AutocompleteService class
Contains methods related to retrieving Autocomplete predictions.
Access by calling const {AutocompleteService} = await google.maps.importLibrary("places")
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
AutocompleteService |
AutocompleteService() Parameters: None
Creates a new instance of the AutocompleteService . |
Methods | |
getPlacePredictions |
getPlacePredictions(request[, callback]) Parameters:
Return Value:
Promise<AutocompleteResponse> Retrieves place autocomplete predictions based on the supplied autocomplete request. |
getQueryPredictions |
getQueryPredictions(request, callback) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Retrieves query autocomplete predictions based on the supplied query autocomplete request. |
AutocompletionRequest interface
An Autocompletion request to be sent to AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions
Properties | |
input |
string The user entered input string. |
LatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral optional Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not restricted to, the given bounds . Both location and radius will be ignored if bounds is set. |
componentRestrictions optional |
ComponentRestrictions optional The component restrictions. Component restrictions are used to restrict predictions to only those within the parent component. For example, the country. |
language optional |
string optional A language identifier for the language in which the results should be returned, if possible. Results in the selected language may be given a higher ranking, but suggestions are not restricted to this language. See the list of supported languages. |
LatLng optional Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given location and radius . Alternatively, bounds can be used. |
locationBias optional |
LocationBias optional A soft boundary or hint to use when searching for places. |
locationRestriction optional |
LocationRestriction optional Bounds to constrain search results. |
offset optional |
number optional The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for predictions (the position of the cursor in the input field). |
origin optional |
LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional The location where AutocompletePrediction.distance_meters is calculated from. |
number optional The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius is specified in meters, and must always be accompanied by a location property. Alternatively, bounds can be used. |
region optional |
string optional A region code which is used for result formatting and for result filtering. It does not restrict the suggestions to this country. The region code accepts a ccTLD ("top-level domain") two-character value. Most ccTLD codes are identical to ISO 3166-1 codes, with some notable exceptions. For example, the United Kingdom's ccTLD is "uk" ( ) while its ISO 3166-1 code is "gb" (technically for the entity of "The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland"). |
sessionToken optional |
AutocompleteSessionToken optional Unique reference used to bundle individual requests into sessions. |
types optional |
Array<string> optional The types of predictions to be returned. For supported types, see the developer's guide. If no types are specified, all types will be returned. |
AutocompleteResponse interface
An Autocomplete response returned by the call to AutocompleteService.getPlacePredictions
containing a list of AutocompletePrediction
Properties | |
predictions |
Array<AutocompletePrediction> The list of AutocompletePrediction s. |
QueryAutocompletionRequest interface
A QueryAutocompletion request to be sent to the QueryAutocompleteService
Properties | |
input |
string The user entered input string. |
bounds optional |
LatLngBounds|LatLngBoundsLiteral optional Bounds for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards, but not restricted to, the given bounds . Both location and radius will be ignored if bounds is set. |
location optional |
LatLng optional Location for prediction biasing. Predictions will be biased towards the given location and radius . Alternatively, bounds can be used. |
offset optional |
number optional The character position in the input term at which the service uses text for predictions (the position of the cursor in the input field). |
radius optional |
number optional The radius of the area used for prediction biasing. The radius is specified in meters, and must always be accompanied by a location property. Alternatively, bounds can be used. |
ComponentRestrictions interface
Defines the component restrictions that can be used with the autocomplete service.
AutocompletePrediction interface
Represents a single autocomplete prediction.
Properties | |
description |
string This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service. |
matched_substrings |
Array<PredictionSubstring> A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the user's input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters. |
place_id |
string A place ID that can be used to retrieve details about this place using the place details service (see PlacesService.getDetails ). |
structured_formatting |
StructuredFormatting Structured information about the place's description, divided into a main text and a secondary text, including an array of matched substrings from the autocomplete input, identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters. |
terms |
Array<PredictionTerm> Information about individual terms in the above description, from most to least specific. For example, "Taco Bell", "Willitis", and "CA". |
types |
Array<string> An array of types that the prediction belongs to, for example 'establishment' or 'geocode' . |
distance_meters optional |
number optional The distance in meters of the place from the AutocompletionRequest.origin . |
QueryAutocompletePrediction interface
Represents a single Query Autocomplete prediction.
Properties | |
description |
string This is the unformatted version of the query suggested by the Places service. |
matched_substrings |
Array<PredictionSubstring> A set of substrings in the place's description that match elements in the user's input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters. |
terms |
Array<PredictionTerm> Information about individual terms in the above description. Categorical terms come first (for example, "restaurant"). Address terms appear from most to least specific. For example, "San Francisco", and "CA". |
place_id optional |
string optional Only available if prediction is a place. A place ID that can be used to retrieve details about this place using the place details service (see PlacesService.getDetails ). |
PredictionSubstring interface
Represents a prediction substring.
StructuredFormatting interface
Contains structured information about the place's description, divided into a main text and a secondary text, including an array of matched substrings from the autocomplete input, identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters.
Properties | |
main_text |
string This is the main text part of the unformatted description of the place suggested by the Places service. Usually the name of the place. |
main_text_matched_substrings |
Array<PredictionSubstring> A set of substrings in the main text that match elements in the user's input, suitable for use in highlighting those substrings. Each substring is identified by an offset and a length, expressed in unicode characters. |
secondary_text |
string This is the secondary text part of the unformatted description of the place suggested by the Places service. Usually the location of the place. |