Videos: update

The API now supports the ability to mark your channel or videos as "made for kids." In addition, channel and video resources also now contain a property that identifies the "made for kids" status of that channel or video. The YouTube API Services Terms of Service and Developer Policies were also updated on 10 January 2020. For more information, see the revision histories for the YouTube Data API Service and the YouTube API Services Terms of Service.

Updates a video's metadata.

Quota impact: A call to this method has a quota cost of 50 units.

Common use cases


HTTP request



This request requires authorization with at least one of the following scopes (read more about authentication and authorization).



The following table lists the parameters that this query supports. All of the parameters listed are query parameters.

Required parameters
part string
The part parameter serves two purposes in this operation. It identifies the properties that the write operation will set as well as the properties that the API response will include.

Note that this method will override the existing values for all of the mutable properties that are contained in any parts that the parameter value specifies. For example, a video's privacy setting is contained in the status part. As such, if your request is updating a private video, and the request's part parameter value includes the status part, the video's privacy setting will be updated to whatever value the request body specifies. If the request body does not specify a value, the existing privacy setting will be removed and the video will revert to the default privacy setting.

In addition, not all parts contain properties that can be set when inserting or updating a video. For example, the statistics object encapsulates statistics that YouTube calculates for a video and does not contain values that you can set or modify. If the parameter value specifies a part that does not contain mutable values, that part will still be included in the API response.

The following list contains the part names that you can include in the parameter value:
  • contentDetails
  • fileDetails
  • id
  • liveStreamingDetails
  • localizations
  • paidProductPlacementDetails
  • player
  • processingDetails
  • recordingDetails
  • snippet
  • statistics
  • status
  • suggestions
  • topicDetails
Optional parameters
onBehalfOfContentOwner string
This parameter can only be used in a properly authorized request. Note: This parameter is intended exclusively for YouTube content partners.

The onBehalfOfContentOwner parameter indicates that the request's authorization credentials identify a YouTube CMS user who is acting on behalf of the content owner specified in the parameter value. This parameter is intended for YouTube content partners that own and manage many different YouTube channels. It allows content owners to authenticate once and get access to all their video and channel data, without having to provide authentication credentials for each individual channel. The actual CMS account that the user authenticates with must be linked to the specified YouTube content owner.

Request body

Provide a video resource in the request body. For that resource:

  • You must specify a value for these properties:

    • id
    • snippet.title – This property is only required if the request updates the video resource's snippet.
    • snippet.categoryId – This property is only required if the request updates the video resource's snippet.
  • You can set values for these properties:

    • snippet.categoryId
    • snippet.defaultLanguage
    • snippet.description
    • snippet.tags[]
    • snippet.title
    • status.embeddable
    • status.license
    • status.privacyStatus
    • status.publicStatsViewable
    • status.publishAt – If you set a value for this property, you must also set the status.privacyStatus property to private.
    • status.selfDeclaredMadeForKids
    • status.containsSyntheticMedia
    • recordingDetails.recordingDate
    • localizations.(key)
    • localizations.(key).title
    • localizations.(key).description

    If you are submitting an update request, and your request does not specify a value for a property that already has a value, the property's existing value will be deleted.


If successful, this method returns a video resource in the response body.


The following table identifies error messages that the API could return in response to a call to this method. See the error message documentation for more detail.

Error type Error detail Description
badRequest (400) defaultLanguageNotSet The API request is trying to add localized video details without specifying the default language of the video details.
badRequest (400) invalidCategoryId The snippet.categoryId property specifies an invalid category ID. Use the videoCategories.list method to retrieve supported categories.
badRequest (400) invalidDefaultBroadcastPrivacySetting The request attempts to set an invalid privacy setting for the default broadcast.
badRequest (400) invalidDescription The request metadata specifies an invalid video description.
badRequest (400) invalidPublishAt The request metadata specifies an invalid scheduled publishing time.
badRequest (400) invalidRecordingDetails The recordingDetails object in the request metadata specifies invalid recording details.
badRequest (400) invalidTags The request metadata specifies invalid video keywords.
badRequest (400) invalidTitle The request metadata specifies an invalid or empty video title.
badRequest (400) invalidVideoMetadata The request metadata is invalid.
forbidden (403) forbidden
forbidden (403) forbiddenEmbedSetting The request attempts to set an invalid embed setting for the video. Note that some channels may not have permission to offer embedded players for live streams. See the YouTube Help Center for more information.
forbidden (403) forbiddenLicenseSetting The request attempts to set an invalid license for the video.
forbidden (403) forbiddenPrivacySetting The request attempts to set an invalid privacy setting for the video.
notFound (404) videoNotFound The video that you are trying to update cannot be found. Check the value of the id field in the request body to ensure that it is correct.