Quảng cáo biểu ngữ

横幅广告视图是指在屏幕上占据一处位置的矩形图片或文字广告。用户与应用互动时,这类广告会停留在屏幕上,并且可在一段时间后自动刷新。如果您是刚开始接触移动广告的新手,横幅广告是您的绝佳选择。 案例研究

本指南介绍了如何将横幅广告视图集成到 Unity 应用中。除了代码段和说明之外,本指南还介绍了如何正确调整横幅广告的尺寸,并提供了其他资源的链接。


Always test with test ads

The following sample code contains an ad unit ID which you can use to request test ads. It's been specially configured to return test ads rather than production ads for every request, making it safe to use.

However, after you've registered an app in the AdMob web interface and created your own ad unit IDs for use in your app, explicitly configure your device as a test device during development.





初始化移动广告 SDK

加载广告之前,请先调用 MobileAds.Initialize(),以便让应用初始化移动广告 SDK。此操作仅需执行一次,最好是在应用启动时执行。

using GoogleMobileAds;
using GoogleMobileAds.Api;

public class GoogleMobileAdsDemoScript : MonoBehaviour
    public void Start()
        // Initialize the Google Mobile Ads SDK.
        MobileAds.Initialize((InitializationStatus initStatus) =>
            // This callback is called once the MobileAds SDK is initialized.


BannerView 示例

以下示例代码详细介绍了如何使用横幅广告视图。在本例中,您将创建横幅广告视图的实例,使用 AdRequest 将广告加载到横幅广告视图中,然后通过处理生命周期事件来扩展其功能。


若要使用横幅广告视图,第一步是在附加到 GameObject 的 C# 脚本中创建横幅广告视图的实例。

  // These ad units are configured to always serve test ads.
  private string _adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/6300978111";
  private string _adUnitId = "ca-app-pub-3940256099942544/2934735716";
  private string _adUnitId = "unused";

  BannerView _bannerView;

  /// <summary>
  /// Creates a 320x50 banner view at top of the screen.
  /// </summary>
  public void CreateBannerView()
      Debug.Log("Creating banner view");

      // If we already have a banner, destroy the old one.
      if (_bannerView != null)

      // Create a 320x50 banner at top of the screen
      _bannerView = new BannerView(_adUnitId, AdSize.Banner, AdPosition.Top);

BannerView 的构造函数包含以下参数:

  • adUnitId:广告单元 ID,BannerView 应通过该 ID 加载广告。
  • AdSize:要使用的广告尺寸。如需了解详情,请参阅横幅广告尺寸
  • AdPosition:应放置横幅广告视图的位置。AdPosition 枚举列出了有效的广告位置值。

请注意,您需要根据平台选择使用不同的广告单元。在 iOS 设备上发出广告请求时,您需要使用 iOS 广告单元,而在 Android 设备上发出请求时,您需要使用 Android 广告单元。


为了更好地控制 BannerView 在屏幕上的位置(而不是 AdPosition 值提供的位置),请使用带有 x 坐标和 y 坐标参数的构造函数:

// Create a 320x50 banner views at coordinate (0,50) on screen.
_bannerView = new BannerView(_adUnitId, AdSize.Banner, 0, 50);

BannerView 的左上角会放置在传递给构造函数的 x 值和 y 值所确定的位置,原点则是屏幕的左上角。


除了使用 AdSize 常量之外,您还可以为广告指定自定义尺寸:

// Use the AdSize argument to set a custom size for the ad.
AdSize adSize = new AdSize(250, 250);
_bannerView = new BannerView(_adUnitId, adSize, AdPosition.Bottom);


要加载广告,请创建一个 AdRequest 并将其传递给 LoadAd() 方法。

/// <summary>
/// Creates the banner view and loads a banner ad.
/// </summary>
public void LoadAd()
    // create an instance of a banner view first.
    if(_bannerView == null)

    // create our request used to load the ad.
    var adRequest = new AdRequest();

    // send the request to load the ad.
    Debug.Log("Loading banner ad.");



/// <summary>
/// listen to events the banner view may raise.
/// </summary>
private void ListenToAdEvents()
    // Raised when an ad is loaded into the banner view.
    _bannerView.OnBannerAdLoaded += () =>
        Debug.Log("Banner view loaded an ad with response : "
            + _bannerView.GetResponseInfo());
    // Raised when an ad fails to load into the banner view.
    _bannerView.OnBannerAdLoadFailed += (LoadAdError error) =>
        Debug.LogError("Banner view failed to load an ad with error : "
            + error);
    // Raised when the ad is estimated to have earned money.
    _bannerView.OnAdPaid += (AdValue adValue) =>
        Debug.Log(String.Format("Banner view paid {0} {1}.",
    // Raised when an impression is recorded for an ad.
    _bannerView.OnAdImpressionRecorded += () =>
        Debug.Log("Banner view recorded an impression.");
    // Raised when a click is recorded for an ad.
    _bannerView.OnAdClicked += () =>
        Debug.Log("Banner view was clicked.");
    // Raised when an ad opened full screen content.
    _bannerView.OnAdFullScreenContentOpened += () =>
        Debug.Log("Banner view full screen content opened.");
    // Raised when the ad closed full screen content.
    _bannerView.OnAdFullScreenContentClosed += () =>
        Debug.Log("Banner view full screen content closed.");


使用完横幅广告视图后,请务必调用 Destroy() 以释放资源。

/// <summary>
/// Destroys the banner view.
/// </summary>
public void DestroyBannerView()
    if (_bannerView != null)
        Debug.Log("Destroying banner view.");
        _bannerView = null;



尺寸(宽 x 高,以 dp 为单位) 说明 可用性 AdSize 常量
320x50 标准横幅广告 手机和平板电脑 BANNER
320x100 大型横幅广告 手机和平板电脑 LARGE_BANNER
300x250 IAB 中矩形 手机和平板电脑 MEDIUM_RECTANGLE
468x60 IAB 全尺寸横幅广告 平板电脑 FULL_BANNER
728x90 IAB 页首横幅广告 平板电脑 LEADERBOARD
提供的宽度 x 自适应高度 自适应横幅广告 手机和平板电脑 不适用
屏幕宽度 x 32|50|90 智能横幅广告 手机和平板电脑 SMART_BANNER
