Injection Options


You can inject a Blockly workspace with a call to Blockly.inject(location, options). The first argument tells Blockly where to inject the workspace in the DOM. The second argument is a dictionary of name-value pairs that is used for configuration. The injection code parses the options dictionary into an instance of Blockly.Options.

Direct creation

You can also create a workspace directly by calling Blockly.WorkspaceSvg(new Blockly.Options(options)). Note that you need to call new Blockly.Options(options), passing in your options dictionary--the workspace constructor expects an instance of Blockly.Options, not a bare options dictionary.

The options dictionary

The following options are supported. Note that several of these options change their default value based on whether the provided toolbox has categories or not.

Name Type Description
collapse boolean Allows blocks to be collapsed or expanded. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
comments boolean Allows blocks to have comments. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories,false otherwise.
css boolean If false, don't inject CSS (providing CSS becomes the document's responsibility). Defaults to true.
disable boolean Allows blocks to be disabled. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
grid object Configures a grid which blocks may snap to. See Grid.
horizontalLayout boolean If true toolbox is horizontal, if false toolbox is vertical. Defaults to false.
maxBlocks number Maximum number of blocks that may be created. Useful for student exercises. Defaults to Infinity.
maxInstances object Map from block types to maximum number of blocks of that type that may be created. Undeclared types default to Infinity. Example: maxInstances: {'controls_if': 3, 'math_number': 42}
media string Path from page (or frame) to the Blockly media directory. Defaults to "".
modalInputs boolean If true show modal editors for text input fields and their subclasses when on mobile devices, and an inline editor on desktop. If false show an inline editor on both desktop and mobile. Defaults to true.
move object Configures behavior for how users can move around the workspace. See Move.
oneBasedIndex boolean If true list and string operations should index from 1, if false index from 0. Defaults to true.
readOnly boolean If true, prevent the user from editing. Suppresses the toolbox and trashcan. Defaults to false.
renderer string Determines the renderer used by blockly. Pre-packaged renderers include 'geras' (the default), 'thrasos', and 'zelos' (a scratch-like renderer).
rtl boolean If true, mirror the editor (for Arabic or Hebrew locales). See RTL demo. Defaults to false.
scrollbars object or boolean Sets whether the workspace has vertical or horizontal scrollbars. Takes an object where the horizontal property determines if horizontal scrolling is enabled and the vertical property determines if vertical scrolling is enabled. If a boolean is passed then it is equivalent to passing an object with both horizontal and vertical properties set as that value. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories.
sounds boolean If false, disables sounds. Defaults to true.
theme Theme Defaults to classic theme if no theme is provided. See Themes.
toolbox string, XML or JSON Tree structure of categories and blocks available to the user. See defining the toolbox for more information.
toolboxPosition string If "start" toolbox is on top (if horizontal) or left (if vertical and LTR) or right (if vertical and RTL). If "end" toolbox is on opposite side. Defaults to "start".
trashcan boolean Displays or hides the trashcan. Defaults to true if the toolbox has categories, false otherwise.
maxTrashcanContents number Maximum number of deleted items that will appear in the trashcan flyout. '0' disables the feature. Defaults to '32'.
plugins object Map of plugin type to name of registered plugin or plugin class. See injecting subclasses.
zoom object Configures zooming behaviour. See Zoom.