
public class FaceContour extends Object

Represent a face contour. A contour is a list of points on a detected face, such as the mouth.

When 'left' and 'right' are used, they are relative to the subject in the image. For example, the LEFT_EYE landmark is the subject's left eye, not the eye that is on the left when viewing the image.

Nested Class Summary

@interface FaceContour.ContourType Contour types for face. 

Constant Summary

int FACE The outline of the subject's face.
int LEFT_CHEEK The center of the left cheek.
int LEFT_EYE The outline of the subject's left eye cavity.
int LEFT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's left eyebrow.
int LEFT_EYEBROW_TOP The top outline of the subject's left eyebrow.
int LOWER_LIP_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's lower lip.
int LOWER_LIP_TOP The top outline of the subject's lower lip.
int NOSE_BOTTOM The outline of the subject's nose bridge.
int NOSE_BRIDGE The outline of the subject's nose bridge.
int RIGHT_CHEEK The center of the right cheek.
int RIGHT_EYE The outline of the subject's right eye cavity.
int RIGHT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's right eyebrow.
int RIGHT_EYEBROW_TOP The top outline of the subject's right eyebrow.
int UPPER_LIP_BOTTOM The bottom outline of the subject's upper lip.
int UPPER_LIP_TOP The top outline of the subject's upper lip.

Public Method Summary

Gets a list of 2D points for this face contour, where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void


public static final int FACE

The outline of the subject's face.

Constant Value: 1

public static final int LEFT_CHEEK

The center of the left cheek.

Constant Value: 14

public static final int LEFT_EYE

The outline of the subject's left eye cavity.

Constant Value: 6

public static final int LEFT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM

The bottom outline of the subject's left eyebrow.

Constant Value: 3

public static final int LEFT_EYEBROW_TOP

The top outline of the subject's left eyebrow.

Constant Value: 2

public static final int LOWER_LIP_BOTTOM

The bottom outline of the subject's lower lip.

Constant Value: 11

public static final int LOWER_LIP_TOP

The top outline of the subject's lower lip.

Constant Value: 10

public static final int NOSE_BOTTOM

The outline of the subject's nose bridge.

Constant Value: 13

public static final int NOSE_BRIDGE

The outline of the subject's nose bridge.

Constant Value: 12

public static final int RIGHT_CHEEK

The center of the right cheek.

Constant Value: 15

public static final int RIGHT_EYE

The outline of the subject's right eye cavity.

Constant Value: 7

public static final int RIGHT_EYEBROW_BOTTOM

The bottom outline of the subject's right eyebrow.

Constant Value: 5

public static final int RIGHT_EYEBROW_TOP

The top outline of the subject's right eyebrow.

Constant Value: 4

public static final int UPPER_LIP_BOTTOM

The bottom outline of the subject's upper lip.

Constant Value: 9

public static final int UPPER_LIP_TOP

The top outline of the subject's upper lip.

Constant Value: 8

Public Methods

public int getFaceContourType ()

Gets the FaceContour.ContourType type.

public List<PointF> getPoints ()

Gets a list of 2D points for this face contour, where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image. The point is guaranteed to be within the bounds of the image.

public String toString ()