產品動態饋給是向 Google 提供待辦事物產品清單的主要方式,Google 會利用這項資訊在各項 Google 途徑上顯示你的產品。
物件包含單一 FeedMetadata
物件和零個或多個 Product
物件。如果所有分割區都未提供 Product
message ProductFeed {
// Metadata for this feed.
// Required.
FeedMetadata feed_metadata = 1;
// List of the products.
// Optional. When unset in all shards, all products will be deleted.
repeated Product products = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
FeedMetadata | feed_metadata | 必要。 這個動態饋給的中繼資料。 |
重複的 項產品 |
產品 | 選用。 如果在所有分片中未設定,系統會刪除所有產品。 feed_metadata/max_removal_share
可能需要在移除大量產品時設定。 |
// Example 1: Basic structure
"feed_metadata": {
"products": [
// Example 2: Wipe all products
"feed_metadata": {
"shard_id": 0,
"total_shards_count": 1,
"processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_SNAPSHOT",
"nonce": 202113041501,
"max_removal_share": 1.0
"products": []
message FeedMetadata {
// The current shard ID, zero-based. Shards do not need to be transferred in
// order. Processing will start only after a full set of shards was uploaded.
// Required when total_shards_count > 1.
uint32 shard_id = 1;
// Total number of shards in this transfer.
// Required. Must be >= 1.
uint32 total_shards_count = 2;
// An arbitrary number used to link multiple shards to the same transfer.
// Required when total_shards_count > 1.
// Must be the same for all shards within the transfer.
uint64 nonce = 3;
enum ProcessingInstruction {
// For compatibility, don't use.
// This Feed upload should be processed as a complete snapshot replacing any
// previously uploaded data of this type.
// Supported feed types: product.
// This Feed upload should be processed as an upsert, updating or adding
// data to the previous uploads. Supported feed types: reviews,
// availability.
// Processing instruction for this upload.
// Required.
ProcessingInstruction processing_instruction = 4;
// Maximal share of currently active products that are allowed to be removed
// by an upload. If more products will be removed by this transfer, the whole
// transfer will be rejected.
// This is a safeguard against unintentional take down of a significant part
// of the inventory. Can be set to 1.0 to allow complete inventory take down.
// Optional.
double max_removal_share = 5;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
uint32 | shard_id | total_shards_count 大於 1 時為必填。以 0 為基點。您不必依序轉移區塊。只有在上傳完整的切片後,系統才會開始處理。 |
uint32 | total_shards_count | 必要項目,必須大於或等於 1。 |
uint64 | Nonce | total_shards_count 大於 1 時為必填。轉移作業中的所有區塊都必須相同。 |
列舉 | processing_instruction | 必填。唯一支援的值為 PROCESS_AS_SNAPSHOT 。 |
雙精準數 | max_removal_share | 選用。 允許上傳內容移除的有效產品比例上限。如果這項轉移作業移除的產品更多,整個轉移作業會遭到拒絕。這項措施可避免廣告空間的大量內容遭到誤刪。可設為 1.0,允許完全下架廣告空間。 |
// Example 1: metadata single JSON file
"shard_id": 0,
"total_shards_count": 1,
"processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_SNAPSHOT",
"nonce": 202113041501
// Example 2a: two JSON files (1st file)
"shard_id": 0,
"total_shards_count": 2,
"processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_SNAPSHOT",
"nonce": 202213041502
// Example 2b: two JSON files (2nd file)
"shard_id": 1,
"total_shards_count": 2,
"processing_instruction": "PROCESS_AS_SNAPSHOT",
"nonce": 202213041502
message Product {
// An opaque string from the partner which uniquely identifies the product.
// Allowed characters are alphanumeric, _, and -. Max length: 255.
// Required.
string id = 1;
// The title of the product in plain text, e.g. "Horseback riding on the
// moon". See definition of "LocalizedTextSet" message for the details on the
// localization.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 50 in any language. Max length: 150.
// Required.
LocalizedTextSet title = 2;
// The description of the product. Limited formatting options are allowed in
// the HTML format. Supported tags:
// * h1-h5
// * ul, ol, li
// * strong, italic, em
// * p, br
// Other tags are not supported and will be removed. CSS, tables, style
// property, `a` links are not supported. Images are not allowed, use the
// related_media field instead.
// Important notes:
// * Try not to use other tags except for the supported ones mentioned
// above, because the contents within unsupported tags will be stripped,
// and may lead to an undesirable user experience.
// * Try avoid deep nested structures like more than 3 different heading
// levels or nested lists. Keeping the structure flat, simple, and
// straightforward, helps to create a better user experience.
// * Do not duplicate info from the product_features field below in the
// description as both would normally be shown side by side.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 10000 in any language. Max length:
// 16000.
// Recommended.
LocalizedTextSet description = 3;
// Structured details about the product features.
// Max number of features: 100.
// Recommended.
repeated TextFeature product_features = 4;
// Aggregated product rating.
// Recommended.
Rating rating = 5;
// Related media such as photos or videos.
// Max number of media: 30.
// Recommended.
repeated Media related_media = 6;
// Whether Google should make use of the order in which related media are
// listed in the feed or not. The media order would be used to influence
// the final image order for the product in the UI.
// Optional, default is false.
bool use_media_order = 13;
// Options available for this product.
// Max number of options: 20.
// At least one is required.
repeated Option options = 7;
// Operator details.
// Optional.
Operator operator = 8;
// Inventory type of this product.
enum InventoryType {
// Default inventory type.
// Product is an official ticket to a point of interest. To learn what
// qualifies as official inventory, refer to the policy doc.
// Product is coming directly from the operator or their official
// Connectivity Provider / ResTech.
// Optional.
InventoryType inventory_type = 9;
// Should contain only distinct values of InventoryType.
// Max number of inventory types: 2.
// Optional.
repeated InventoryType inventory_types = 12;
// Confirmation type of this product.
enum ConfirmationType {
// Type of confirmation is unknown.
// Booking is confirmed to the end user immediately.
// Booking is confirmed to the end user within 24 hours.
// Booking is confirmed to the end user within 48 hours.
// Optional.
ConfirmationType confirmation_type = 10;
// Possible fulfillment types -- ways to obtain a document to confirm the
// booking. Combinations are possible, e.g. mobile + printed, or
// printed at home + in-person pickup is available.
// At least one field must be true.
message FulfillmentType {
// Confirmation on a mobile phone, e.g. with a QR code.
bool mobile = 1;
// Printable confirmation.
bool print_at_home = 2;
// Admission documents to be picked up in person.
bool pickup = 3;
// Recommended.
FulfillmentType fulfillment_type = 11;
// Provider brand name.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 50 in any language.
// Max length: 100.
// Optional.
LocalizedTextSet brand_name = 14;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | id | 必填,長度上限 255 個半形字元。 用於識別產品的專屬字串。允許的字元為英數字元、_ 和 -。 |
LocalizedTextSet | title | 必填,建議長度<= 50 個半形字元,長度上限為 150 個半形字元。 詳情請參閱標題和說明指南。 |
LocalizedTextSet | 說明 | 建議長度 <= 10000 個半形字元,長度上限為 16000 個半形字元。 詳情請參閱標題和說明指南。 |
重複的 TextFeature |
product_features | 建議值:地圖項目數量上限為 100 個。 |
評分 | rating | 建議使用。 強烈建議提供評分,因為顯示評分的產品點閱率會更高。 |
repeated Media |
related_media | 建議上限:30 個媒體檔案 強烈建議提供多張圖片。如需圖片相關指南,請參閱圖片規範。 |
布林值 | use_media_order | 選用 提示 Google,在選擇要顯示的圖片時,應考量動態消息中相關媒體的顯示順序。 |
重複 選項 |
選項 | 必填,選項數量上限:20 每項產品至少須有一個產品選項。 |
運算子 | 運算子 | 選用。 |
列舉 | 已淘汰 inventory_type |
選用。INVENTORY_TYPE_OFFICIAL 只能在連結至景點官方票券網站的產品中設定。只有在通過資格審查後,才能設定這個值。這個欄位已淘汰,並由新的重複欄位 inventory_types 取代。 |
repeated | inventory_types | 選用。 這項產品所屬的專屬廣告空間類型重複清單。 INVENTORY_TYPE_OFFICIAL 只能在連結至景點官方票券網站的產品中設定。只有在通過資格審查後,才能設定這個值。INVENTORY_TYPE_OPERATOR_DIRECT 只能在連結至旅遊業者網站的產品中設定。
只有在通過資格審查後,才能設定這個值。 |
列舉 | confirmation_type | 選用。 |
FulfillmentType | fulfillment_type | 建議使用。如果已設為 true,fulfillment_rype 中至少必須有一個欄位設為 true。設定取得文件以確認預訂的方式。你可以選擇多種服務組合,例如行動裝置 + 沖印服務,或是在家沖印 + 親自取件。 |
LocalizedTextSet | brand_name | 長度上限為 100 個字元。 產品應顯示的品牌名稱,取代現已淘汰的 `operator/name`。只能設定這兩個值中的一個。 |
"id": "product-1",
"title": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans bike tour"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "Tour en bicicleta por Dans"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "丹斯自行車之旅"
"description": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "<p>A very fun bike tour<p>"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "<p>Un recorrido en bicicleta muy divertido.</p>"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "<p>一個非常有趣的自行車之旅.</p>"
"brand_name": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans Bikes"
"rating": {
"average_value": 4.6,
"rating_count": 192
"product_features": [{
"feature_type": "TEXT_FEATURE_INCLUSION",
"value": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "<p>A very fun bike tour<p>"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "<p>Un recorrido en bicicleta muy divertido.</p>"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "<p>一個非常有趣的自行車之旅.</p>"
"feature_type": "TEXT_FEATURE_HIGHLIGHT",
"value": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "<p>A very fun bike tour<p>"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "<p>Un recorrido en bicicleta muy divertido.</p>"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "<p>一個非常有趣的自行車之旅.</p>"
"feature_type": "TEXT_FEATURE_MUST_KNOW",
"value": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "<p>A very fun bike tour<p>"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "<p>Un recorrido en bicicleta muy divertido.</p>"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "<p>一個非常有趣的自行車之旅.</p>"
"options": [{
"id": "option-1",
"title": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Sunset tour"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "Tour al atardecer"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "日落之旅"
"landing_page": {
"url": "https://www.danstour.com/sunset?language={lang}¤cy={currency}"
"cancellation_policy": {
"refund_conditions": [
"min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
"refund_percent": 100
"option_categories": [
"label": "sports"
"label": "bike-tours"
"related_locations": [
"location": {
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
"location": {
"location": {
"lat_lng": {
"latitude": 53.339688,
"longitude": 6.236688
"price_options": [
"id": "option-1-adult",
"title": "Adult (14+)",
"price": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 20
"fees_and_taxes": {
"per_ticket_fee": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
"per_ticket_tax": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
"id": "option-2",
"title": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Sunrise tour"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "Tour al amanecer"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "日出之旅"
"landing_page": {
"url": "https://www.danstour.com/sunrise?language={lang}¤cy={currency}"
"cancellation_policy": {
"refund_conditions": [
"min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
"refund_percent": 100
"option_categories": [
"label": "sports"
"label": "bike-tours"
"related_locations": [
"location": {
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
"price_options": [
"id": "option-2-adult",
"title": "Adult (14+)",
"price": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 20,
"nanos": 0
"meeting_point": {
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
"description": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Sunrise tour"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "Tour al amanecer"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "日出之旅"
"related_media": [
"url": "http://www.danstour.com/photo1.jpg",
"url": "http://www.danstour.com/photo2.jpg",
"attribution": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans Photos"
"operator": {
"name": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans Bikes"
"phone_number": "01234567",
"locations": [{
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
message Option {
// Option ID. Must be unique within a product.
// Required.
string id = 1;
// The title of the option in plain text, e.g. "Sunset tour".
// If there is only a single option, the option title may be the same as the
// product title. If multiple product options are presented, the title must be
// unique to the option.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 50 in any language.
// Max length: 150.
// Required.
LocalizedTextSet title = 2;
// The description of the option. Limited formatting options are allowed in
// the HTML format, see product description field for more details.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 10000 in any language.
// Max length: 16000.
// Recommended.
LocalizedTextSet description = 3;
// Landing page URL for this option. The page should include a button to start
// the booking/checkout flow.
// Required.
DeepLink landing_page = 5;
// Link to a list view at a higher level of available tickets and tours,
// prominently showing this option possibly among other options.
// Recommended.
DeepLink landing_page_list_view = 6;
// Additional structured details about the option features. Should not
// duplicate the details from the product level.
// Max number of features: 100.
// Optional.
repeated TextFeature option_features = 7;
// Cancellation policy for this option.
// Recommended.
CancellationPolicy cancellation_policy = 8;
// Relevant categories for this Option. Refer to the documentation for valid
// and mutually exclusive values.
// Max number of categories: 100.
// Optional.
repeated Category option_categories = 9;
// List of locations related to this option.
// Max number of locations: 100.
// Recommended.
repeated RelatedLocation related_locations = 10;
// If true, the option is a *typical ticket* that a user would expect to buy
// to participate in the experience, whether it's an attraction admission or
// a slot in a tour.
// Optional, default is false.
bool base_ticket = 11;
// All possible prices for this option.
// Note: With Feed Spec v1 only single Adult price is supported. If multiple
// price options were provided, the lowest price, possibly with notion
// "from ..." would be displayed.
// At least one is required.
repeated PriceOption price_options = 12;
// Duration of the option in seconds, where applicable, e.g. for guided tours,
// boat trips etc. This should reflect the duration of experience (not
// validity time).
// Optional.
uint32 duration_sec = 16;
// Languages of the option. Only where relevant -- when it's important for
// the end user to understand and/or read in the language to enjoy the
// experience. E.g. relevant for a guided tour, but not for a mini-golf pass.
// Max number of languages: 100.
// Recommended.
repeated Language languages = 14;
// Meeting point -- the start location. Only add where relevant and
// beneficial, e.g. the place where participant will meet the tour guide to
// start a walking tour, the place where participant will be picked up for a
// city tour, the dock where a cruise trip will start.
// Optional.
Location meeting_point = 15;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | id | 必要。 選項 ID。在產品中不得重複。 |
LocalizedTextSet | title | 必填,建議長度:50 個半形字元,長度上限:150 個半形字元。 如果只有一個選項,選項標題可能會與產品標題相同。如果提供多個產品選項,則每個選項的名稱都必須不重複。詳情請參閱標題和說明指南。 |
LocalizedTextSet | 說明 | 建議長度:10000,長度上限:16000。 詳情請參閱標題和說明指南。 |
DeepLink | landing_page | 必要。 必須包含預訂產品的按鈕或連結。 詳情請參閱到達網頁指南。 |
DeepLink | landing_page_list_view | 建議使用。 連結至可預訂的門票和旅遊行程清單檢視畫面,並在其他選項中醒目顯示此選項。 詳情請參閱到達網頁指南。 |
重複的 TextFeature |
option_features | 選用,地圖項目數量上限:100。 不應重複產品層級的詳細資料。 |
CancellationPolicy | cancellation_policy | 建議使用。 |
repeated 類別 |
option_categories | 選用,類別數量上限:100。 這個選項的相關類別。如需其他建議值,請參閱「產品類別」說明文件。 |
重複的 RelatedLocation |
related_location | 建議值:地點數量上限為 100。 提供正確的相關地點清單非常重要,才能讓產品顯示在最相關的位置,但如果標記過多或提供不正確的資料,產品就會遭到移除。詳情請參閱地點和搜尋點指南。 |
bool | base_ticket | 選用。 用於指出產品選項是否為基本入場票。 |
repeated PriceOption |
price_options | 必填,至少 1 個。 此選項的所有可能價格。 注意:系統僅支援成人價格。如果提供多個價格選項,系統會使用第一個通過地理位置限制檢查的價格。如為團體票,則必須改用整個團體的全額價格。 |
uint32 | duration_sec | 選用。 適用情況下,以秒為單位的選項時間長度,例如導覽行程、船遊行程。這應反映體驗的持續時間 (而非有效時間)。 |
重複的 語言 |
語言 | 建議的語言數上限:100 種。 可用於該選項的語言。當使用者必須瞭解和/或以該語言閱讀內容,才能享有良好體驗時。例如導覽行程。 |
位置 | meeting_point | 選用。 請僅在相關且有益的情況下新增,例如參與者與導遊會面,開始徒步導覽的場所,或參與者搭乘城市觀光巴士的集合地點,以及郵輪行程的出發碼頭。 |
"id": "option-1",
"title": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Sunset tour"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "Tour al atardecer"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "日落之旅"
"landing_page": {
"url": "https://www.danstour.com/sunset?language={lang}¤cy={currency}"
"cancellation_policy": {
"refund_conditions": [
"min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
"refund_percent": 100
"option_categories": [
"label": "sports"
"label": "bike-tours"
"related_locations": [
"location": {
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
"location": {
"location": {
"lat_lng": {
"latitude": 53.339688,
"longitude": 6.236688
"price_options": [
"id": "option-1-adult",
"title": "Adult (14+)",
"price": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 20
"fees_and_taxes": {
"per_ticket_fee": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
"per_ticket_tax": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
message TextFeature {
enum TextFeatureType {
// Don't use, for backwards compatibility only.
// Feature is an inclusion.
// Feature is an exclusion.
// Feature is a highlight.
// Feature is a "must know".
// Feature represents information about safety measures.
// Feature type.
// Required.
TextFeatureType feature_type = 1;
// LocalizedTextSet content of the feature. Values support both plain-text
// and HTML-like text for basic formatting. Supported HTML formatting tags:
// Phrase tags: <br>, <strong>, <em>, <i>:
// Only the four tags mentioned above are supported. <br> can be used to
// break lines in paragraphs, and <strong>/<em>/<i> can be used to highlight
// important text. Any other phrase tags will be ignored.
// All other tags and custom styles are not allowed and will be removed. Any
// URLs, anchors, and links will be stripped, and will never be displayed to
// end-users.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 1000 in any language. Max length: 2000.
// Required.
LocalizedTextSet value = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
列舉 | feature_type | 必要。 地圖項目類型,可能的值: TEXT_FEATURE_INCLUSION :Feature 是包含項目。TEXT_FEATURE_EXCLUSION :地圖項目是排除項目。TEXT_FEATURE_HIGHLIGHT :Feature 是精選內容。TEXT_FEATURE_MUST_KNOW :功能是「必知」項目。TEXT_FEATURE_SAFETY_INFORMATION :這項功能代表安全措施的相關資訊。 |
LocalizedTextSet | 值 | 必填,建議長度不超過 1000 個半形字元,長度上限:2000 個半形字元。 支援的 HTML 格式標記:br、strong、em、i 僅支援上述四個標記。 br 可用於在段落中斷行,而 strong /em /i 則可用來標明重要文字。系統會忽略其他所有詞組標記。系統不允許其他所有標記和自訂樣式,而且會將其移除。所有網址、錨定標記和連結都將移除,一律不會向使用者顯示。 |
"feature_type": "TEXT_FEATURE_HIGHLIGHT",
"value": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "<p>A very fun bike tour<p>"
"language_code": "es",
"text": "<p>Un recorrido en bicicleta muy divertido.</p>"
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "<p>一個非常有趣的自行車之旅.</p>"
message Rating {
// Average rating value.
// The value must be in the range of [1, 5] and can be omitted if and only if
// the rating_count is zero.
double average_value = 1;
// Number of ratings used in calculating the value.
// Required.
uint64 rating_count = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
雙精準數 | average_value | 選用。 平均評分值。這個值必須在 [1, 5] 的範圍內,如果 rating_count 為零則可省略。 |
uint64 | rating_count | 必要。 計算值時使用的評分數量。 |
// Example 1
"average_value": 4.6,
"rating_count": 192
// Example 2: No ratings data
"rating_count": 0
message Media {
// URL of this media source. Google will crawl the media hosted at this URL.
// Max length: 2000.
// Required.
string url = 1;
enum MediaType {
// Don't use, for backwards compatibility only.
// Indicates the media provided by the url is a photo.
// Type of this media source.
// Required.
MediaType type = 2;
// Attribution information about the source of the media. Note that if
// the attribution is required to display with the media to give credit to
// photographer or agency, this field must be set.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 1000 in any language.
// Max length: 2000.
// Optional.
LocalizedTextSet attribution = 3;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | 網址 | 必要,長度上限:2000。 這個媒體來源的網址。Google 會檢索透過這個網址代管的媒體。 |
列舉 | 類型 | 必填。 這個媒體來源的類型。可能的值: MEDIA_TYPE_PHOTO :指出網址提供的媒體為相片。 |
LocalizedTextSet | 歸因 | 選用,建議長度:1000,長度上限:2000。 媒體來源的作者資訊。請注意,如果必須提供出處,註明拍攝該媒體的攝影師或拍攝機構,就必須設定這個欄位。 |
"url": "http://www.danstour.com/photo2.jpg",
"attribution": {
"localized_texts": [
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans Photos"
message Category {
// Refer to the documentation for the valid values list.
// Required.
string label = 1;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | 標籤 | 必要。如需有效值清單,請參閱產品類別說明文件。 |
"label": "sports"
// Defines relation between an option and a location.
message RelatedLocation {
// Location related to an option. Can be a POI (e.g. Eiffel tower),
// neighbourhood (e.g. Old Town) or an address / arbitrary map point.
// Required.
Location location = 1;
enum RelationType {
// Location is related but relation does not allow admission or admission is
// irrelevant, e.g. location is a square highlighted in a city tour.
// Relation grants admission to this related location.
// Relation declares an additional service which doesn't get the user into
// the related location, e.g. a parking ticket, a temporary exhibition, etc.
// Relation type of an option for the given location.
// Required.
RelationType relation_type = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
位置 | 位置 | 必填。 與選項相關的位置。可以是 POI (例如艾菲爾鐵塔)、街區 (例如 Old Town) 或地址 / 任意地圖點。 |
列舉 | relation_type | 必填。 指定地點的選項關係類型。可能的值: RELATION_TYPE_RELATED_NO_ADMISSION :位置相關,但關係不允許入場,或入場與位置無關,例如位置是城市遊覽中標示的廣場。RELATION_TYPE_ADMISSION_TICKET :關係可讓使用者進入這個相關地點。RELATION_TYPE_SUPPLEMENTARY_ADDON :Relation 會宣告額外服務,不會將使用者帶入相關位置,例如停車罰單或臨時展覽。 |
// Example of place ID POI with no admissions
"location": {
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
// Example of Address POI with admissions
"location": {
"location": {
"address": "Madame Tussauds Berlin, Unter den Linden 74, 10117 Berlin, Germany"
// Deep link definition. Can include value parameters that will be expanded on
// serve time.
message DeepLink {
// Landing page URL template for desktop. If both `url` and `localized_url`
// are provided, the former is used as a fallback in case
// no URL matches the user’s locale.
// Max length: 2000.
// Either `url` or `localized_url` is required.
string url = 1;
// Localized landing page URL template for desktop. If both `url` and
// `localized_url` are provided, the former is used as a fallback in case
// no URL matches the user’s locale.
// Max length: 2000.
// Max number of locales: 50.
// Either `url` or `localized_url` is required.
LocalizedTextSet localized_url = 3;
reserved 2, 4;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | 網址 | 選用,長度上限:2000。 電腦版到達網頁網址範本。必須提供 `url` 或 `localized_url`。 |
LocalizedTextSet | localized_url | 選用,長度上限:2000,本地變數數量上限:50。 電腦版的本地化到達網頁網址範本。如果同時提供 url 和 localized_url ,如果沒有任何網址符合使用者的語言代碼,系統會使用前者做為備用方案。如果 url 無法使用且未提供語言,系統會使用英文網址。 |
// Example 1: single landing page URL.
"url": "https://www.danstour.com/bike-tours/?language={lang}¤cy={currency}"
// Example 2: localized landing page url with fallback
"url": "https://www.danstour.com/bike-tours/?currency={currency}",
"localized_url": {
"localized_texts": [{
"language_code": "de",
"text": "https://www.danstour.com.de/bike-tours/?currency={currency}"
}, {
"language_code": "es-MX",
"text": "https://mx.danstour.com/bike-tours/?currency={currency}"
}, {
"language_code": "zh-HK",
"text": "https://hk.danstour.com.es/bike-tours/?currency={currency}"
message Operator {
// Operator name.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 50 in any language. Max length: 100.
// Required.
LocalizedTextSet name = 1;
// Operator business name as it is registered in Google Business Profile and
// appearing on Google Maps.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 50 in any language.
// Max length: 100.
// Required.
LocalizedTextSet google_business_profile_name = 4;
// Operator phone number. Prefer full international phone number format.
// Max length: 64.
// Optional.
string phone_number = 2;
// List of operator locations.
// Max number of locations: 1.
// Optional.
repeated Location locations = 3;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
LocalizedTextSet | name (已淘汰) | 選用,建議長度:50,長度上限:100。 這項產品的賣家品牌名稱。OTA 應將這個值設為 OTA 品牌。 這個欄位現已淘汰,並由產品下的 brand_name 取代 |
LocalizedTextSet | google_business_profile_name | 必填,長度上限:100。 經營者商家名稱,如已註冊在 Google 商家檔案中,就會顯示在 Google 地圖上。如要參與操作員預訂模組,必須填入這個欄位。 |
字串 | phone_number | 選用,長度上限:64 個半形字元。 作業員電話號碼。請使用完整的國際電話號碼格式。 |
重複 位置 |
位置 | 選用,最多 1 個。 營業人的營業地址。 如果使用地址字串,請在地址字串中加入商家名稱。例如「商家名稱、街道地址」。如果運營商的業務無法在 Google 地圖上找到,運營商應註冊 Google 商家檔案,以便觸發運營商預訂模組。 |
// Example 1: Sending operator information for operator booking module:
operator: {
"google_business_profile_name": {
"localized_texts": [{
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Dans Bikes"}]
"locations": [{
"location": { //Operator business address
"address": "Dans Bikes, 123 NYC st…"
message Language {
// A BCP 47 compliant language code such as "en" or "de-CH".
string code = 1;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | 程式碼 | 符合 BCP-47 標準的語言代碼,例如「en」或「de-CH」。 |
"code": "de-CH"
message PriceOption {
// Unique ID within the price set.
// Max length: 255.
// Required.
string id = 1;
// Short description of the price option, e.g. "Adult weekday".
// Max length: 150.
// Required.
string title = 2;
// Price value, must match the final price on the checkout page, including all
// taxes and charges, see price policy. Currency will be converted to the user
// currency on rendering.
// Required when is_free is false.
google.type.Money price = 3;
// Admission or ticket is free. Must be set to true for zero-price options.
// Optional, default is false.
bool is_free = 4;
// List of geographical regions this price is applicable to. If empty,
// applicable to all locations.
// Optional.
repeated GeoCriterion geo_criteria = 5;
// Break down of fees and taxes included in the price above.
// Optional.
PriceFeesAndTaxes fees_and_taxes = 6;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | id | 必填,長度上限:255 個半形字元。 價格組合中的專屬 ID。 |
字串 | title | 必填,長度上限:150 個字元。 價格選項的簡短說明,例如「成人平日」。 |
google.type.Money | 價格 | is_free 為 false 時為必填。價格值必須與結帳頁面上的最終價格一致,包括所有稅金和費用,請參閱價格政策。系統會在算繪時將貨幣轉換為使用者貨幣。 |
bool | is_free | 選用,預設值為 false。 免費入場或票價。必須設為 true,才能提供零價格的選項。 |
重複的 GeoCriterion |
geo_criteria | 選用。 此價格適用的地理區域清單。如果留空,則適用於所有地點。 |
重複的 PriceFeesAndTaxes |
fees_and_taxes | 選用。 價格包含的費用和稅金明細。 |
"id": "option-1-adult",
"title": "Adult (14+)",
"price": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 20
"fees_and_taxes": {
"per_ticket_fee": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
"per_ticket_tax": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
message GeoCriterion {
// 2-letter country code as defined in ISO 3166-1.
// Required.
string country_code = 1;
// If true, criterion is negative (the country code is excluded).
bool is_negative = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | country_code | 必填。 根據 ISO 3166-1 定義的 2 個字母國家/地區代碼。 |
bool | is_negative | 選用。 如果為 true,則條件為負值 (國家/地區代碼除外)。 |
"country_code": "US",
"is_negative": "true"
message PriceFeesAndTaxes {
// Booking fees included in the final product price for a single ticket.
// Optional.
google.type.Money per_ticket_fee = 1;
// State taxes included in the final product price for a single ticket.
// Optional.
google.type.Money per_ticket_tax = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
google.type.Money | per_ticket_fee | 選用。 單張票的最終產品價格已包含預訂手續費。 |
google.type.Money | per_ticket_tax | 選用。 單張票的最終產品價格已包含州稅。 |
"per_ticket_fee": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
"per_ticket_tax": {
"currency_code": "EUR",
"units": 1
message Location {
// At least one of (location, description) must be set, and we highly
// recommend populating location wherever possible.
// To emphasize, both fields can be populated together, e.g. you can set
// Central Park New York for the location and "In front of the 72 Street
// Station" for the description.
GeoLocation location = 1;
// Additional description in human-readable form, e.g.
// "On the left side of the fountain on the Palace square".
// At least one of (location, description) must be set.
// Recommended to not exceed length of 1000 in any language. Max length: 2000.
LocalizedTextSet description = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
GeoLocation | 位置 | 選用,但至少須提供一個位置或說明。 地理位置。 |
LocalizedTextSet | 說明 | 選用,建議長度:1000,長度上限:2000,必須提供至少一個位置或說明。 其他說明應以人類可讀的形式提供,例如「在宮殿廣場噴泉的左側」。 |
"location": {
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
如要進一步瞭解每種提示類型,請參閱 使用規範。
message GeoLocation {
// Required (exactly one variant from oneof).
// See
// https://developers.google.com/travel/things-to-do/guides/partner-integration/location
// for detailed guidelines.
oneof value {
// Place ID as defined by the Places API:
// https://developers.google.com/places/web-service/place-id
// Uniquely identifies a POI on Google.
// It can be sourced using the Places API endpoints, for instance Place
// Search or Place Autocomplete, or manually using the Find Location Matches
// tool in Things to Do Center.
string place_id = 1;
// Legacy single-line address.
// Components are expected to be comma-separated, with the first component
// being the place name as it is displayed on Google.
// For higher matching accuracy, use the street address shown on Google for
// the place.
// Examples:
// - "Colosseum, Piazza del Colosseo, 1, 00184 Roma RM, Italy"
// - "The British Museum, Great Russell St, London WC1B 3DG, United Kingdom"
// Max length: 200.
// Deprecated: use `place_info` for higher matching accuracy, which provides
// a separate field for the place name and supports both structured and
// unstructured address formats.
string address = 3 [deprecated = true];
// Structured place information.
PlaceInfo place_info = 4;
// Business Profile ID, as found in the Google Business Profile settings
// page. Use this field when sourcing locations directly from the place
// owner, who has access to the Google Business Profile for the place and
// can provide such ID.
uint64 business_profile_id = 5;
// Geographic coordinates.
// This field can only be used to determine a city or geographical region,
// as it is too ambiguous to identify a specific place or businesses.
// Use `place_info` instead to match to a specific place by name and
// coordinates.
google.type.LatLng lat_lng = 2;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | place_id | 選用,必須提供 place_id 、address 、place_info 、business_profile_id 或 lat_lng 其中一個。由 Places API 定義的 PlaceId。可在 Google 上識別 POI 的唯一 ID。你可以使用 Places API 端點 (例如 Place Search 或 Place Autocomplete) 取得來源,也可以手動使用 Things to Do Center 的「尋找相符地點」工具。 |
字串 | 地址 | 選用,必須提供 place_id 、address 、place_info 、business_profile_id 或 lat_lng 其中一個。已淘汰。舊版單行地址。長度上限:200。 元件應以半形逗號分隔,第一個元件是 Google 上顯示的地點名稱。為提高比對準確度,請使用 Google 上顯示的地點街道地址。 |
PlaceInfo | place_info | 選用,必須提供 place_id 、address 、place_info 、business_profile_id 或 lat_lng 其中一個。結構化地點資訊。 |
uint64 | business_profile_id | 選用,必須提供 place_id 、address 、place_info 、business_profile_id 或 lat_lng 其中一個。商家檔案 ID,請參閱 Google 商家檔案設定頁面。直接向地點擁有者取得地點時,請使用這個欄位。該擁有者可存取該地點的 Google 商家檔案,並提供相關 ID。 |
google.type.LatLng | lat_lng | 選用,必須提供 place_id 、address 、place_info 、business_profile_id 或 lat_lng 其中一個。地理座標。這個欄位只能用來判斷城市或地理區域,因為它太模糊,無法識別特定地點或商家。請改用 place_info ,根據名稱和座標比對特定地點。 |
"place_id": "ChIJ3S-JXmauEmsRUcIaWtf4MzE"
"address": "Eiffel Tower, 5 Av. Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France"
"place_info": {
"name": "Eiffel Tower",
"unstructured_address": "5 Av. Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France"
"business_profile_id": 11458995034835395294
"lat_lng": {
"latitude": -25.3511774,
"longitude": 131.0326859
message PlaceInfo {
// Place or business name.
// For higher matching accuracy, this should be the same as the name shown on
// Google for the place. For places with a claimed Google Business Profile,
// this should be the same as the business name configured in the business
// profile.
// Max length: 100.
// Required.
string name = 1;
// Phone number, including the international prefix.
// For higher matching accuracy, this should be the same as the phone number
// shown on Google for the place.
// It can include commonly used separator characters.
// Examples: "+1 212-363-3200", "+91 562 222 7261".
// Max length: 30.
// Optional.
string phone_number = 2;
// Website URL shown on Google for the place, preferably the URL linked from
// the business listing in Google Maps or Search for the place.
// Max length: 1000.
// Optional.
string website_url = 3;
// Geographic coordinates of the place.
// If left empty, Google will infer the coordinates from the address.
// Optional, but either `coordinates` or one of `address_type` must be
// provided.
google.type.LatLng coordinates = 4;
// Optional, but either `coordinates` or one of `address_type` must be
// provided.
oneof address_type {
// Structured address.
// Prefer this format whenever possible for higher matching accuracy.
StructuredAddress structured_address = 5;
// Unstructured address.
// It should not include the place or business name, which must instead be
// provided separately using the `name` field.
// Examples:
// - `name`: "Colosseum", `unstructured_address`: "Piazza del Colosseo, 1,
// 00184 Roma RM, Italy".
// - `name`: "The British Museum", `unstructured_address`: "Great Russell
// St, London WC1B 3DG, United Kingdom".
// Max length: 400.
string unstructured_address = 6;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | 名稱 | 必要。長度上限:300 個字元。地點或商家名稱。為提高比對精確度,這個名稱應與 Google 上顯示的地點名稱相同。如果地點已宣稱 Google 商家檔案,則此名稱應與商家檔案中設定的商家名稱相同。 |
字串 | phone_number | 選用。長度上限:30。電話號碼,包括國際區號。為提高比對準確度,請務必填入 Google 上顯示的電話號碼。可包含常用的分隔符字元。例如:「+1 212-363-3200」、「+91 562 222 7261」。 |
字串 | website_url | 選用。長度上限:1000。在 Google 上顯示的該地點網站網址,最好是從 Google 地圖或 Google 搜尋中商家資訊連結的網址。 |
google.type.LatLng | 座標 | 選用。地點的地理座標。如果留空,Google 會從地址推斷座標。選填,但必須提供 coordinates 或 structured_address 和 unstructured_address 任一項。 |
StructuredAddress | structured_address | 選用,可提供 structured_address 或 unstructured_address 其中一個,但不能同時提供兩者。 |
字串 | unstructured_address | 選用,可提供 structured_address 或 unstructured_address 其中一個,但不能同時提供兩者。 |
"place_info": {
"name": "Colosseum",
"phone_number": "+39 063 99 67 700",
"website_url": "https://colosseo.it/",
"coordinates": {
"latitude": 41.8902102,
"longitude": 12.4922309
"structured_address" {
"street_address": "Piazza del Colosseo, 1",
"locality": "Roma",
"administrative_area": "RM",
"postal_code": "00184",
"country_code": "IT"
"place_info": {
"name": "Eiffel Tower",
"unstructured_address": "5 Av. Anatole France, 75007 Paris, France"
"place_info": {
"name": "Mutitjulu Waterhole",
"coordinates": {
"latitude": -25.3511774,
"longitude": 131.0326859
message StructuredAddress {
// Street address, including house number and any other component that cannot
// be provided using the more specific fields defined below. It should not
// include the place or business name, which must instead be provided
// separately using the `name` field under `PlaceInfo`. It should also not
// include postal code, locality or country as those should be provided using
// the corresponding fields below.
// Examples:
// - "Piazza del Colosseo, 1" for the Colosseum.
// - "Great Russell St" for The British Museum.
// - "Champ de Mars, 5 Av. Anatole France" for the Eiffel Tower.
// Max length: 200.
// Required.
string street_address = 1;
// Locality, generally referring to the city/town portion of an address.
// Examples: "New York", "Rome", "London", "Tokyo".
// In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit
// into this structure well, leave empty.
// Max length: 80.
// Optional.
string locality = 2;
// Highest administrative subdivision used for postal addresses of the
// specific country or region. This can be a state, a region, a province, an
// oblast, a prefecture, etc.
// It can be an abbreviation or a full name, depending on how the region is
// usually represented in the postal addresses of the specific country. For
// example, "CA" or "California" for US addresses, "RM" for Rome province in
// Italy.
// Many countries don't use an administrative area in postal addresses. For
// instance, this field should not be used for addresses in Switzerland.
// Max length: 80.
// Optional.
string administrative_area = 3;
// The postal code or zip code.
// Examples: "75007", "WC1B 3DG", etc.
// Required if the country supports postal codes, otherwise it should be left
// empty.
// Max length: 30.
// Optional.
string postal_code = 4;
// Country code, as defined by Unicode's "CLDR", itself based on the ISO 3166
// alpha-2 standard. See
// https://unicode.org/cldr/charts/latest/supplemental/territory_containment_un_m_49.html.
// Examples: "US" for the United States, "FR" for France, "GB" for the United
// Kingdom, etc.
// Max length: 2.
// Required.
string country_code = 5;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
字串 | street_address | 必要。長度上限:200。街道地址 (包含門牌號碼) 和任何其他無法透過更具體的欄位提供的元件。請勿納入地點或商家名稱,請改為使用 PlaceInfo 下方的 name 欄位提供這些資訊。也請勿在地址中加入郵遞區號、地區或國家/地區,因為這些資訊應使用對應的欄位提供。 |
字串 | locality | 選用。長度上限:80 個字元。地點,通常是指地址中的城市或鄉鎮部分。如為未明確定義縣市或其縣市不適用此結構的地區,請留空。 |
字串 | administrative_area | 選用。長度上限:80 個字元。最高行政區,用於特定國家/地區的郵遞地址。例如州、區域、省、州/道/府/縣。這可以是縮寫或全名,視特定國家/地區的郵遞地址通常如何表示區域而定。 |
字串 | postal_code | 選用。長度上限:30。郵遞區號。如果國家/地區支援郵遞區號,則為必填欄位;否則應留空。 |
字串 | country_code | 選用。長度上限:2。國家/地區代碼,由 Unicode 的「CLDR」定義,本身採用 ISO 3166 alpha-2 標準。請參閱 Unicode 說明文件。 |
"structured_address" {
"street_address": "Piazza del Colosseo, 1",
"locality": "Roma",
"administrative_area": "RM",
"postal_code": "00184",
"country_code": "IT"
// Values of the localized fields.
message LocalizedTextSet {
// Per-locale LocalizedText values.
// Maximum repeatedness: 50
repeated google.type.LocalizedText localized_texts = 1;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
repeated google.type.LocalizedText |
localized_texts | 依據語言代碼本地化的文字值。 |
"language_code": "en",
"text": "Sunrise tour"
// Cancellation policy for a product.
message CancellationPolicy {
// Defines a single refund condition. Multiple refund conditions could be
// used together to describe "refund steps" as various durations before the
// service start time.
message RefundCondition {
// Duration in seconds before the start time, until when the customer can
// receive a refund for part of the service's cost specified in
// `refund_percent`.
// When unset or set to 0 the service can be cancelled at any time.
// Optional.
uint32 min_duration_before_start_time_sec = 1;
// The percent that can be refunded, as long as the service booking is
// cancelled at least `min_duration_before_start_time` before the service
// start time, in the range of [0, 100].
// When unset or set to 0, the service is not refundable. When set to 100
// this service is fully refundable.
// Optional.
uint32 refund_percent = 2;
// A flat fee deducted on refund. Could be used separately, or in
// combination with the refund_percent above. In the latter case, refund
// percent applies first, then the fee is deducted.
// Optional.
google.type.Money refund_fee = 3;
// Zero or more refund conditions applicable to the policy.
// Max number of refund conditions: 10.
repeated RefundCondition refund_conditions = 1;
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
RefundCondition | refund_conditions | 選用,退款條件數量上限:10。 |
類型 | 欄位 | 附註 |
uint32 | min_duration_before_start_time_sec | 選用。 在開始時間之前的時間長度 (以秒為單位),直到客戶可收到服務費用的部分退款 (比例依 refund_percent 中指定的值) 為止。如果未設定或設為 0,代表可隨時取消服務。 |
uint32 | refund_percent | 選用。 可退款的百分比 (但最晚要在服務開始時間的前 min_duration_before_start_time 取消服務預訂),範圍在 [0, 100] 之間。如果未設定或設為 0,代表服務無法退款;如果設為 100,代表服務可全額退款。 |
google.type.Money | refund_fee | 選用。 退款時會扣除固定費用。可單獨使用,或與 refund_percent 搭配使用。在後一種情況下,系統會先套用退款百分比,然後再扣除費用。 |
"refund_conditions": [
"min_duration_before_start_time_sec": 86400,
"refund_percent": 100