Search for and manage Google Chat spaces for your Google Workspace organization

This guide explains how a Google Workspace administrator can use the search() method on a Space resource of the Google Chat API to manage named spaces across their organization and perform administrative tasks.

As a Google Workspace administrator, you can only use the Chat API to manage named spaces, which are defined as a SpaceType of SPACE. Named spaces are persistent places where people send messages, share files, and collaborate. You can't use the Chat API to manage direct messages (DMs) or group chats.

The Space resource represents a place where people and Chat apps can send messages, share files, and collaborate. There are several types of spaces:

  • Direct messages (DMs) are conversations between two users or a user and a Chat app.
  • Group chats are conversations between three or more users and Chat apps.
  • Named spaces are persistent places where people send messages, share files, and collaborate.

As a Google Workspace administrator, you can use the Chat API to search for and manage named spaces in your organization in the following ways:

  • Audit spaces in the organization. Using the search() method, you can retrieve a list of all spaces in an organization with detailed information about each space's settings and metadata such as creation date, last activity date, number of members, status of history setting, and ability to invite external guests.
  • Find and delete inactive spaces. Using the search() method, you can find spaces that haven't been used since a specified date and time and then delete them. For further details and sample code, see Find and delete inactive spaces.
  • Export a list of spaces based on search criteria. Using the search() method, you can retrieve a list of spaces that meet criteria specified in the query and export the results to a CSV file for analysis.
  • Find and contact space managers. Using the search() method, you can retrieve a list of all spaces in an organization, then use the members.list() method to retrieve a list of all space members that are managers.
  • Find spaces without designated managers. Using the search() method, you can retrieve a list of all spaces in an organization, then use the members.list() method to retrieve a list of spaces that don't have any managers.



Call the Google Chat API as an administrator

To authenticate as a user with administrator privileges, you must pass the following in your request:

  • Specify an authorization scope that supports using user authentication with administrator privileges.
  • Set the useAdminAccess field to true.

This section shows the following examples of calling the Chat API as an administrator:

Search for spaces across your organization

This example explains how Google Workspace administrators can use the search() method on the Space resource of the Chat API to search for spaces across an organization based on specified criteria.

To call the search() method with user authentication and administrator privileges, you must specify the following in the request:

  • Specify the chat.admin.spaces or chat.admin.spaces.readonly authorization scope.
  • Specify useAdminAccess=true.
  • Specify the search query parameters to filter the results:
    • customer = "customers/my_customer" - required and the only supported value is customers/my_customer
    • spaceType = "SPACE" - required and the only supported value is SPACE
    • Optionally, one or more additional queries to further filter your space search, such as key words in display names (displayName), the creation date (createTime), or based on space activity (lastActiveTime).

The following code shows an example of how to use administrator privileges to search for spaces with a display name that contains "Hello" and "World", in any combination:

  1. In your working directory, create a file named
  2. Include the following code in

    from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
    from googleapiclient.discovery import build
    SCOPES = [
    def main():
    # Authenticate with Google Workspace
    # and get user authorization.
    flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
    creds = flow.run_local_server()
    # Build a service endpoint for Chat API.
    chat = build('chat', 'v1', credentials=creds)
    spaces = []
    page_token = ''
    # Search for all spaces.
    while True:
      result = (
                'customer = "customers/my_customer"'
                'AND spaceType = "SPACE"'
                'AND displayName:"Hello World"'
      if 'spaces' not in result:
        print('No spaces found named Hello World.')
      if 'nextPageToken' in result:
        page_token = result['nextPageToken']
    print(str(len(spaces)) + ' spaces found:')
    # Prints the list of spaces.
  3. In your working directory, build and run the sample:


Find and delete inactive spaces

This example explains how Google Workspace administrators can use the search() method on the Space resource of the Chat API to find inactive spaces and then delete them using the delete() method with the useAdminAccess parameter.

Inactive Google Chat spaces—ones that are no longer being actively used—can take up valuable storage space and create clutter in the user interface. Using the search() method, administrators can find spaces that haven't been used since a specified date and time, such as two months ago. After the list of spaces is enumerated, administrators can then take action on them, such as updating or deleting them.

To search for a list of inactive spaces and then delete them with user authentication and administrator privileges, pass the following in your requests:

  • To search for inactive spaces, specify the following:
    • Specify the chat.admin.spaces or chat.admin.spaces.readonly authorization scope.
    • Call the search() method on the Spaces resource.
    • Set INACTIVE_SPACE_DEADLINE to the date and time of the last activity that determines spaces to be returned.
    • Specify useAdminAccess=true.
    • Specify the search query parameters to filter the results:
      • customer = "customers/my_customer" - required and the only supported value is customers/my_customer
      • spaceType = "SPACE" - required and the only supported value is SPACE
      • lastActiveTime - to filter your request to only return inactive spaces, specify the lastActiveTime
  • To delete the inactive spaces from the search results, specify the following:
    • Specify the chat.admin.delete authorization scope.
    • Call the delete() method on theSpaces resource.
    • Specify useAdminAccess=true.

The following code shows an example of how to search for inactive spaces and delete them using administrator privileges:

  1. In your working directory, create a file named

  2. Include the following code in

    from google_auth_oauthlib.flow import InstalledAppFlow
    from googleapiclient.discovery import build
    SCOPES = [
    # Any spaces that have not been active since this time will be deleted.
    def main():
      # Authenticate with Google Workspace
      # and get user authorization.
      flow = InstalledAppFlow.from_client_secrets_file(
      creds = flow.run_local_server()
      # Build a service endpoint for Chat API.
      chat = build('chat', 'v1', credentials=creds)
      spaces = []
      page_token = ''
      # Search for all inactive spaces.
      while True:
        result = (
                    'customer = "customers/my_customer" AND spaceType = "SPACE" AND'
                    ' lastActiveTime < '
                + INACTIVE_SPACE_DEADLINE,
        if 'spaces' not in result:
          print('No inactive spaces found.')
        if 'nextPageToken' in result:
          page_token = result['nextPageToken']
      print(str(len(spaces)) + ' inactive spaces found:')
      # Prints the list of inactive spaces.
      # Delete all inactive spaces.
      for space in spaces:
            'Deleted space: '
            + space['displayName']
            + ', Resource Name: '
            + space['name']
    if __name__ == '__main__':
  3. In the code, replace INACTIVE_DATE with a date and time in the form of YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS+HH:MM. For example, "2024-06-01T00:00:00+00:00".

  4. In your working directory, build and run the sample:
