This document covers the steps you need to take to migrate your projects from Google Mobile Vision (GMV) to ML Kit on iOS.
Before you start to migrate your code, be sure you meet these requirements:
- ML Kit supports Xcode 13.2.1 or later.
- ML Kit supports iOS version 15.5 or greater.
- ML Kit doesn't support 32-bit architectures (i386 and armv7). ML Kit does support 64-bit architectures (x86_64 and arm64).
Update cocoapods
Update the dependencies for the ML Kit iOS cocoapods in your app’s Podfile:
API | GMV Pod | ML Kit Pod |
Barcode scanning | GoogleMobileVision/BarcodeDetector |
GoogleMLKit/BarcodeScanning |
Face detection | GoogleMobileVision/FaceDetector |
GoogleMLKit/FaceDetection |
Text recognition | GoogleMobileVision/TextDetector |
GoogleMLKit/TextRecognition |
Overall API changes
These changes apply to all APIs:
- GMV’s inference APIs take
as input. ML Kit wraps them inside anMLKVisionImage
and takes that as input. - GMV uses
to pass various detector options. ML Kit uses dedicated options classes for that purpose. - GMV passes the detector type to the single
class when it creats a detector. ML Kit uses dedicated classes to create separate detector, scanner, and recognizer instances. - GMV's APIs support synchronous detection only. ML Kit's inference APIs can be called synchronously and asynchronously.
- GMV extends
and provides a multi-detector framework for performing multiple detections at the same time. ML Kit doesn't provide such mechanisms, but the same functionality can be implemented by the developer if desired.
API-specific changes
This section describes corresponding GMV and ML Kit classes and methods for each Vision API, and shows how to initialize the API.
Recode the initialization as shown in this example:
NSDictionary *options = @{ GMVDetectorFaceMode : @(GMVDetectorFaceAccurateMode), GMVDetectorFaceClassificationType : @(GMVDetectorFaceClassificationAll), GMVDetectorFaceLandmarkType : @(GMVDetectorFaceLandmarkAll) }; GMVDetector *faceDetector = [GMVDetector detectorOfType:GMVDetectorTypeFace options:options];
MLKFaceDetectorOptions *options = [[MLKFaceDetectorOptions alloc] init]; options.performanceMode = MLKFaceDetectorPerformanceModeAccurate; options.classificationMode = MLKFaceDetectorClassificationModeAll; options.landmarkMode = MLKFaceDetectorLandmarkModeAll; MLKFaceDetector *faceDetector = [MLKFaceDetector faceDetectorWithOptions:options];
has two
different detection APIs. Both are synchronous operations:
- (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInImage:(UIImage *)image options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options; - (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options;
Replace GMVDetector
with MLKFaceDetector
The inference API can be called synchronously or asynchronously.
- (nullable NSArray<MLKFace *> *) resultsInImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image error:(NSError **)error;
- (void)processImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image Completion: (MLKFaceDetectionCallback)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(process(_:completion:));
Change the following classes, methods, and names:
Recode the initialization as shown in this example:
NSDictionary *options = @{ GMVDetectorBarcodeFormats : @(GMVDetectorBarcodeFormatCode128 | GMVDetectorBarcodeFormatQRCode) }; GMVDetector *barcodeDetector = [GMVDetector detectorOfType:GMVDetectorTypeBarcode options:options];
MLKBarcodeScannerOptions *options = [[MLKBarcodeScannerOptions alloc] init]; options.formats = MLKBarcodeFormatCode128 | MLKBarcodeFormatQRCode; MLKBarcodeScanner *barcodeScanner = [MLKBarcodeScanner barcodeScannerWithOptions:options];
has two different detection APIs. Both are synchronous operations:
- (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInImage:(UIImage *)image options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options; - (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options;
Replace GMVDetector
The inference API can be called synchronously or asynchronously.
- (nullable NSArray<MLKBarcode *> *) resultsInImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image error:(NSError **)error;
- (void)processImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image Completion: (MLKBarcodeScanningCallback)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(process(_:completion:));
Change the following classes, methods, and names:
Recode the initialization as shown in this example:
GMVDetector *textDetector = [GMVDetector detectorOfType:GMVDetectorTypeText options:nil];
MLKTextRecognizer *textRecognizer = [MLKTextRecognizer textRecognizer];
has two
different detection APIs. Both are synchronous operations:
- (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInImage:(UIImage *)image options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options; - (nullable NSArray<__kindof GMVFeature *> *) featuresInBuffer:(CMSampleBufferRef)sampleBuffer options:(nullable NSDictionary *)options;
Replace GMVDetector
The inference API can be called synchronously or asynchronously.
- (nullable MLKText *) resultsInImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image error:(NSError **)error;
- (void)processImage:(MLKVisionImage *)image Completion: (MLKTextRecognitionCallback)completion NS_SWIFT_NAME(process(_:completion:));
Change the following classes, methods, and names:
GMV | ML Kit |
Getting help
If you run into any issues, check out our Community page where we outline the channels available for getting in touch with us.