StreetViewPanorama class
Displays the panorama for a given LatLng
or panorama ID. A StreetViewPanorama
object provides a Street View "viewer" which can be stand-alone within a separate <div>
or bound to a Map
This class extends
Access by calling const {StreetViewPanorama} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
StreetViewPanorama |
StreetViewPanorama(container[, opts]) Parameters:
Creates a panorama with the passed StreetViewPanoramaOptions . |
Properties | |
controls |
Array<MVCArray<HTMLElement>> Additional controls to attach to the panorama. To add a control to the panorama, add the control's <div> to the MVCArray corresponding to the ControlPosition where it should be rendered. |
Methods | |
focus |
focus() Parameters: None
Return Value: None
Sets focus on this StreetViewPanorama . You may wish to consider using this method along with a visible_changed event to make sure that StreetViewPanorama is visible before setting focus on it. A StreetViewPanorama that is not visible cannot be focused. |
getLinks |
getLinks() Parameters: None
Return Value:
Array<StreetViewLink> Returns the set of navigation links for the Street View panorama. |
getLocation |
getLocation() Parameters: None
Return Value:
StreetViewLocation Returns the StreetViewLocation of the current panorama. |
getMotionTracking |
getMotionTracking() Parameters: None
Return Value:
boolean Returns the state of motion tracker. If true when the user physically moves the device and the browser supports it, the Street View Panorama tracks the physical movements. |
getPano |
getPano() Parameters: None
Return Value:
string Returns the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama. This id is stable within the browser's current session only. |
getPhotographerPov |
getPhotographerPov() Parameters: None
Return Value:
StreetViewPov Returns the heading and pitch of the photographer when this panorama was taken. For Street View panoramas on the road, this also reveals in which direction the car was travelling. This data is available after the pano_changed event. |
getPosition |
getPosition() Parameters: None
Return Value:
LatLng|null Returns the current LatLng position for the Street View panorama. |
getPov |
getPov() Parameters: None
Return Value:
StreetViewPov Returns the current point of view for the Street View panorama. |
getStatus |
getStatus() Parameters: None
Return Value:
StreetViewStatus Returns the status of the panorama on completion of the setPosition() or setPano() request. |
getVisible |
getVisible() Parameters: None
Return Value:
boolean Returns true if the panorama is visible. It does not specify whether Street View imagery is available at the specified position. |
getZoom |
getZoom() Parameters: None
Return Value:
number Returns the zoom level of the panorama. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, where the field of view is 180 degrees. Zooming in increases the zoom level. |
registerPanoProvider |
registerPanoProvider(provider[, opt_options]) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Set the custom panorama provider called on pano change to load custom panoramas. |
setLinks |
setLinks(links) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the set of navigation links for the Street View panorama. |
setMotionTracking |
setMotionTracking(motionTracking) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the state of motion tracker. If true when the user physically moves the device and the browser supports it, the Street View Panorama tracks the physical movements. |
setOptions |
setOptions(options) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets a collection of key-value pairs. |
setPano |
setPano(pano) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the current panorama ID for the Street View panorama. |
setPosition |
setPosition(latLng) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the current LatLng position for the Street View panorama. |
setPov |
setPov(pov) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the point of view for the Street View panorama. |
setVisible |
setVisible(flag) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets to true to make the panorama visible. If set to false , the panorama will be hidden whether it is embedded in the map or in its own <div> . |
setZoom |
setZoom(zoom) Parameters:
Return Value: None
Sets the zoom level of the panorama. Fully zoomed-out is level 0, where the field of view is 180 degrees. Zooming in increases the zoom level. |
addListener ,
bindTo ,
get ,
notify ,
set ,
setValues ,
unbind ,
Events | |
closeclick |
function(event) Arguments:
This event is fired when the close button is clicked. |
pano_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired when the panorama's pano id changes. The pano may change as the user navigates through the panorama or the position is manually set. Note that not all position changes trigger a pano_changed . |
position_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired when the panorama's position changes. The position changes as the user navigates through the panorama or the position is set manually. |
pov_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired when the panorama's point-of-view changes. The point of view changes as the pitch, zoom, or heading changes. |
resize |
function() Arguments: None
Developers should trigger this event on the panorama when its div changes size: google.maps.event.trigger(panorama, 'resize') . |
status_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired after every panorama lookup by id or location, via setPosition() or setPano() . |
visible_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired when the panorama's visibility changes. The visibility is changed when the Pegman is dragged onto the map, the close button is clicked, or setVisible() is called. |
zoom_changed |
function() Arguments: None
This event is fired when the panorama's zoom level changes. |
StreetViewPanoramaOptions interface
Options defining the properties of a StreetViewPanorama
Properties | |
addressControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the address control. |
addressControlOptions optional |
StreetViewAddressControlOptions optional The display options for the address control. |
clickToGo optional |
boolean optional Default:
true The enabled/disabled state of click-to-go. Not applicable to custom panoramas. |
controlSize optional |
number optional Size in pixels of the controls appearing on the panorama. This value must be supplied directly when creating the Panorama, updating this value later may bring the controls into an undefined state. Only governs the controls made by the Maps API itself. Does not scale developer created custom controls. |
disableDefaultUI optional |
boolean optional Enables/disables all default UI. May be overridden individually. |
disableDoubleClickZoom optional |
boolean optional Default:
true Enables/disables zoom on double click. |
enableCloseButton optional |
boolean optional Default:
false If true , the close button is displayed. |
fullscreenControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the fullscreen control. |
fullscreenControlOptions optional |
FullscreenControlOptions optional The display options for the fullscreen control. |
imageDateControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the imagery acquisition date control. Disabled by default. |
linksControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the links control. |
motionTracking optional |
boolean optional Whether motion tracking is on or off. Enabled by default when the motion tracking control is present and permission is granted by a user or not required, so that the POV (point of view) follows the orientation of the device. This is primarily applicable to mobile devices. If motionTracking is set to false while motionTrackingControl is enabled, the motion tracking control appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the motion tracking control to toggle this option. If motionTracking is set to true while permission is required but not yet requested, the motion tracking control appears but tracking is off. The user can tap the motion tracking control to request permission. If motionTracking is set to true while permission is denied by a user, the motion tracking control appears disabled with tracking turned off. |
motionTrackingControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the motion tracking control. Enabled by default when the device has motion data, so that the control appears on the map. This is primarily applicable to mobile devices. |
motionTrackingControlOptions optional |
MotionTrackingControlOptions optional The display options for the motion tracking control. |
panControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the pan control. |
panControlOptions optional |
PanControlOptions optional The display options for the pan control. |
pano optional |
string optional The panorama ID, which should be set when specifying a custom panorama. |
position optional |
LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional The LatLng position of the Street View panorama. |
pov optional |
StreetViewPov optional The camera orientation, specified as heading and pitch, for the panorama. |
scrollwheel optional |
boolean optional Default:
true If false , disables scrollwheel zooming in Street View. |
showRoadLabels optional |
boolean optional Default:
true The display of street names on the panorama. If this value is not specified, or is set to true , street names are displayed on the panorama. If set to false , street names are not displayed. |
visible optional |
boolean optional If true , the Street View panorama is visible on load. |
zoom optional |
number optional The zoom of the panorama, specified as a number. A zoom of 0 gives a 180 degrees Field of View. |
zoomControl optional |
boolean optional The enabled/disabled state of the zoom control. |
zoomControlOptions optional |
ZoomControlOptions optional The display options for the zoom control. |
StreetViewAddressControlOptions interface
Options for the rendering of the Street View address control.
Properties | |
position optional |
ControlPosition optional Position id. This id is used to specify the position of the control on the map. The default position is TOP_LEFT . |
PanoProviderOptions interface
Options for the Custom Pano Provider.
Properties | |
cors optional |
boolean optional If set, the renderer will use technologies (like webgl) that only work when cors headers are appropriately set on the provided images. It is the developer's task to serve the images correctly in combination with this flag, which might otherwise lead to SecurityErrors. |
StreetViewTileData interface
The properties of the tile set used in a Street View panorama.
Properties | |
centerHeading |
number The heading (in degrees) at the center of the panoramic tiles. |
tileSize |
Size The size (in pixels) at which tiles will be rendered. |
worldSize |
Size The size (in pixels) of the whole panorama's "world". |
Methods | |
getTileUrl |
getTileUrl(pano, tileZoom, tileX, tileY) Parameters:
Return Value:
string Gets the tile image URL for the specified tile. This is a custom method which you must implement, to supply your custom tiles. The API calls this method, supplying the following parameters: pano is the panorama ID of the Street View tile.tileZoom is the zoom level of the tile.tileX is the x-coordinate of the tile.tileY is the y-coordinate of the tile.Your custom method must return the URL for the tile image. |
StreetViewPov interface
A point of view object which specifies the camera's orientation at the Street View panorama's position. The point of view is defined as heading and pitch.
StreetViewCoverageLayer class
A layer that illustrates the locations where Street View is available.
This class extends
Access by calling const {StreetViewCoverageLayer} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView")
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.
Constructor | |
StreetViewCoverageLayer |
StreetViewCoverageLayer() Parameters: None
Creates a new instance of StreetViewCoverageLayer . |
Methods | |
getMap |
getMap() Parameters: None
Return Value:
Map|null Returns the map on which this layer is displayed. |
setMap |
setMap(map) Parameters:
Return Value:
undefined Renders the layer on the specified map. If the map is set to null, the layer will be removed. |
addListener ,
bindTo ,
get ,
notify ,
set ,
setValues ,
unbind ,