علاقه مند به اشتراک گذاری بازخورد خود در مورد Google Ads API هستید؟ برای دعوت به شرکت در تحقیقات کاربر
ثبت نام کنید !
تبلیغات آپلود نمایشی را اضافه کنید
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package com.google.ads.googleads.examples.advancedoperations;
import com.beust.jcommander.Parameter;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.ArgumentNames;
import com.google.ads.googleads.examples.utils.CodeSampleParams;
import com.google.ads.googleads.lib.GoogleAdsClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.common.AdMediaBundleAsset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.common.DisplayUploadAdInfo;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.common.MediaBundleAsset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.enums.AdGroupAdStatusEnum.AdGroupAdStatus;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.enums.AssetTypeEnum.AssetType;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.enums.DisplayUploadProductTypeEnum.DisplayUploadProductType;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.errors.GoogleAdsError;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.errors.GoogleAdsException;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.resources.Ad;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.resources.AdGroupAd;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.resources.Asset;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.AdGroupAdOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.AdGroupAdServiceClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.AssetOperation;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.AssetServiceClient;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.MutateAdGroupAdsResponse;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.services.MutateAssetsResponse;
import com.google.ads.googleads.v19.utils.ResourceNames;
import com.google.common.collect.ImmutableList;
import com.google.common.io.ByteStreams;
import com.google.protobuf.ByteString;
import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.URL;
/** Adds a display upload ad to a given ad group. To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.java. */
public class AddDisplayUploadAd {
private static final String BUNDLE_URL = "https://gaagl.page.link/ib87";
private static class AddDisplayUploadAdParams extends CodeSampleParams {
@Parameter(names = ArgumentNames.CUSTOMER_ID, required = true)
private Long customerId;
@Parameter(names = ArgumentNames.AD_GROUP_ID, required = true)
private Long adGroupId;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
AddDisplayUploadAdParams params = new AddDisplayUploadAdParams();
if (!params.parseArguments(args)) {
// Either pass the required parameters for this example on the command line, or insert them
// into the code here. See the parameter class definition above for descriptions.
params.customerId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE");
params.adGroupId = Long.parseLong("INSERT_AD_GROUP_ID_HERE");
GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient = null;
try {
googleAdsClient = GoogleAdsClient.newBuilder().fromPropertiesFile().build();
} catch (FileNotFoundException fnfe) {
"Failed to load GoogleAdsClient configuration from file. Exception: %s%n", fnfe);
} catch (IOException ioe) {
System.err.printf("Failed to create GoogleAdsClient. Exception: %s%n", ioe);
try {
new AddDisplayUploadAd().runExample(googleAdsClient, params.customerId, params.adGroupId);
} catch (GoogleAdsException gae) {
// GoogleAdsException is the base class for most exceptions thrown by an API request.
// Instances of this exception have a message and a GoogleAdsFailure that contains a
// collection of GoogleAdsErrors that indicate the underlying causes of the
// GoogleAdsException.
"Request ID %s failed due to GoogleAdsException. Underlying errors:%n",
int i = 0;
for (GoogleAdsError googleAdsError : gae.getGoogleAdsFailure().getErrorsList()) {
System.err.printf(" Error %d: %s%n", i++, googleAdsError);
* Runs the example.
* @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client.
* @param customerId the client customer ID.
* @param adGroupId the ad group ID.
* @throws GoogleAdsException if an API request failed with one or more service errors.
private void runExample(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId, long adGroupId)
throws IOException {
// There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will create
// an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
// The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v4/DisplayUploadAdInfo
// Creates a new media bundle asset and returns the resource name.
String adAssetResourceName = createMediaBundleAsset(googleAdsClient, customerId);
// Creates a new display upload ad and associates it with the specified ad group.
createDisplayUploadAdGroupAd(googleAdsClient, customerId, adGroupId, adAssetResourceName);
* Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file. The zip file contains the HTML5
* components.
* @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client.
* @param customerId the client customer ID.
* @return the resource name of the newly created media bundle.
* @throws IOException if there is an error reading the media bundle.
private String createMediaBundleAsset(GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient, long customerId)
throws IOException {
// The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
// HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
// Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
// There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will create
// an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
// The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
byte[] html5Zip = ByteStreams.toByteArray(new URL(BUNDLE_URL).openStream());
// Creates the media bundle asset.
Asset asset =
.setName("Ad Media Bundle")
// Creates the asset operation.
AssetOperation operation = AssetOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(asset).build();
// Gets the AssetService.
try (AssetServiceClient assetServiceClient =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAssetServiceClient()) {
// Adds the asset to the client account.
MutateAssetsResponse response =
assetServiceClient.mutateAssets(Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
// Displays and returns the resulting resource name.
String uploadedAssetResourceName = response.getResults(0).getResourceName();
"Uploaded media bundle with resource name: '%s'.%n", uploadedAssetResourceName);
return uploadedAssetResourceName;
* Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the specified ad group.
* @param googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client.
* @param customerId the client customer ID.
* @param adGroupId the ad group ID.
* @param adAssetResourceName The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.
private void createDisplayUploadAdGroupAd(
GoogleAdsClient googleAdsClient,
long customerId,
long adGroupId,
String adAssetResourceName) {
// Creates the ad with the required fields.
Ad displayUploadAd =
.setName("Ad for HTML5")
// Exactly one ad data field must be included to specify the ad type. See
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/v4/Ad for the full
// list of available types.
// Creates an ad group ad for the new ad.
AdGroupAd adGroupAd =
.setAdGroup(ResourceNames.adGroup(customerId, adGroupId))
// Creates the ad group ad operation.
AdGroupAdOperation operation = AdGroupAdOperation.newBuilder().setCreate(adGroupAd).build();
// Creates the ad group ad service client.
try (AdGroupAdServiceClient adGroupAdServiceClient =
googleAdsClient.getLatestVersion().createAdGroupAdServiceClient()) {
// Adds the ad group ad to the client account.
MutateAdGroupAdsResponse response =
Long.toString(customerId), ImmutableList.of(operation));
// Displays the resulting ad group ad's resource name.
"Created new ad group ad with resource name: '%s'.%n",
// Copyright 2020 Google LLC
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
using CommandLine;
using Google.Ads.Gax.Examples;
using Google.Ads.Gax.Util;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Lib;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Util;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Common;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Enums;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Errors;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Resources;
using Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Services;
using Google.Protobuf;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using static Google.Ads.GoogleAds.V19.Enums.DisplayUploadProductTypeEnum.Types;
namespace Google.Ads.GoogleAds.Examples.V19
/// <summary>
/// This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group. To get ad groups,
/// run GetAdGroups.cs.
/// </summary>
public class AddDisplayUploadAd : ExampleBase
/// <summary>
/// Command line options for running the <see cref="AddDisplayUploadAd"/> example.
/// </summary>
public class Options : OptionsBase
/// <summary>
/// The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.
/// </summary>
[Option("customerId", Required = true, HelpText =
"The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.")]
public long CustomerId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.
/// </summary>
[Option("adGroupId", Required = true, HelpText =
"The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.")]
public long AdGroupId { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Main method, to run this code example as a standalone application.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="args">The command line arguments.</param>
public static void Main(string[] args)
Options options = ExampleUtilities.ParseCommandLine<Options>(args);
AddDisplayUploadAd codeExample = new AddDisplayUploadAd();
codeExample.Run(new GoogleAdsClient(), options.CustomerId, options.AdGroupId);
/// <summary>
/// Returns a description about the code example.
/// </summary>
public override string Description =>
"This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group. To get ad groups, " +
"run GetAdGroups.cs.";
/// <summary>
/// Runs the code example.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="adGroupId">The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be
/// added.</param>
public void Run(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId, long adGroupId)
// There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will create
// an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
// This feature is only available to allowlisted accounts.
// See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722096 for more details.
// The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
// Creates a new media bundle asset and returns the resource name.
string adAssetResourceName = CreateMediaBundleAsset(client, customerId);
// Creates a new display upload ad and associates it with the specified ad group.
CreateDisplayUploadAdGroupAd(client, customerId, adGroupId, adAssetResourceName);
catch (GoogleAdsException e)
Console.WriteLine($"Message: {e.Message}");
Console.WriteLine($"Failure: {e.Failure}");
Console.WriteLine($"Request ID: {e.RequestId}");
/// <summary>
/// Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file. The zip file contains the
/// HTML5 components.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads API client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <returns>The string resource name of the newly uploaded media bundle.</returns>
private string CreateMediaBundleAsset(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId)
// Gets the AssetService.
AssetServiceClient assetServiceClient = client.GetService(Services.V19.AssetService);
// The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
// HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
// Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
byte[] html5Zip = MediaUtilities.GetAssetDataFromUrl("https://gaagl.page.link/ib87",
// Creates the media bundle asset.
Asset mediaBundleAsset = new Asset()
Type = AssetTypeEnum.Types.AssetType.MediaBundle,
MediaBundleAsset = new MediaBundleAsset()
Data = ByteString.CopyFrom(html5Zip)
Name = "Ad Media Bundle"
// Creates the asset operation.
AssetOperation operation = new AssetOperation()
Create = mediaBundleAsset
// Adds the asset to the client account.
MutateAssetsResponse response = assetServiceClient.MutateAssets(customerId.ToString(),
new[] { operation });
// Displays the resulting resource name.
string uploadedAssetResourceName = response.Results.First().ResourceName;
Console.WriteLine($"Uploaded media bundle: {uploadedAssetResourceName}");
return uploadedAssetResourceName;
/// <summary>
/// Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the specified ad group.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="client">The Google Ads API client.</param>
/// <param name="customerId">The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.</param>
/// <param name="adGroupId">The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be
/// added.</param>
/// <param name="adAssetResourceName">The resource name of the media bundle containing
/// the HTML5 components.</param>
private void CreateDisplayUploadAdGroupAd(GoogleAdsClient client, long customerId,
long adGroupId, string adAssetResourceName)
// Get the AdGroupAdService.
AdGroupAdServiceClient adGroupAdServiceClient =
// Creates the ad with the required fields.
Ad displayUploadAd = new Ad()
Name = "Ad for HTML5",
FinalUrls = { "http://example.com/html5" },
// Exactly one ad data field must be included to specify the ad type. See
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/Ad for the
// full list of available types.
DisplayUploadAd = new DisplayUploadAdInfo()
DisplayUploadProductType = DisplayUploadProductType.Html5UploadAd,
MediaBundle = new AdMediaBundleAsset()
Asset = adAssetResourceName
// Creates an ad group ad for the new ad.
AdGroupAd adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd()
Ad = displayUploadAd,
Status = AdGroupAdStatusEnum.Types.AdGroupAdStatus.Paused,
AdGroup = ResourceNames.AdGroup(customerId, adGroupId),
// Creates the ad group ad operation.
AdGroupAdOperation operation = new AdGroupAdOperation()
Create = adGroupAd
// Adds the ad group ad to the client account.
MutateAdGroupAdsResponse response = adGroupAdServiceClient.MutateAdGroupAds
(customerId.ToString(), new[] { operation });
// Displays the resulting ad group ad's resource name.
Console.WriteLine($"Created new ad group ad{response.Results.First().ResourceName}.");
* Copyright 2020 Google LLC
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
namespace Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\AdvancedOperations;
require __DIR__ . '/../../vendor/autoload.php';
use GetOpt\GetOpt;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\Utils\ArgumentNames;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Examples\Utils\ArgumentParser;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\OAuth2TokenBuilder;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V19\GoogleAdsClient;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V19\GoogleAdsClientBuilder;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Lib\V19\GoogleAdsException;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\Util\V19\ResourceNames;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Common\AdMediaBundleAsset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Common\DisplayUploadAdInfo;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Common\MediaBundleAsset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Enums\AdGroupAdStatusEnum\AdGroupAdStatus;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Enums\AssetTypeEnum\AssetType;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Enums\DisplayUploadProductTypeEnum\DisplayUploadProductType;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Errors\GoogleAdsError;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Resources\Ad;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Resources\AdGroupAd;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Resources\Asset;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Services\AdGroupAdOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Services\AssetOperation;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Services\MutateAdGroupAdsRequest;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Services\MutateAdGroupAdsResponse;
use Google\Ads\GoogleAds\V19\Services\MutateAssetsRequest;
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
* This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
* To get ad groups, run GetAdGroups.php.
class AddDisplayUploadAd
public static function main()
// Either pass the required parameters for this example on the command line, or insert them
// into the constants above.
$options = (new ArgumentParser())->parseCommandArguments([
// Generate a refreshable OAuth2 credential for authentication.
$oAuth2Credential = (new OAuth2TokenBuilder())->fromFile()->build();
// Construct a Google Ads client configured from a properties file and the
// OAuth2 credentials above.
$googleAdsClient = (new GoogleAdsClientBuilder())->fromFile()
try {
$options[ArgumentNames::CUSTOMER_ID] ?: self::CUSTOMER_ID,
$options[ArgumentNames::AD_GROUP_ID] ?: self::AD_GROUP_ID
} catch (GoogleAdsException $googleAdsException) {
"Request with ID '%s' has failed.%sGoogle Ads failure details:%s",
foreach ($googleAdsException->getGoogleAdsFailure()->getErrors() as $error) {
/** @var GoogleAdsError $error */
"\t%s: %s%s",
} catch (ApiException $apiException) {
"ApiException was thrown with message '%s'.%s",
* Runs the example.
* @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
* @param int $customerId the customer ID
* @param int $adGroupId the ad group ID to add a display upload ad to
public static function runExample(
GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
int $customerId,
int $adGroupId
) {
// There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will create
// an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
// The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
// Creates a new media bundle asset and returns the resource name.
$adAssetResourceName = self::createMediaBundleAsset($googleAdsClient, $customerId);
// Creates a new display upload ad and associates it with the specified ad group.
* Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file. The zip file contains the HTML5
* components.
* @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
* @param int $customerId the customer ID
* @return string the resource name of the newly uploaded media bundle asset
private static function createMediaBundleAsset(
GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
int $customerId
) {
// The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
// HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
// Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
$html5Zip = file_get_contents('https://gaagl.page.link/ib87');
// Creates the media bundle asset.
$asset = new Asset([
'name' => 'Ad Media Bundle',
'type' => AssetType::MEDIA_BUNDLE,
'media_bundle_asset' => new MediaBundleAsset(['data' => $html5Zip])
// Creates an asset operation.
$assetOperation = new AssetOperation();
// Issues a mutate request to add the asset.
$assetServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAssetServiceClient();
$response = $assetServiceClient->mutateAssets(
MutateAssetsRequest::build($customerId, [$assetOperation])
// Prints the resource name of the added media bundle asset.
$addedMediaBundleAssetResourceName = $response->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
"Uploaded media bundle asset with resource name: '%s'.%s",
return $addedMediaBundleAssetResourceName;
* Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the specified ad group.
* @param GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient the Google Ads API client
* @param int $customerId the customer ID
* @param int $adGroupId the ad group ID where the new ad will be added to
* @param string $adAssetResourceName the resource name of the media bundle containing the
* HTML5 components
private static function createDisplayUploadAdGroupAd(
GoogleAdsClient $googleAdsClient,
int $customerId,
int $adGroupId,
string $adAssetResourceName
) {
// Creates an ad group ad for the new ad.
$adGroupAd = new AdGroupAd([
'ad' => new Ad([
'name' => 'Ad for HTML5',
'final_urls' => ['http://example.com/html5'],
// Exactly one ad data field must be included to specify the ad type. See
// https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/Ad for the full
// list of available types.
'display_upload_ad' => new DisplayUploadAdInfo([
'display_upload_product_type' => DisplayUploadProductType::HTML5_UPLOAD_AD,
'media_bundle' => new AdMediaBundleAsset(['asset' => $adAssetResourceName])
'ad_group' => ResourceNames::forAdGroup($customerId, $adGroupId),
'status' => AdGroupAdStatus::PAUSED
// Creates an ad group ad operation.
$adGroupAdOperation = new AdGroupAdOperation();
// Issues a mutate request to add the ad group ad.
$adGroupAdServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getAdGroupAdServiceClient();
/** @var MutateAdGroupAdsResponse $adGroupAdResponse */
$adGroupAdResponse = $adGroupAdServiceClient->mutateAdGroupAds(
MutateAdGroupAdsRequest::build($customerId, [$adGroupAdOperation])
// Prints information about the newly created ad group ad.
$adGroupAdResourceName = $adGroupAdResponse->getResults()[0]->getResourceName();
printf("Created ad group ad with resource name: '%s'.%s", $adGroupAdResourceName, PHP_EOL);
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
To get ad groups, run get_ad_groups.py.
import argparse
import sys
import requests
from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient
from google.ads.googleads.errors import GoogleAdsException
BUNDLE_URL = "https://gaagl.page.link/ib87"
def main(client, customer_id, ad_group_id):
"""Adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
client: An initialized Google Ads client.
customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID.
ad_group_id: The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.
# There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will
# create an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
# This feature is only available to allowlisted accounts.
# See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722096 for more details.
# The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
# Creates a new media bundle asset and returns the resource name.
ad_asset_resource_name = create_media_bundle_asset(client, customer_id)
# Creates a new display upload ad and associates it with the specified
# ad group.
client, customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_asset_resource_name
def create_media_bundle_asset(client, customer_id):
"""Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file.
The zip file contains the HTML5 components.
client: An initialized Google Ads client.
customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID for which the call is made.
The string resource name of the newly uploaded media bundle.
# Get the AssetService client.
asset_service = client.get_service("AssetService")
# Construct an asset operation and populate its fields.
asset_operation = client.get_type("AssetOperation")
media_bundle_asset = asset_operation.create
media_bundle_asset.type_ = client.enums.AssetTypeEnum.MEDIA_BUNDLE
media_bundle_asset.name = "Ad Media Bundle"
# The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
# HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
# Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
# Download the ZIP as bytes from the URL
media_bundle_asset.media_bundle_asset.data = requests.get(
# Adds the asset to the client account.
mutate_asset_response = asset_service.mutate_assets(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=[asset_operation]
# Display and return the resulting resource name.
uploaded_asset_resource_name = mutate_asset_response.results[
print(f"Uploaded file with resource name '{uploaded_asset_resource_name}'.")
return uploaded_asset_resource_name
def create_display_upload_ad_group_ad(
client, customer_id, ad_group_id, ad_asset_resource_name
"""Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the given ad group.
client: An initialized Google Ads client.
customer_id: The Google Ads customer ID.
ad_group_id: The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.
ad_asset_resource_name: The resource name of the media bundle containing
the HTML5 components.
# Get the AdGroupAdService client.
ad_group_ad_service = client.get_service("AdGroupAdService")
# Create an AdGroupAdOperation.
ad_group_ad_operation = client.get_type("AdGroupAdOperation")
# Configure the ad group ad fields.
ad_group_ad = ad_group_ad_operation.create
ad_group_ad.status = client.enums.AdGroupAdStatusEnum.PAUSED
ad_group_ad.ad_group = client.get_service("AdGroupService").ad_group_path(
customer_id, ad_group_id
# Configured the ad as a display upload ad.
display_upload_ad = ad_group_ad.ad
display_upload_ad.name = "Ad for HTML5"
# Exactly one of the ad_data "oneof" fields must be included to specify the
# ad type. See: https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/Ad for
# the full list of available types. By setting a "display_upload_ad"
# subfield it sets that as the "oneof" field for the Ad.
display_upload_ad.display_upload_ad.media_bundle.asset = (
display_upload_ad.display_upload_ad.display_upload_product_type = (
# Add the ad group ad to the client account and display the resulting
# ad's resource name.
mutate_ad_group_ads_response = ad_group_ad_service.mutate_ad_group_ads(
customer_id=customer_id, operations=[ad_group_ad_operation]
"Created new ad group ad with resource name "
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Adds a display upload ad to a given ad group."
# The following argument(s) should be provided to run the example.
help="The Google Ads customer ID.",
help="The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.",
args = parser.parse_args()
# GoogleAdsClient will read the google-ads.yaml configuration file in the
# home directory if none is specified.
googleads_client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage(version="v19")
main(googleads_client, args.customer_id, args.ad_group_id)
except GoogleAdsException as ex:
f'Request with ID "{ex.request_id}" failed with status '
f'"{ex.error.code().name}" and includes the following errors:'
for error in ex.failure.errors:
print(f'\tError with message "{error.message}".')
if error.location:
for field_path_element in error.location.field_path_elements:
print(f"\t\tOn field: {field_path_element.field_name}")
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Encoding: utf-8
# Copyright 2020 Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
# To get ad groups, run get_ad_groups.rb.
require 'optparse'
require 'google/ads/google_ads'
require 'open-uri'
def add_display_upload_ad(customer_id, ad_group_id)
# GoogleAdsClient will read a config file from
# ENV['HOME']/google_ads_config.rb when called without parameters
client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::GoogleAdsClient.new
# Creates a new media bundle asset and returns the resource name.
# There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will
# create an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
# The display_upload_product_type field lists the available display
# upload types:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
ad_asset_resource_name = create_media_bundle_asset(client, customer_id)
# Creates a new display upload ad and associates it with the specified
# ad group.
# Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file. The zip file contains
# the HTML5 components.
def create_media_bundle_asset(client, customer_id)
# The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
# HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
# Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
html5_zip = open("https://gaagl.page.link/ib87") { |f| f.read }
# Creates the media bundle asset.
operation = client.operation.create_resource.asset do |asset|
asset.type = :MEDIA_BUNDLE
asset.name = "Ad Media Bundle"
asset.media_bundle_asset = client.resource.media_bundle_asset do |media|
media.data = html5_zip
# Issues a mutate request to add the asset.
response = client.service.asset.mutate_assets(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: [operation],
# Prints the resource name of the added media bundle asset.
ad_asset_resource_name = response.results.first.resource_name
puts "Uploaded media bundle asset with resource name: " \
# Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the specified ad group.
def create_display_upload_ad_group_ad(
# Creates an ad group ad for the new ad.
operation = client.operation.create_resource.ad_group_ad do |aga|
aga.ad = client.resource.ad do |ad|
ad.name = "Ad for HTML 5"
ad.final_urls << "http://example.com/html5"
# Exactly one ad data field must be included to specify the ad type. See
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/Ad
# for the full list of available types.
ad.display_upload_ad = client.resource.display_upload_ad_info do |info|
info.display_upload_product_type = :HTML5_UPLOAD_AD
info.media_bundle = client.resource.ad_media_bundle_asset do |bundle|
bundle.asset = ad_asset_resource_name
aga.ad_group = client.path.ad_group(customer_id, ad_group_id)
aga.status = :PAUSED
# Issues a mutate request to add the ad group ad.
response = client.service.ad_group_ad.mutate_ad_group_ads(
customer_id: customer_id,
operations: [operation],
# Prints information about the newly created ad group ad.
puts "Created ad group ad with resource name: " \
if __FILE__ == $0
options = {}
# The following parameter(s) should be provided to run the example. You can
# either specify these by changing the INSERT_XXX_ID_HERE values below, or on
# the command line.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in
# code.
# Running the example with -h will print the command line usage.
options[:customer_id] = 'INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE'
options[:ad_group_id] = 'INSERT_AD_GROUP_ID_HERE'
OptionParser.new do |opts|
opts.banner = sprintf('Usage: %s [options]', File.basename(__FILE__))
opts.separator ''
opts.separator 'Options:'
opts.on('-C', '--customer-id CUSTOMER-ID', String, 'Customer ID') do |v|
options[:customer_id] = v
opts.on('-A', '--ad-group-id AD-GROUP-ID', String, 'AdGroup ID') do |v|
options[:ad_group_id] = v
opts.separator ''
opts.separator 'Help:'
opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Show this message') do
puts opts
options.fetch(:customer_id).tr("-", ""),
rescue Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Errors::GoogleAdsError => e
e.failure.errors.each do |error|
STDERR.printf("Error with message: %s\n", error.message)
if error.location
error.location.field_path_elements.each do |field_path_element|
STDERR.printf("\tOn field: %s\n", field_path_element.field_name)
error.error_code.to_h.each do |k, v|
next if v == :UNSPECIFIED
STDERR.printf("\tType: %s\n\tCode: %s\n", k, v)
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# Copyright 2020, Google LLC
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
# To get ad groups, run get_ad_groups.pl.
# This feature is only available to allowlisted accounts.
# See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722096 for more details.
use strict;
use warnings;
use utf8;
use FindBin qw($Bin);
use lib "$Bin/../../lib";
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::GoogleAdsHelper;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Utils::MediaUtils;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Ad;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroupAd;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Asset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::AdMediaBundleAsset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::DisplayUploadAdInfo;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Common::MediaBundleAsset;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::AdGroupAdStatusEnum qw(PAUSED);
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::DisplayUploadProductTypeEnum
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Enums::AssetTypeEnum qw(MEDIA_BUNDLE);
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AssetService::AssetOperation;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Services::AdGroupAdService::AdGroupAdOperation;
use Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames;
use Getopt::Long qw(:config auto_help);
use Pod::Usage;
use Cwd qw(abs_path);
# The HTML5 zip file contains all the HTML, CSS, and images needed for the
# HTML5 ad. For help on creating an HTML5 zip file, check out Google Web
# Designer (https://www.google.com/webdesigner/).
use constant BUNDLE_URL => "https://gaagl.page.link/ib87";
# The following parameter(s) should be provided to run the example. You can
# either specify these by changing the INSERT_XXX_ID_HERE values below, or on
# the command line.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in
# code.
# Running the example with -h will print the command line usage.
my $customer_id = "INSERT_CUSTOMER_ID_HERE";
my $ad_group_id = "INSERT_AD_GROUP_ID_HERE";
sub add_display_upload_ad {
my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id) = @_;
# There are several types of display upload ads. For this example, we will
# create an HTML5 upload ad, which requires a media bundle.
# The DisplayUploadProductType field lists the available display upload types:
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/DisplayUploadAdInfo
# Create a new media bundle asset and return the resource name.
my $ad_asset_resource_name =
create_media_bundle_asset($api_client, $customer_id);
# Create a new display upload ad and associate it with the specified ad group.
create_display_upload_ad_group_ad($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id,
return 1;
# Creates a media bundle from the assets in a zip file. The zip file contains the
# HTML5 components.
sub create_media_bundle_asset {
my ($api_client, $customer_id) = @_;
# Create an HTML5 zip file media bundle content.
my $bundle_content = get_base64_data_from_url(BUNDLE_URL);
# Create an asset.
my $asset = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Asset->new({
name => "Ad Media Bundle",
mediaBundleAsset =>
data => $bundle_content
# Create an asset operation.
my $asset_operation =
create => $asset
# Issue a mutate request to add the asset.
my $assets_response = $api_client->AssetService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => [$asset_operation]});
# Print out information about the newly added asset.
my $asset_resource_name = $assets_response->{results}[0]{resourceName};
printf "The media bundle asset has been added with resource name: '%s'.\n",
return $asset_resource_name;
# Creates a new HTML5 display upload ad and adds it to the specified ad group.
sub create_display_upload_ad_group_ad {
my ($api_client, $customer_id, $ad_group_id, $ad_asset_resource_name) = @_;
# Create a display upload ad info.
my $display_upload_ad_info =
displayUploadProductType => HTML5_UPLOAD_AD,
mediaBundle =>
asset => $ad_asset_resource_name,
# Create a display upload ad.
my $display_upload_ad = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::Ad->new({
name => "Ad for HTML5",
finalUrls => ["http://example.com/html5"],
# Exactly one ad data field must be included to specify the ad type. See
# https://developers.google.com/google-ads/api/reference/rpc/latest/Ad for the
# full list of available types.
displayUploadAd => $display_upload_ad_info,
# Create an ad group ad.
my $ad_group_ad = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Resources::AdGroupAd->new({
ad => $display_upload_ad,
status => PAUSED,
adGroup => Google::Ads::GoogleAds::V19::Utils::ResourceNames::ad_group(
$customer_id, $ad_group_id
# Create an ad group ad operation.
my $ad_group_ad_operation =
->new({create => $ad_group_ad});
# Add the ad group ad.
my $response = $api_client->AdGroupAdService()->mutate({
customerId => $customer_id,
operations => [$ad_group_ad_operation]});
# Display the resulting ad group ad's resource name.
printf "Created new ad group ad '%s'.\n",
# Don't run the example if the file is being included.
if (abs_path($0) ne abs_path(__FILE__)) {
return 1;
# Get Google Ads Client, credentials will be read from ~/googleads.properties.
my $api_client = Google::Ads::GoogleAds::Client->new();
# By default examples are set to die on any server returned fault.
# Parameters passed on the command line will override any parameters set in code.
"customer_id=s" => \$customer_id,
"ad_group_id=i" => \$ad_group_id,
# Print the help message if the parameters are not initialized in the code nor
# in the command line.
pod2usage(2) if not check_params($customer_id, $ad_group_id);
# Call the example.
add_display_upload_ad($api_client, $customer_id =~ s/-//gr, $ad_group_id);
=head1 NAME
This code example adds a display upload ad to a given ad group.
To get ad groups, run get_ad_groups.pl
This feature is only available to allowlisted accounts.
See https://support.google.com/google-ads/answer/1722096 for more details.
add_display_upload_ad.pl [options]
-help Show the help message.
-customer_id The Google Ads customer ID.
-ad_group_id The ID of the ad group to which the new ad will be added.
جز در مواردی که غیر از این ذکر شده باشد،محتوای این صفحه تحت مجوز Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License است. نمونه کدها نیز دارای مجوز Apache 2.0 License است. برای اطلاع از جزئیات، به خطمشیهای سایت Google Developers مراجعه کنید. جاوا علامت تجاری ثبتشده Oracle و/یا شرکتهای وابسته به آن است.
تاریخ آخرین بهروزرسانی 2025-03-07 بهوقت ساعت هماهنگ جهانی.
[null,null,["تاریخ آخرین بهروزرسانی 2025-03-07 بهوقت ساعت هماهنگ جهانی."],[[["This code adds HTML5 display upload ads to a Google Ads ad group using the Google Ads API."],["It involves creating a media bundle from a zip file containing ad assets (HTML, CSS, images)."],["A new display upload ad is created, linked to the media bundle, and added to the specified ad group."],["The created ad is initially paused and requires manual activation to start serving."],["This functionality is restricted to allowlisted Google Ads accounts."]]],[]]