在 iOS 上使用 AutoML 訓練模型為圖片加上標籤
使用 AutoML Vision Edge 訓練專屬模型後,您就可以在應用程式中使用該模型為圖片加上標籤。
您可以透過兩種方式整合 AutoML Vision Edge 訓練的模型。您可以將模型檔案複製到 Xcode 專案中,藉此將模型打包,也可以從 Firebase 動態下載模型。
模型捆綁選項 | |
已打包至應用程式 |
透過 Firebase 託管 |
- 請試用範例應用程式,瞭解這個 API 的使用範例。
1. 在 Podfile 中加入 ML Kit 程式庫:如要將模型與應用程式一起封裝:
pod 'GoogleMLKit/ImageLabelingAutoML'
依附元件:pod 'GoogleMLKit/ImageLabelingAutoML' pod 'GoogleMLKit/LinkFirebase'
code> 開啟 Xcode 專案。ML Kit 支援 Xcode 13.2.1 以上版本。3. 如果您要下載模型,請務必將 Firebase 新增至 iOS 專案 (如果您尚未這麼做)。如果您要將模型打包,則不需要這麼做。
1. 載入模型
如要將模型與應用程式組合:1. 從 Firebase 主控台下載的 ZIP 封存檔中,將模型和中繼資料解壓縮到資料夾中:
your_model_directory |____dict.txt |____manifest.json |____model.tflite
2. 將資料夾複製到 Xcode 專案,並在複製時選取「Create folder references」。模型檔案和中繼資料會納入應用程式套件,並可供 ML Kit 使用。
3. 建立
物件,指定模型資訊清單檔案的路徑:guard let manifestPath = Bundle.main.path( forResource: "manifest", ofType: "json", inDirectory: "your_model_directory" ) else { return } let localModel = AutoMLImageLabelerLocalModel(manifestPath: manifestPath)
NSString *manifestPath = [NSBundle.mainBundle pathForResource:@"manifest" ofType:@"json" inDirectory:@"your_model_directory"]; MLKAutoMLImageLabelerLocalModel *localModel = [[MLKAutoMLImageLabelerLocalModel alloc] initWithManifestPath:manifestPath];
設定由 Firebase 代管的模型來源
如要使用遠端代管的模型,請建立 AutoMLImageLabelerRemoteModel
let remoteModel = AutoMLImageLabelerRemoteModel( name: "your_remote_model" // The name you assigned in // the Firebase console. )
MLKAutoMLImageLabelerRemoteModel *remoteModel = [[MLKAutoMLImageLabelerRemoteModel alloc] initWithName:@"your_remote_model"]; // The name you assigned in // the Firebase console.
接著,啟動模型下載工作,並指定要允許下載的條件。如果裝置上沒有模型,或是有較新版本的模型可供使用,工作會從 Firebase 異步下載模型:
let downloadConditions = ModelDownloadConditions( allowsCellularAccess: true, allowsBackgroundDownloading: true ) let downloadProgress = ModelManager.modelManager().download( remoteModel, conditions: downloadConditions )
MLKModelDownloadConditions *downloadConditions = [[MLKModelDownloadConditions alloc] initWithAllowsCellularAccess:YES allowsBackgroundDownloading:YES]; NSProgress *downloadProgress = [[MLKModelManager modelManager] downloadModel:remoteModel conditions:downloadConditions];
設定模型來源後,請從其中一個來源建立 ImageLabeler
如果您只有本機內建的模型,請從 AutoMLImageLabelerLocalModel
物件建立標記器,並設定所需的可信度分數門檻 (請參閱「評估模式」):
let options = AutoMLImageLabelerOptions(localModel: localModel) options.confidenceThreshold = NSNumber(value: 0.0) // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console // to determine an appropriate value. let imageLabeler = ImageLabeler.imageLabeler(options: options)
MLKAutoMLImageLabelerOptions *options = [[MLKAutoMLImageLabelerOptions alloc] initWithLocalModel:localModel]; options.confidenceThreshold = @(0.0); // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console // to determine an appropriate value. MLKImageLabeler *imageLabeler = [MLKImageLabeler imageLabelerWithOptions:options];
如果您使用的是遠端代管模型,請務必先確認模型已下載,再執行模型。您可以使用模型管理員的 isModelDownloaded
(remoteModel:) 方法,查看模型下載作業的狀態。
雖然您只需要在執行標註器前確認這項資訊,但如果您同時擁有遠端代管模型和本機內建模型,在例項化 ImageLabeler
var options: AutoMLImageLabelerOptions! if (ModelManager.modelManager().isModelDownloaded(remoteModel)) { options = AutoMLImageLabelerOptions(remoteModel: remoteModel) } else { options = AutoMLImageLabelerOptions(localModel: localModel) } options.confidenceThreshold = NSNumber(value: 0.0) // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console // to determine an appropriate value. let imageLabeler = ImageLabeler.imageLabeler(options: options)
MLKAutoMLImageLabelerOptions *options; if ([[MLKModelManager modelManager] isModelDownloaded:remoteModel]) { options = [[MLKAutoMLImageLabelerOptions alloc] initWithRemoteModel:remoteModel]; } else { options = [[MLKAutoMLImageLabelerOptions alloc] initWithLocalModel:localModel]; } options.confidenceThreshold = @(0.0); // Evaluate your model in the Firebase console // to determine an appropriate value. MLKImageLabeler *imageLabeler = [MLKImageLabeler imageLabelerWithOptions:options];
如果您只有遠端代管的模型,請在確認模型已下載前,停用模型相關功能 (例如將部分 UI 設為灰色或隱藏)。
您可以將觀察器附加至預設的通知中心,取得模型下載狀態。請務必在觀察器區塊中使用 self
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: .mlkitModelDownloadDidSucceed, object: nil, queue: nil ) { [weak self] notification in guard let strongSelf = self, let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let model = userInfo[ModelDownloadUserInfoKey.remoteModel.rawValue] as? RemoteModel, model.name == "your_remote_model" else { return } // The model was downloaded and is available on the device } NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: .mlkitModelDownloadDidFail, object: nil, queue: nil ) { [weak self] notification in guard let strongSelf = self, let userInfo = notification.userInfo, let model = userInfo[ModelDownloadUserInfoKey.remoteModel.rawValue] as? RemoteModel else { return } let error = userInfo[ModelDownloadUserInfoKey.error.rawValue] // ... }
__weak typeof(self) weakSelf = self; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:MLKModelDownloadDidSucceedNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *_Nonnull note) { if (weakSelf == nil | note.userInfo == nil) { return; } __strong typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf; MLKRemoteModel *model = note.userInfo[MLKModelDownloadUserInfoKeyRemoteModel]; if ([model.name isEqualToString:@"your_remote_model"]) { // The model was downloaded and is available on the device } }]; [NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter addObserverForName:MLKModelDownloadDidFailNotification object:nil queue:nil usingBlock:^(NSNotification *_Nonnull note) { if (weakSelf == nil | note.userInfo == nil) { return; } __strong typeof(self) strongSelf = weakSelf; NSError *error = note.userInfo[MLKModelDownloadUserInfoKeyError]; }];
2. 準備輸入圖片
使用 UIImage
或 CMSampleBuffer
建立 VisionImage
如果您使用 UIImage
- 使用
。let image = VisionImage(image: UIImage) visionImage.orientation = image.imageOrientation
MLKVisionImage *visionImage = [[MLKVisionImage alloc] initWithImage:image]; visionImage.orientation = image.imageOrientation;
如果您使用 CMSampleBuffer
func imageOrientation( deviceOrientation: UIDeviceOrientation, cameraPosition: AVCaptureDevice.Position ) -> UIImage.Orientation { switch deviceOrientation { case .portrait: return cameraPosition == .front ? .leftMirrored : .right case .landscapeLeft: return cameraPosition == .front ? .downMirrored : .up case .portraitUpsideDown: return cameraPosition == .front ? .rightMirrored : .left case .landscapeRight: return cameraPosition == .front ? .upMirrored : .down case .faceDown, .faceUp, .unknown: return .up } }
- (UIImageOrientation) imageOrientationFromDeviceOrientation:(UIDeviceOrientation)deviceOrientation cameraPosition:(AVCaptureDevicePosition)cameraPosition { switch (deviceOrientation) { case UIDeviceOrientationPortrait: return cameraPosition == AVCaptureDevicePositionFront ? UIImageOrientationLeftMirrored : UIImageOrientationRight; case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeLeft: return cameraPosition == AVCaptureDevicePositionFront ? UIImageOrientationDownMirrored : UIImageOrientationUp; case UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown: return cameraPosition == AVCaptureDevicePositionFront ? UIImageOrientationRightMirrored : UIImageOrientationLeft; case UIDeviceOrientationLandscapeRight: return cameraPosition == AVCaptureDevicePositionFront ? UIImageOrientationUpMirrored : UIImageOrientationDown; case UIDeviceOrientationUnknown: case UIDeviceOrientationFaceUp: case UIDeviceOrientationFaceDown: return UIImageOrientationUp; } }
- 使用
物件:let image = VisionImage(buffer: sampleBuffer) image.orientation = imageOrientation( deviceOrientation: UIDevice.current.orientation, cameraPosition: cameraPosition)
MLKVisionImage *image = [[MLKVisionImage alloc] initWithBuffer:sampleBuffer]; image.orientation = [self imageOrientationFromDeviceOrientation:UIDevice.currentDevice.orientation cameraPosition:cameraPosition];
3. 執行圖片標註工具
imageLabeler.process(image) { labels, error in guard error == nil, let labels = labels, !labels.isEmpty else { // Handle the error. return } // Show results. }
[imageLabeler processImage:image completion:^(NSArray*_Nullable labels, NSError *_Nullable error) { if (labels.count == 0) { // Handle the error. return; } // Show results. }];
var labels: [ImageLabel] do { labels = try imageLabeler.results(in: image) } catch let error { // Handle the error. return } // Show results.
NSError *error; NSArray*labels = [imageLabeler resultsInImage:image error:&error]; // Show results or handle the error.
4. 取得標記物件的相關資訊
的陣列。每個 ImageLabel
都代表圖片中標示的項目。您可以取得每個標籤的文字說明 (如果 TensorFlow Lite 模型檔案的中繼資料中提供)、可信度分數和索引。例如:for label in labels { let labelText = label.text let confidence = label.confidence let index = label.index }
for (MLKImageLabel *label in labels) { NSString *labelText = label.text; float confidence = label.confidence; NSInteger index = label.index; }
- 如要處理影片影格,請使用偵測器的
同步 API。請從AVCaptureVideoDataOutputSampleBufferDelegate
的captureOutput(_, didOutput:from:)
,以便調節對偵測器的呼叫。如果在偵測器執行期間有新的影片影格可用,系統就會捨棄該影格。 - 如果您使用偵測器的輸出內容,在輸入圖片上疊加圖形,請先從 ML Kit 取得結果,然後在單一步驟中算繪圖片和疊加圖形。這樣一來,您只需為每個已處理的輸入影格轉譯一次顯示介面。如需範例,請參閱 ML Kit 快速入門範例中的 updatePreviewOverlayViewWithLastFrame。