Document scanner with ML Kit on Android
Use the ML Kit document scanner API to easily add a document scanner feature to your app.
Feature | Details |
Sdk name | play-services-mlkit-document-scanner |
Implementation | The models, scanning logic and UI flow are dynamically downloaded by Google Play services. |
App size impact | ~300KB download size increase. |
Initialization time | Users might have to wait for the models, logic and UI flow to download before first use. |
Try it out
Play around with the sample app to see an example usage of this API.
Before you begin
In your project-level
file, make sure to include Google's Maven repository in both your buildscript and allprojects sections.Add the dependency for the ML Kit document scanner library to your module's app-level gradle file, which is usually app/build.gradle:
dependencies {
// …
implementation ''
Document Scanner configuration
The document scanner user flow (which includes a dedicated viewfinder screen and preview screen) is provided by the SDK. The viewfinder and preview screen supports the following customizable controls:
- importing from the photo gallery
- setting a limit to the number of pages scanned
- scanner mode (to control the feature sets in the flow)
You can retrieve both PDF and JPEG files for your scanned documents.
Instantiate GmsDocumentScannerOptions
to configure the scanner options:
val options = GmsDocumentScannerOptions.Builder() .setGalleryImportAllowed(false) .setPageLimit(2) .setResultFormats(RESULT_FORMAT_JPEG, RESULT_FORMAT_PDF) .setScannerMode(SCANNER_MODE_FULL) .build()
GmsDocumentScannerOptions options = new GmsDocumentScannerOptions.Builder() .setGalleryImportAllowed(false) .setPageLimit(2) .setResultFormats(RESULT_FORMAT_JPEG, RESULT_FORMAT_PDF) .setScannerMode(SCANNER_MODE_FULL) .build();
Scan documents
After creating your GmsDocumentScannerOptions
, get an
instance of GmsDocumentScanner
. You can then start the scanner activity
Activity Result APIs
introduced in AndroidX.
When the document scanning is complete, a GmsDocumentScanningResult
object will give access to the number of pages scanned, the URIs of the
images in JPEG format and PDF accordingly to what was defined via
val scanner = GmsDocumentScanning.getClient(options) val scannerLauncher = registerForActivityResult(StartIntentSenderForResult()) { result -> { if (result.resultCode == RESULT_OK) { val result = GmsDocumentScanningResult.fromActivityResultIntent( result.getPages()?.let { pages -> for (page in pages) { val imageUri = pages.get(0).getImageUri() } } result.getPdf()?.let { pdf -> val pdfUri = pdf.getUri() val pageCount = pdf.getPageCount() } } } } scanner.getStartScanIntent(activity) .addOnSuccessListener { intentSender -> scannerLauncher.launch(IntentSenderRequest.Builder(intentSender).build()) } .addOnFailureListener { ... }
GmsDocumentScanner scanner = GmsDocumentScanning.getClient(options); ActivityResultLauncher<IntentSenderRequest> scannerLauncher = registerForActivityResult( new StartIntentSenderForResult(), result -> { if (result.getResultCode() == RESULT_OK) { GmsDocumentScanningResult result = GmsDocumentScanningResult.fromActivityResultIntent(result.getData()); for (Page page : result.getPages()) { Uri imageUri = pages.get(0).getImageUri(); } Pdf pdf = result.getPdf(); Uri pdfUri = pdf.getUri(); int pageCount = pdf.getPageCount(); } }); scanner.getStartScanIntent(activity) .addOnSuccessListener(intentSender -> scannerLauncher.launch(new IntentSenderRequest.Builder(intentSender).build())) .addOnFailureListener(...);
Tips to improve performance
Consider that generating document files takes time and requires processing power, so only request the output formats (JPEG, or PDF, or both) you actually need.