Data Access Schema

The dimensions and metrics supported in queries to the Data Access Reports method of the Analytics Admin API.


The following dimensions can be requested in data access reports. Specify the "API Name" in an AccessDimension resource's dimension name field for a column of the dimension in the report response.

API Name UI Name Allowed Properties Description
accessDateHour Access date hour All Google Analytics Properties The date hour of the GA user that accessed GA reporting data. Formatted as YYYYMMDDHH.
accessMechanism Access mechanism Google Analytics 360 Properties The mechanism through which a GA user accessed GA reporting data. Possible values include 'Google Analytics User Interface', 'Google Analytics API', 'Firebase', 'Google Ads', and others.
accessedPropertyId Accessed property ID All Google Analytics Properties The property ID where GA reporting data was accessed. Most Data Access Reports contain only one property, but if the requested property has a sub-property, Data Access Reports contain accesses to both the source property & sub-property. To learn more, see about sub-properties.
accessedPropertyName Accessed property name All Google Analytics Properties The property display name where GA reporting data was accessed. Most Data Access Reports contain only one property, but if the requested property has a sub-property, Data Access Reports contain accesses to both the source property & sub-property. To learn more, see about sub-properties.
accessorAppName Accessor app name All Google Analytics Properties The name of the application that accessed Google Analytics reporting data. You grant third-party apps and services access to see your Google Analytics reporting data. To learn more, see manage connections between your Google Account and third-parties.
costDataReturned Cost data returned Google Analytics 360 Properties Returns true if cost data was returned in this report. Otherwise, this dimension returns false. GA users with the 'No Cost Metrics' restriction are unable to see cost metrics. This dimension will always be false while that restriction is active. To learn more, see Access and data-restriction management.
dataApiQuotaCategory Data API quota category All Google Analytics Properties The quota category for the Data API request. Possible values include: 'Core', 'Realtime', and 'Funnel'.
epochTimeMicros Epoch time micros Google Analytics 360 Properties The unix microseconds since the epoch that the GA user accessed GA reporting data. For example, a unix microsecond of '1655220215027371' is 2022-06-14 11:23:35 in America/New_York.
mostRecentAccessEpochTimeMicros Most recent access epoch time micros Google Analytics 360 Properties The most recent access timestamp for this row. Returned in unix microseconds since the epoch. Commonly used with 'userEmail' & similar dimensions to determine the last access times of GA users.
reportType Report type Google Analytics 360 Properties The type of reporting data that the GA user accessed. Possible values include 'Reporting', 'Realtime', 'Free form exploration', 'Funnel exploration', and others.
revenueDataReturned Revenue data returned Google Analytics 360 Properties Returns true if revenue data was returned in this report. Otherwise, this dimension returns false. GA users with the 'No Revenue Metrics' restriction are unable to see revenue metrics. This dimension will always be false while that restriction is active. To learn more, see Access and data-restriction management.
userCountry User country Google Analytics 360 Properties The country of the GA user that accessed GA reporting data.
userCountryId User country ID Google Analytics 360 Properties The country id of the GA user that accessed GA reporting data. Formatted according to ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 standard.
userEmail User email All Google Analytics Properties The email of the GA user that accessed GA reporting data. Some integrations allow users to access GA reporting data through the integration without the user having direct access to the property; in that case, 'userEmail' will return for example 'Google Ads Linked User' depending upon the integration.
userIP User IP Google Analytics 360 Properties The IP of the GA user that accessed GA reporting data.


The following metrics can be requested in data access reports. Specify the "API Name" in an AccessMetric resource's metric name field for a column of the metric in the report response.

API Name UI Name Allowed Properties Description
accessCount Access count Google Analytics 360 Properties The number of times GA reporting data was accessed.
dataApiQuotaPropertyTokensConsumed Data API quota property tokens consumed All Google Analytics Properties Returns the total property quota tokens consumed for Data API requests.