تتوفّر Places API أيضًا مع برنامج Java Client وبرنامج Python Client وبرنامج Go Client وبرنامج Node.js Client لخدمات "خرائط Google". تهدف واجهة برمجة التطبيقات Places API ومكتبات البرامج إلى الاستخدام في تطبيقات الخادم.
إذا كنت بصدد إنشاء تطبيق على جهة العميل، يمكنك الاطّلاع على حزمة تطوير البرامج (SDK) للأماكن لنظام Android و حزمة تطوير البرامج (SDK) للأماكن لنظام iOS و مكتبة الأماكن، واجهة برمجة التطبيقات JavaScript للخرائط.
يمكن استخدام خدمة "إكمال طلب البحث تلقائيًا" لتقديم توقّعات لطلبات البحث عن عمليات البحث الجغرافية المستندة إلى النصوص، وذلك من خلال عرض طلبات بحث مقترَحة أثناء الكتابة.
طلبات الإكمال التلقائي للطلبات
خدمة "الإكمال التلقائي لطلبات البحث" هي جزء من Places API وتشترك مع Places API في مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات والحصة.
تتيح لك خدمة "إكمال طلبات البحث" إضافة عبارات بحث مقترَحة جغرافية إلى تطبيقك أثناء التشغيل. بدلاً من البحث عن موقع جغرافي معيّن، يمكن للمستخدم كتابة طلب بحث فئوي، مثل "فطائر بالقرب من القاهرة"، وستردّ الخدمة بقائمة من طلبات البحث المقترَحة التي تتطابق مع السلسلة. بما أنّ خدمة "إكمال طلبات البحث تلقائيًا" يمكنها المطابقة على كلٍّ من الكلمات الكاملة والسلسلة الفرعية، يمكن للتطبيقات إرسال طلبات البحث أثناء كتابة المستخدم لتوفير اقتراحات أثناء التشغيل.
طلب "إكمال الطلب" هو عنوان URL لبروتوكول HTTP بالشكل التالي:
حيث يمكن أن يكون output
إما json
يجب توفير مَعلمات معيّنة لبدء طلب ميزة "الإكمال التلقائي لطلبات البحث".
كما هو معتاد في عناوين URL، يتم فصل جميع المَعلمات باستخدام رمز العطف اللاتيني
). في ما يلي قائمة بالمَعلمات وقِيمها
Required parameters
The text string on which to search. The Place Autocomplete service will return candidate matches based on this string and order results based on their perceived relevance.
Optional parameters
The language in which to return results.
- See the list of supported languages. Google often updates the supported languages, so this list may not be exhaustive.
is not supplied, the API attempts to use the preferred language as specified in theAccept-Language
header. - The API does its best to provide a street address that is readable for both the user and locals. To achieve that goal, it returns street addresses in the local language, transliterated to a script readable by the user if necessary, observing the preferred language. All other addresses are returned in the preferred language. Address components are all returned in the same language, which is chosen from the first component.
- If a name is not available in the preferred language, the API uses the closest match.
- The preferred language has a small influence on the set of results that the API chooses to return, and the order in which they are returned. The geocoder interprets abbreviations differently depending on language, such as the abbreviations for street types, or synonyms that may be valid in one language but not in another. For example, utca and tér are synonyms for street in Hungarian.
Defines a point, as
coordinates, around which to search. The Places service uses the location to bias the search to prefer to show results in the area defined bylocation
; results outside of the defined area may still be displayed.Thelocation
parameter may be overridden if thequery
contains an explicit location such asMarket in Barcelona
. Using quotes around the query may also influence the weight given to thelocation
The position, in the input term, of the last character that the service uses to match predictions. For example, if the input is
and the offset is 3, the service will match onGoo
. The string determined by the offset is matched against the first word in the input term only. For example, if the input term isGoogle abc
and the offset is 3, the service will attempt to match againstGoo abc
. If no offset is supplied, the service will use the whole term. The offset should generally be set to the position of the text caret.radius
Defines the distance (in meters) within which to return place results. You may bias results to a specified circle by passing a
and aradius
parameter. Doing so instructs the Places service to prefer showing results within that circle; results outside of the defined area may still be displayed.The radius will automatically be clamped to a maximum value depending on the type of search and other parameters.
- Autocomplete: 50,000 meters
Nearby Search:
- with
: 50,000 meters -
Up to 50,000 meters, adjusted dynamically based on area density,
independent of
parameter. -
When using
, the radius parameter will not be accepted, and will result in anINVALID_REQUEST
Up to 50,000 meters, adjusted dynamically based on area density,
independent of
- with
- Query Autocomplete: 50,000 meters
- Text Search: 50,000 meters
أمثلة على ميزة "الإكمال التلقائي لطلبات البحث"
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json ?input=pizza%20near%20par &key=YOUR_API_KEY
curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json?input=pizza%20near%20par&key=YOUR_API_KEY'
طلب "بيتزا بالقرب من باريس"، مع نتائج باللغة الفرنسية:
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json ?input=pizza%20near%20par &language=fr &key=YOUR_API_KEY
curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json?input=pizza%20near%20par&language=fr&key=YOUR_API_KEY'
يُرجى العِلم أنّه عليك استبدال مفتاح واجهة برمجة التطبيقات في هذه الأمثلة بمفتاحك الخاص.
ردّ ميزة "الإكمال التلقائي لطلبات البحث"
يتم عرض إجابات الإكمال التلقائي للطلبات بالتنسيق الذي يشير إليه العلامة
ضمن مسار طلب عنوان URL. يتم عرض النتائج أدناه
لطلب بحث يتضمّن المَعلمات التالية:
https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json ?input=pizza%20near%20par &key=YOUR_API_KEY
curl -L -X GET 'https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/place/queryautocomplete/json?input=pizza%20near%20par&key=YOUR_API_KEY'
{ "predictions": [ { "description": "pizza near Paris, France", "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }, { "length": 3, "offset": 11 }], "structured_formatting": { "main_text": "pizza", "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }], "secondary_text": "near Paris, France", "secondary_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 3, "offset": 5 }], }, "terms": [ { "offset": 0, "value": "pizza" }, { "offset": 6, "value": "near" }, { "offset": 11, "value": "Paris" }, { "offset": 18, "value": "France" }, ], }, { "description": "pizza near Pari Chowk, NRI City, Omega II, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India", "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }, { "length": 3, "offset": 11 }], "structured_formatting": { "main_text": "pizza", "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }], "secondary_text": "near Pari Chowk, NRI City, Omega II, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India", "secondary_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 3, "offset": 5 }], }, "terms": [ { "offset": 0, "value": "pizza" }, { "offset": 6, "value": "near" }, { "offset": 11, "value": "Pari Chowk" }, { "offset": 23, "value": "NRI City" }, { "offset": 33, "value": "Omega II" }, { "offset": 43, "value": "Noida" }, { "offset": 50, "value": "Uttar Pradesh" }, { "offset": 65, "value": "India" }, ], }, { "description": "pizza near Disneyland Park, Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA, USA", "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }, { "length": 3, "offset": 22 }], "structured_formatting": { "main_text": "pizza", "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }], "secondary_text": "near Disneyland Park, Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA, USA", "secondary_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 3, "offset": 16 }], }, "terms": [ { "offset": 0, "value": "pizza" }, { "offset": 6, "value": "near" }, { "offset": 11, "value": "Disneyland Park" }, { "offset": 28, "value": "Disneyland Drive" }, { "offset": 46, "value": "Anaheim" }, { "offset": 55, "value": "CA" }, { "offset": 59, "value": "USA" }, ], }, { "description": "pizza near Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II, Paris, France", "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }, { "length": 3, "offset": 36 }], "structured_formatting": { "main_text": "pizza", "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }], "secondary_text": "near Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II, Paris, France", "secondary_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 3, "offset": 30 }], }, "terms": [ { "offset": 0, "value": "pizza" }, { "offset": 6, "value": "near" }, { "offset": 11, "value": "Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris" }, { "offset": 43, "value": "Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II" }, { "offset": 83, "value": "Paris" }, { "offset": 90, "value": "France" }, ], }, { "description": "pizza near Paris Beauvais Airport, Route de l'Aéroport, Tillé, France", "matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }, { "length": 3, "offset": 11 }], "structured_formatting": { "main_text": "pizza", "main_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 5, "offset": 0 }], "secondary_text": "near Paris Beauvais Airport, Route de l'Aéroport, Tillé, France", "secondary_text_matched_substrings": [{ "length": 3, "offset": 5 }], }, "terms": [ { "offset": 0, "value": "pizza" }, { "offset": 6, "value": "near" }, { "offset": 11, "value": "Paris Beauvais Airport" }, { "offset": 35, "value": "Route de l'Aéroport" }, { "offset": 56, "value": "Tillé" }, { "offset": 63, "value": "France" }, ], }, ], "status": "OK", }
<AutocompletionResponse> <status>OK</status> <prediction> <description>pizza near Paris, France</description> <term> <value>pizza</value> <offset>0</offset> </term> <term> <value>near</value> <offset>6</offset> </term> <term> <value>Paris</value> <offset>11</offset> </term> <term> <value>France</value> <offset>18</offset> </term> <matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </matched_substring> <matched_substring> <offset>11</offset> <length>3</length> </matched_substring> <structured_formatting> <description>pizza</description> <subdescription>near Paris, France</subdescription> <description_matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </description_matched_substring> <subdescription_matched_substring> <offset>5</offset> <length>3</length> </subdescription_matched_substring> </structured_formatting> </prediction> <prediction> <description>pizza near Pari Chowk, NRI City, Omega II, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India</description> <term> <value>pizza</value> <offset>0</offset> </term> <term> <value>near</value> <offset>6</offset> </term> <term> <value>Pari Chowk</value> <offset>11</offset> </term> <term> <value>NRI City</value> <offset>23</offset> </term> <term> <value>Omega II</value> <offset>33</offset> </term> <term> <value>Noida</value> <offset>43</offset> </term> <term> <value>Uttar Pradesh</value> <offset>50</offset> </term> <term> <value>India</value> <offset>65</offset> </term> <matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </matched_substring> <matched_substring> <offset>11</offset> <length>3</length> </matched_substring> <structured_formatting> <description>pizza</description> <subdescription>near Pari Chowk, NRI City, Omega II, Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India</subdescription> <description_matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </description_matched_substring> <subdescription_matched_substring> <offset>5</offset> <length>3</length> </subdescription_matched_substring> </structured_formatting> </prediction> <prediction> <description>pizza near Disneyland Park, Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA, USA</description> <term> <value>pizza</value> <offset>0</offset> </term> <term> <value>near</value> <offset>6</offset> </term> <term> <value>Disneyland Park</value> <offset>11</offset> </term> <term> <value>Disneyland Drive</value> <offset>28</offset> </term> <term> <value>Anaheim</value> <offset>46</offset> </term> <term> <value>CA</value> <offset>55</offset> </term> <term> <value>USA</value> <offset>59</offset> </term> <matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </matched_substring> <matched_substring> <offset>22</offset> <length>3</length> </matched_substring> <structured_formatting> <description>pizza</description> <subdescription>near Disneyland Park, Disneyland Drive, Anaheim, CA, USA</subdescription> <description_matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </description_matched_substring> <subdescription_matched_substring> <offset>16</offset> <length>3</length> </subdescription_matched_substring> </structured_formatting> </prediction> <prediction> <description>pizza near Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II, Paris, France</description> <term> <value>pizza</value> <offset>0</offset> </term> <term> <value>near</value> <offset>6</offset> </term> <term> <value>Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris</value> <offset>11</offset> </term> <term> <value>Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II</value> <offset>43</offset> </term> <term> <value>Paris</value> <offset>83</offset> </term> <term> <value>France</value> <offset>90</offset> </term> <matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </matched_substring> <matched_substring> <offset>36</offset> <length>3</length> </matched_substring> <structured_formatting> <description>pizza</description> <subdescription>near Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Paris, Parvis Notre-Dame - place Jean-Paul-II, Paris, France</subdescription> <description_matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </description_matched_substring> <subdescription_matched_substring> <offset>30</offset> <length>3</length> </subdescription_matched_substring> </structured_formatting> </prediction> <prediction> <description>pizza near Paris Beauvais Airport, Route de l'Aéroport, Tillé, France</description> <term> <value>pizza</value> <offset>0</offset> </term> <term> <value>near</value> <offset>6</offset> </term> <term> <value>Paris Beauvais Airport</value> <offset>11</offset> </term> <term> <value>Route de l'Aéroport</value> <offset>35</offset> </term> <term> <value>Tillé</value> <offset>56</offset> </term> <term> <value>France</value> <offset>63</offset> </term> <matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </matched_substring> <matched_substring> <offset>11</offset> <length>3</length> </matched_substring> <structured_formatting> <description>pizza</description> <subdescription>near Paris Beauvais Airport, Route de l'Aéroport, Tillé, France</subdescription> <description_matched_substring> <offset>0</offset> <length>5</length> </description_matched_substring> <subdescription_matched_substring> <offset>5</offset> <length>3</length> </subdescription_matched_substring> </structured_formatting> </prediction> </AutocompletionResponse>
عندما تعرض خدمة "الأماكن" نتائج JSON من عملية بحث، تضعها
داخل مصفوفة predictions
. حتى إذا لم تعرض الخدمة
أي نتائج (مثلاً إذا كان location
عن بُعد)، فإنه
سيستمر بعرض صفيف predictions
فارغ. تتألف الردود بتنسيق XML
من صفر أو أكثر من عناصر <prediction>
Field | Required | Type | Description |
| required | Array<PlaceAutocompletePrediction> | Contains an array of predictions. See PlaceAutocompletePrediction for more information. |
| required | PlacesAutocompleteStatus | Contains the status of the request, and may contain debugging information to help you track down why the request failed. See PlacesAutocompleteStatus for more information. |
| optional | string |
When the service returns a status code other than |
| optional | Array<string> |
When the service returns additional information about the request
specification, there may be an additional
Status codes returned by service.
indicating the API request was successful.ZERO_RESULTS
indicating that the search was successful but returned no results. This may occur if the search was passed a bounds in a remote location.INVALID_REQUEST
indicating the API request was malformed, generally due to the missinginput
indicating any of the following:- You have exceeded the QPS limits.
- Billing has not been enabled on your account.
- The monthly $200 credit, or a self-imposed usage cap, has been exceeded.
- The provided method of payment is no longer valid (for example, a credit card has expired).
indicating that your request was denied, generally because:- The request is missing an API key.
- The
parameter is invalid.
indicating an unknown error.
Field | Required | Type | Description |
| required | string |
Contains the human-readable name for the returned result. For
| required | Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring> | A list of substrings that describe the location of the entered term in the prediction result text, so that the term can be highlighted if desired. See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information. |
| required | PlaceAutocompleteStructuredFormat | Provides pre-formatted text that can be shown in your autocomplete results. This content is meant to be read as-is. Do not programmatically parse the formatted address. See PlaceAutocompleteStructuredFormat for more information. |
| required | Array<PlaceAutocompleteTerm> |
Contains an array of terms identifying each section of the returned
description (a section of the description is generally terminated
with a comma). Each entry in the array has a
See PlaceAutocompleteTerm for more information. |
| optional | integer |
The straight-line distance in meters from the origin. This field is
only returned for requests made with an |
| optional | string | A textual identifier that uniquely identifies a place. To retrieve information about the place, pass this identifier in the placeId field of a Places API request. For more information about place IDs, see the Place IDs overview. |
| optional | string | See place_id. |
| optional | Array<string> |
Contains an array of types that apply to this place. For example:
Field | Required | Type | Description |
| required | number | Length of the matched substring in the prediction result text. |
| required | number | Start location of the matched substring in the prediction result text. |
Field | Required | Type | Description |
| required | string | Contains the main text of a prediction, usually the name of the place. |
| required | Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring> |
Contains an array with See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information. |
| optional | string | Contains the secondary text of a prediction, usually the location of the place. |
| optional | Array<PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring> |
Contains an array with See PlaceAutocompleteMatchedSubstring for more information. |
Field | Required | Type | Description |
| required | number | Defines the start position of this term in the description, measured in Unicode characters |
| required | string | The text of the term. |