Create custom procedure blocks

Creating custom procedure blocks requires that you:

  1. Install the @blockly/block-shareable-procedures plugin, as described on the using procedures page.
  2. Use the JSON serialization system, as explained on the overview page.

Add data models to the workspace

Both procedure definition and procedure caller blocks reference a backing data model which defines the signature of the procedure (name, parameters, and return). This enables more flexibility in how you design your application (e.g. you could allow procedures to be defined in one workspace, and referenced in another).

This means that you will need to add the procedure data models to the workspace for your blocks to work. There are many ways you could do this (e.g. custom UIs).

The @blockly/block-shareable-procedures does this by having procedure-definition blocks dynamically create their backing data models when they are instantiated into the workspace. To implement this yourself, you create the model in init and delete it in destroy.

import {ObservableProcedureModel} from '@blockly/block-shareable-procedures';

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_def'] = {
  init: function() {
    this.model = new ObservableProcedureModel('default name');
    // etc...

  destroy: function() {
    // (Optionally) Destroy the model when the definition block is deleted.

    // Insertion markers reference the model of the original block.
    if (this.isInsertionMarker()) return;

Return information about the blocks

Your procedure definition and procedure call blocks need to implement the getProcedureModel, isProcedureDef, and getVarModels methods. These are the hooks Blockly code uses to get information about your procedure blocks.

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_def'] = {
  getProcedureModel() {
    return this.model;

  isProcedureDef() {
    return true;

  getVarModels() {
    // If your procedure references variables
    // then you should return those models here.
    return [];

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_call'] = {
  getProcedureModel() {
    return this.model;

  isProcedureDef() {
    return false;

  getVarModels() {
    // If your procedure references variables
    // then you should return those models here.
    return [];

Trigger rerendering on updates

Your procedure definition and procedure call blocks need to implement the doProcedureUpdate method. This is the hook the data models call to tell your procedure blocks to re-render themselves.

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_def'] = {
  doProcedureUpdate() {
    this.setFieldValue(this.model.getName(), 'NAME');
            .map((p) => p.getName())
        this.model.getReturnTypes().join(','), 'RETURN');

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_call'] = {
  doProcedureUpdate() {
    // Similar to the def block above...

Add custom serialization

Serialization for procedure blocks must do two separate things.

  1. When loading from JSON your blocks will need to grab a reference to their backing data model, because the blocks and models are serialized separately.
  2. When copying and pasting a procedure block, the block will need to serialize the entire state of its procedure model, so that it can be replicated.

Both of these things are handled through saveExtraState and loadExtraState. Note again that custom procedure blocks are only supported when using the JSON serialization system, so we only need to define JSON serialization hooks.

import {
} from '@blockly/block-shareable-procedures';

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_def'] = {
  // When doFullSerialization is true, we should serialize the full state of
  // the model.
  saveExtraState(doFullSerialization) {
    const state = Object.create(null);
    state['procedureId']: this.model.getId();

    if (doFullSerialization) {
      state['name'] = this.model.getName();
      state['parameters'] = this.model.getParameters().map((p) => {
        return {name: p.getName(), p.getId()};
      state['returnTypes'] = this.model.getReturnTypes();

      // Flag for deserialization.
      state['createNewModel'] = true;

    return state;

  loadExtraState(state) {
    const id = state['procedureId']
    const map = this.workspace.getProcedureMap();

    if (map.has(id) && !state['createNewModel']) {
      // Delete the existing model (created in init).
      // Grab a reference to the model we're supposed to reference.
      this.model = map.get(id);

    // There is no existing procedure model (we are likely pasting), so
    // generate it from JSON.
    for (const [i, param] of state['parameters'].entries()) {
          new ObservableParameterModel(
              this.workspace, param['name'], param['id']));

Blockly.Blocks['my_procedure_call'] = {
  saveExtraState() {
    return {
      'procedureId': this.model.getId(),

  loadExtraState(state) {
    // Delete our existing model (created in init).
    // Grab a reference to the new model.
    this.model = this.workspace.getProcedureMap()
    if (this.model) this.doProcedureUpdate();

  // Handle pasting after the procedure definition has been deleted.
  onchange(event) {
    if (event.type === Blockly.Events.BLOCK_CREATE &&
        event.blockId === {
      if(!this.model) { // Our procedure definition doesn't exist =(

Optionally modify the procedure model

You can also add the ability for users to modify the procedure model. Calling the insertParameter, deleteParameter, or setReturnTypes methods will automatically trigger your blocks to rerender (via doProcedureUpdate).

Options for creating UIs to modify the procedure model include using mutators (which the built-in procedure blocks use), image fields with click handlers, something completely external to Blockly, etc.

Add blocks to the toolbox

Blockly’s built-in dynamic procedure category is specific to Blockly’s built-in procedure blocks. So to be able to access your blocks, you will need to define your own custom dynamic category, and add it to your toolbox.

const proceduresFlyoutCallback = function(workspace) {
  const blockList = [];
    'kind': 'block',
    'type': 'my_procedure_def',
  for (const model of
        workspace.getProcedureMap().getProcedures()) {
      'kind': 'block',
      'type': 'my_procedure_call',
      'extraState': {
        'procedureId': model.getId(),
  return blockList;

    'MY_PROCEDURES', proceduresFlyoutCallback);