

Contains additional information needed to mint JSON Web Tokens.

deliveryVehicleId optional
Type:  string optional
When provided, the minted token should have a private DeliveryVehicleId claim for the provided deliveryVehicleId.
taskId optional
Type:  string optional
When provided, the minted token should have a private TaskId claim for the provided taskId.
trackingId optional
Type:  string optional
When provided, the minted token should have a private TrackingId claim for the provided trackingId.
tripId optional
Type:  string optional
When provided, the minted token should have a private TripId claim for the provided tripId.
vehicleId optional
Type:  string optional
When provided, the minted token should have a private VehicleId claim for the provided vehicleId.

AuthTokenFetcher typedef

google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcher typedef

Auth token function type.

A function that accepts a AuthTokenFetcherOptions object, containing details about the auth token to be minted. This function should mint the token and return a AuthToken containing the token and its expiry time.

function(AuthTokenFetcherOptions): Promise<AuthToken>

AuthTokenFetcherOptions interface

google.maps.journeySharing.AuthTokenFetcherOptions interface

Options for the auth token fetcher.

The auth token context. IDs specified in the context should be added to the request sent to the JSON Web Token minting endpoint.
The Fleet Engine service type.

FleetEngineServiceType constants

google.maps.journeySharing.FleetEngineServiceType constants

Types of Fleet Engine services.

Access by calling const {FleetEngineServiceType} = await google.maps.importLibrary("journeySharing").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

DELIVERY_VEHICLE_SERVICE Fleet Engine service used to access delivery vehicles.
TASK_SERVICE Fleet Engine service used to access task information.
TRIP_SERVICE Fleet Engine service used to access trip information.
UNKNOWN_SERVICE Unknown Fleet Engine service.