A number field stores a number as its value
, and a string as its text
. Its value
is always a valid number as defined by the constraints given to
the field at creation; its text could be any string entered into its editor.
Number field
Number field with editor open
Number field on collapsed block
"type": "example_number",
"message0": "number: %1",
"args0": [
"type": "field_number",
"name": "FIELDNAME",
"value": 100,
"min": 0,
"max": 100,
"precision": 10
Blockly.Blocks['example_number'] = {
init: function() {
.appendField(new Blockly.FieldNumber(100, 0, 100, 10), 'FIELDNAME');
The number constructor takes in the following:
The value
should cast to a number. If it does not 0 will be used.
The JSON for a number field looks like so:
"fields": {
is a string referencing a number field, and
the value is the value to apply to the field. The value
follows the same rules as the constructor value.
The XML for a number field looks like so:
<field name="FIELDNAME">0</field>
The field
node's name
attribute contains a string referencing a number
field, and the node's inner text
is the value
to apply to the field. The
inner text value follows the same rules as the constructor value.
Constraints can be set in the field definition, or by using the setConstraints function.
Minimum value
The min
value sets the smallest/most-negative value the field is allowed to
Maximum value
The max
value sets the largest/most-positive value the field is allowed to
The precision
rounds the value to the nearest multiple of precision. This can be
used to make the field only accept multiples of .01, 10, 42, etc.
Common constraints
Positive numbers
To force your field to only accept positive numbers, set the min
value to
To force your field to only accept integers, set the precision
to 1.
Creating a number validator
A number field's value is a number, so any validators must accept a number
return a number
, null
, or undefined
Here is an example of a validator that changes the value to be either 0 or 1 depending on if the value was odd or even.
function(newValue) {
return newValue % 2;