
该库会在 System.getProperty("user.home") + "/ads.properties" 中查找配置文件。您可以在运行时使用以下任一机制构建 GoogleAdsClient 时替换此路径和文件名:

  • 调用 fromPropertiesFile(PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE),其中 PATH_TO_CONFIG_FILE 是配置文件的路径和文件名。
  • 将环境变量 GOOGLE_ADS_CONFIGURATION_FILE_PATH 设置为配置文件的路径和文件名,然后调用 fromPropertiesFile()

配置文件的格式与键值对的 Java Properties 文件相同。支持的密钥因所选身份验证流程而异。



# Credential for accessing Google's OAuth servers.
# Provided by console.cloud.google.com.

# Credential for accessing Google's OAuth servers.
# Provided by console.cloud.google.com.

# Renewable OAuth credential associated with 1 or more Google Ads accounts.

# Token which provides access to the Google Ads API in general. It does not
# grant access to any particular ad account (OAuth is used for this purpose).

# Required for manager accounts only: Specify the login customer ID used to
# authenticate API calls. This will be the customer ID of the authenticated
# manager account. You can also specify this later in code if your application
# uses multiple manager account + OAuth pairs.
# api.googleads.loginCustomerId=INSERT_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE

# Only required if explicitly instructed by the service documentation.
# api.googleads.linkedCustomerId=INSERT_LINKED_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE

# Maximum allowed response payload size, in bytes.
# Customize this to allow response sizes for GoogleAdsService.search and
# GoogleAdsService.searchStream API calls to exceed the default limit of 64MB.
# api.googleads.maxInboundMessageBytes=INSERT_MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_BYTES_HERE



# Path to the service account secrets file in JSON format.
# Provided by console.cloud.google.com.

# Email address of the user to impersonate.
# This should be a user who has access to your Google Ads account and is in the same
# Google Apps Domain as the service account.

# Token which provides access to the Google Ads API in general. It does not
# grant access to any particular ad account (OAuth is used for this purpose).

# Required for manager accounts only: Specify the login customer ID used to
# authenticate API calls. This will be the customer ID of the authenticated
# manager account. You can also specify this later in code if your application
# uses multiple manager account + OAuth pairs.
# api.googleads.loginCustomerId=INSERT_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE


该库支持所有 Google Ads API 客户端库通用的环境变量。下表显示了与每个配置文件属性对应的环境变量。

配置文件属性 环境变量
api.googleads.developerToken GOOGLE_ADS_DEVELOPER_TOKEN
api.googleads.clientId GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_ID
api.googleads.clientSecret GOOGLE_ADS_CLIENT_SECRET
api.googleads.refreshToken GOOGLE_ADS_REFRESH_TOKEN
api.googleads.serviceAccountSecretsPath GOOGLE_ADS_JSON_KEY_FILE_PATH
api.googleads.serviceAccountUser GOOGLE_ADS_IMPERSONATED_EMAIL
api.googleads.loginCustomerId GOOGLE_ADS_LOGIN_CUSTOMER_ID
api.googleads.linkedCustomerId GOOGLE_ADS_LINKED_CUSTOMER_ID
api.googleads.maxInboundMessageBytes GOOGLE_ADS_MAX_INBOUND_MESSAGE_BYTES

设置适当的环境变量后,请通过对构建器调用 fromEnvironment() 来配置 GoogleAdsClient

GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient = GoogleAdsClient.newBuilder()


GoogleAdsClient 及其构建器支持组合不同的配置策略。例如,您可以使用环境变量配置实例的凭据,并使用以下代码段为其他属性配置属性文件。

GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient = GoogleAdsClient.newBuilder()

在此示例中,对于通过其环境变量和属性文件中的条目同时定义的任何属性,客户端库将使用属性文件中的值。如需实现相反的行为,只需在 fromEnvironment() 之前调用 fromPropertiesFile() 即可。

您可以在调用 build() 之前使用构建器的其他配置方法在运行时进行进一步更改。