使用 Gmail 和 Google 試算表建立合併郵件

時間長度:10 分鐘

Google Workspace Developers 頻道提供提示、秘訣和最新功能的影片。


  • 瞭解解決方案的功能。
  • 瞭解 Apps Script 服務在解決方案中的作用。
  • 設定指令碼。
  • 執行指令碼。


自動使用 Google 試算表中的資料填入電子郵件範本。電子郵件會從您的 Gmail 帳戶傳送,方便您回覆收件者的回覆。

重要事項:這個合併列印郵件範例會受到「Google 服務配額」中所述的電子郵件限制。



您可以建立 Gmail 草稿範本,其中包含與 Google 試算表工作表資料相對應的預留位置。工作表中的每個欄標頭都代表一個預留位置代碼。這個指令碼會將試算表中每個預留位置的資訊,傳送至電子郵件草稿中對應的預留位置標記位置。

Apps Script 服務




  • Google 帳戶 (Google Workspace 帳戶可能需要管理員核准)。
  • 可連上網際網路的網路瀏覽器。


建立 Apps Script 專案

  1. 按一下下方按鈕,複製 Gmail/Sheets 郵件合併 範例試算表。這個解決方案的 Apps Script 專案已附加到試算表中。
  2. 在複製的試算表中,將「收件者」欄更新為要用於合併列印的電子郵件地址。
  3. (選用) 新增、編輯或移除資料欄,自訂要納入電子郵件範本的資料。

如果變更「收件者」或「已傳送電子郵件」欄的名稱,請務必更新 Apps Script 專案中的對應程式碼。你可以按一下「擴充功能」>「Apps Script」,在試算表中開啟 Apps Script 專案。


  1. 在 Gmail 帳戶中建立電子郵件草稿。如要在電子郵件中加入試算表的資料,請使用與欄名稱相對應的預留位置,並以大括號括住,例如 {{First name}}
    • 如果您在電子郵件中設定文字格式,也必須設定預留位置方塊。
    • 預留位置區分大小寫,且必須與欄標題完全相符。
  2. 複製電子郵件草稿的主旨。


  1. 在試算表中,依序按一下「郵件合併」>「傳送電子郵件」。您可能需要重新整理頁面,才能顯示這個自訂選單。
  2. 出現提示時,請授權執行指令碼。如果 OAuth 同意畫面顯示「This app isn't verified」警告,請依序選取「Advanced」「Go to {Project Name} (unsafe)」(前往「{Project Name}」(不安全))。

  3. 再次按一下「郵件合併」「傳送電子郵件」

  4. 貼上電子郵件範本的標題,然後按一下「確定」



如要查看這個解決方案的 Apps Script 程式碼,請按一下下方的「查看原始碼」


// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:
// https://developers.google.com/apps-script/samples/automations/mail-merge

Copyright 2022 Martin Hawksey

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

 * @OnlyCurrentDoc

 * Change these to match the column names you are using for email 
 * recipient addresses and email sent column.
const RECIPIENT_COL  = "Recipient";
const EMAIL_SENT_COL = "Email Sent";

 * Creates the menu item "Mail Merge" for user to run scripts on drop-down.
function onOpen() {
  const ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  ui.createMenu('Mail Merge')
      .addItem('Send Emails', 'sendEmails')

 * Sends emails from sheet data.
 * @param {string} subjectLine (optional) for the email draft message
 * @param {Sheet} sheet to read data from
function sendEmails(subjectLine, sheet=SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet()) {
  // option to skip browser prompt if you want to use this code in other projects
  if (!subjectLine){
    subjectLine = Browser.inputBox("Mail Merge", 
                                      "Type or copy/paste the subject line of the Gmail " +
                                      "draft message you would like to mail merge with:",

    if (subjectLine === "cancel" || subjectLine == ""){ 
    // If no subject line, finishes up

  // Gets the draft Gmail message to use as a template
  const emailTemplate = getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(subjectLine);

  // Gets the data from the passed sheet
  const dataRange = sheet.getDataRange();
  // Fetches displayed values for each row in the Range HT Andrew Roberts 
  // https://mashe.hawksey.info/2020/04/a-bulk-email-mail-merge-with-gmail-and-google-sheets-solution-evolution-using-v8/#comment-187490
  // @see https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/spreadsheet/range#getdisplayvalues
  const data = dataRange.getDisplayValues();

  // Assumes row 1 contains our column headings
  const heads = data.shift(); 

  // Gets the index of the column named 'Email Status' (Assumes header names are unique)
  // @see http://ramblings.mcpher.com/Home/excelquirks/gooscript/arrayfunctions
  const emailSentColIdx = heads.indexOf(EMAIL_SENT_COL);

  // Converts 2d array into an object array
  // See https://stackoverflow.com/a/22917499/1027723
  // For a pretty version, see https://mashe.hawksey.info/?p=17869/#comment-184945
  const obj = data.map(r => (heads.reduce((o, k, i) => (o[k] = r[i] || '', o), {})));

  // Creates an array to record sent emails
  const out = [];

  // Loops through all the rows of data
  obj.forEach(function(row, rowIdx){
    // Only sends emails if email_sent cell is blank and not hidden by a filter
    if (row[EMAIL_SENT_COL] == ''){
      try {
        const msgObj = fillInTemplateFromObject_(emailTemplate.message, row);

        // See https://developers.google.com/apps-script/reference/gmail/gmail-app#sendEmail(String,String,String,Object)
        // If you need to send emails with unicode/emoji characters change GmailApp for MailApp
        // Uncomment advanced parameters as needed (see docs for limitations)
        GmailApp.sendEmail(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {
          htmlBody: msgObj.html,
          // bcc: 'a.bcc@email.com',
          // cc: 'a.cc@email.com',
          // from: 'an.alias@email.com',
          // name: 'name of the sender',
          // replyTo: 'a.reply@email.com',
          // noReply: true, // if the email should be sent from a generic no-reply email address (not available to gmail.com users)
          attachments: emailTemplate.attachments,
          inlineImages: emailTemplate.inlineImages
        // Edits cell to record email sent date
        out.push([new Date()]);
      } catch(e) {
        // modify cell to record error
    } else {

  // Updates the sheet with new data
  sheet.getRange(2, emailSentColIdx+1, out.length).setValues(out);

   * Get a Gmail draft message by matching the subject line.
   * @param {string} subject_line to search for draft message
   * @return {object} containing the subject, plain and html message body and attachments
  function getGmailTemplateFromDrafts_(subject_line){
    try {
      // get drafts
      const drafts = GmailApp.getDrafts();
      // filter the drafts that match subject line
      const draft = drafts.filter(subjectFilter_(subject_line))[0];
      // get the message object
      const msg = draft.getMessage();

      // Handles inline images and attachments so they can be included in the merge
      // Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/65813881/1027723
      // Gets all attachments and inline image attachments
      const allInlineImages = draft.getMessage().getAttachments({includeInlineImages: true,includeAttachments:false});
      const attachments = draft.getMessage().getAttachments({includeInlineImages: false});
      const htmlBody = msg.getBody(); 

      // Creates an inline image object with the image name as key 
      // (can't rely on image index as array based on insert order)
      const img_obj = allInlineImages.reduce((obj, i) => (obj[i.getName()] = i, obj) ,{});

      //Regexp searches for all img string positions with cid
      const imgexp = RegExp('<img.*?src="cid:(.*?)".*?alt="(.*?)"[^\>]+>', 'g');
      const matches = [...htmlBody.matchAll(imgexp)];

      //Initiates the allInlineImages object
      const inlineImagesObj = {};
      // built an inlineImagesObj from inline image matches
      matches.forEach(match => inlineImagesObj[match[1]] = img_obj[match[2]]);

      return {message: {subject: subject_line, text: msg.getPlainBody(), html:htmlBody}, 
              attachments: attachments, inlineImages: inlineImagesObj };
    } catch(e) {
      throw new Error("Oops - can't find Gmail draft");

     * Filter draft objects with the matching subject linemessage by matching the subject line.
     * @param {string} subject_line to search for draft message
     * @return {object} GmailDraft object
    function subjectFilter_(subject_line){
      return function(element) {
        if (element.getMessage().getSubject() === subject_line) {
          return element;

   * Fill template string with data object
   * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/378000/1027723
   * @param {string} template string containing {{}} markers which are replaced with data
   * @param {object} data object used to replace {{}} markers
   * @return {object} message replaced with data
  function fillInTemplateFromObject_(template, data) {
    // We have two templates one for plain text and the html body
    // Stringifing the object means we can do a global replace
    let template_string = JSON.stringify(template);

    // Token replacement
    template_string = template_string.replace(/{{[^{}]+}}/g, key => {
      return escapeData_(data[key.replace(/[{}]+/g, "")] || "");
    return  JSON.parse(template_string);

   * Escape cell data to make JSON safe
   * @see https://stackoverflow.com/a/9204218/1027723
   * @param {string} str to escape JSON special characters from
   * @return {string} escaped string
  function escapeData_(str) {
    return str
      .replace(/[\\]/g, '\\\\')
      .replace(/[\"]/g, '\\\"')
      .replace(/[\/]/g, '\\/')
      .replace(/[\b]/g, '\\b')
      .replace(/[\f]/g, '\\f')
      .replace(/[\n]/g, '\\n')
      .replace(/[\r]/g, '\\r')
      .replace(/[\t]/g, '\\t');



範例程式碼包含多個額外參數 (目前已註解掉),可讓您控制電子郵件傳送者的帳戶名稱、回覆電子郵件地址,以及密件副本和副本電子郵件地址。

移除每個參數前面的反斜線 //,即可啟用要新增的參數。

以下範例顯示 sendEmails 函式中的摘錄,該函式會啟用大部分的電子郵件參數:

GmailApp.sendEmail(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {
         htmlBody: msgObj.html,
         bcc: 'bcc@example.com',
         cc: 'cc@example.com',
         from: 'from.alias@example.com',
         name: 'name of the sender',
         replyTo: 'reply@example.com',
        // noReply: true, // if the email should be sent from a generic no-reply email address (not available to gmail.com users)

在上述範例中,由於已設定 replyTo 參數,noReply 參數仍會註解掉。

如果您想在電子郵件中加入表情符號等萬國碼字元,必須更新程式碼,改用 Mail 服務而非 Gmail 服務。


GmailApp.sendEmail(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {


MailApp.sendEmail(row[RECIPIENT_COL], msgObj.subject, msgObj.text, {


本範例由 Martin Hawksey 製作,他是 Edinburgh Futures Institute 的學習設計和技術主管、部落客和 Google 開發專家。

這個範例是由 Google 維護,並由 Google 開發人員專家提供協助。
