পণের ধরন

Google নির্দিষ্ট ব্যবহারকারীর অভিজ্ঞতায় বিভাগ ফিল্টার প্রদান করতে পণ্য বিকল্পগুলিতে option_categories ক্ষেত্রটি ব্যবহার করবে। যদিও Google একটি পণ্য বিকল্পের জন্য প্রযোজ্য সমস্ত বিভাগ পূরণ করার সুপারিশ করে, নিম্নলিখিত বিভাগগুলি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ এবং সম্ভবত ব্যবহারকারীর অভিজ্ঞতায় একটি বড় ভূমিকা পালন করে৷

  • শুধুমাত্র প্রাপ্তবয়স্কদের জন্য
  • অডিও-গাইড
  • সিটি কার্ড
  • পরিবার-বান্ধব
  • দ্রুত-ট্র্যাক
  • স্ব-নির্দেশিত

নিম্নলিখিত বৈধ বিভাগ label সম্পূর্ণ তালিকা যা প্রতিটি পণ্য option_categories ব্যবহার করা যেতে পারে:

  label: "adults-only"
  exclusive_with: "family-friendly"
  comment: "Activity is suitable for adults only"

  label: "animals"
  comment: "Activity is largely centered around animals"

  label: "audio-guide"
  comment: "Tour is guided by pre-recorded commentary"

  label: "beaches"
  comment: "Activity visits or happens at a beach"

  label: "bike-tours"
  comment: "Tour involves sightseeing by bicycle"

  label: "boat-tours"
  comment: "Tour involves sightseeing by boat"

  label: "city-cards"
  comment: "Card or pass that offers admission to multiple top attractions"

  label: "classes"
  comment: "Activity is conducted in a class or workshop setting"

  label: "day-trips"
  comment: "Activity is a full-day or multi-day trip"

  label: "family-friendly"
  exclusive_with: "adults-only"
  comment: "Activity is suitable for adults and children of all ages"

  label: "fast-track"
  comment: "Activity includes skip-the-line admission"

  label: "food"
  comment: "Activity is largely centered around food"

  label: "guided-tours"
  exclusive_with: "self-guided"
  comment: "Tour is conducted by a guide"

  label: "history"
  comment: "Activity is history-related or happens in a historical location"

  label: "hop-on-hop-off"
  comment: "Hop-on hop-off tour by bus, boat, etc"

  label: "literature"
  comment: "Activity is largely centered around a literature theme"

  label: "live-music"
  comment: "Activity includes a live music performance"

  label: "museums"
  comment: "Activity visits or happens at a museum"

  label: "nightlife"
  comment: "Activity includes social activities or entertainment at night"

  label: "outdoors"
  comment: "Activity happens outside or in nature"

  label: "private-tours"
  exclusive_with: "small-group-tours"
  comment: "Tour is conducted with a private group of participants"

  label: "romantic"
  comment: "Activity is recommended for couples"

  label: "recurring-events"
  comment: "Activity is a recurring tourist event taking place at the same venue lasting for at least four weeks, such as weekly shows or seasonal events."

  label: "self-guided"
  exclusive_with: "guided-tours"
  comment: "Activity is self-guided with prepared instructions"

  label: "small-group-tours"
  exclusive_with: "private-tours"
  comment: "Tour is conducted with a small group of participants"

  label: "sports"
  comment: "Activity is largely centered around a sport or fitness theme"

  label: "theme-parks"
  comment: "Activity visits or happens at an amusement park"

  label: "walking-tours"
  comment: "Tour involves sightseeing on foot"

  label: "wheelchair-accessible"
  comment: "Participants in wheelchairs can participate fully"