{% setvar ad_request %}AdManagerAdRequest{% endsetvar %}
{% setvar path %}/admob/android/{% endsetvar %}
{% setvar product %}Менеджер рекламы{% endsetvar %}
{% включают "/admob/unity/___targeting" %}
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Последнее обновление: 2024-11-20 UTC.
[null,null,["Последнее обновление: 2024-11-20 UTC."],[[["This guide outlines how to provide targeting information, such as demographics and content preferences, to optimize ad requests for Google Ad Manager."],["You can configure ad requests by setting parameters like child-directed treatment, user age consent, and maximum ad content rating to ensure compliance and relevance."],["Custom targeting allows you to pass key-value pairs for precise ad campaign targeting, while category exclusions refine ad delivery by excluding specific content categories."],["Publisher provided identifiers (PPIDs) can enhance ad delivery through frequency capping and audience segmentation, and publisher provided signals (PPS) enable sharing user data for improved monetization without compromising privacy."],["Utilize the `RequestConfiguration` and `AdManagerAdRequest` objects to implement these targeting options effectively in your ad requests."]]],[]]