
public class FaceLandmark extends Object

Represent a face landmark. A landmark is a point on a detected face, such as an eye, nose, or mouth.

When 'left' and 'right' are used, they are relative to the subject in the image. For example, the LEFT_EYE landmark is the subject's left eye, not the eye that is on the left when viewing the image.

Nested Class Summary

@interface FaceLandmark.LandmarkType Landmark types for face. 

Constant Summary

int LEFT_CHEEK The midpoint between the subject's left mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's left eye.
int LEFT_EAR The midpoint of the subject's left ear tip and left ear lobe.
int LEFT_EYE The center of the subject's left eye cavity.
int MOUTH_BOTTOM The center of the subject's bottom lip.
int MOUTH_LEFT The subject's left mouth corner where the lips meet.
int MOUTH_RIGHT The subject's right mouth corner where the lips meet.
int NOSE_BASE The midpoint between the subject's nostrils where the nose meets the face.
int RIGHT_CHEEK The midpoint between the subject's right mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's right eye.
int RIGHT_EAR The midpoint of the subject's right ear tip and right ear lobe.
int RIGHT_EYE The center of the subject's right eye cavity.

Public Method Summary

Gets a 2D point for landmark position, where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image.

Inherited Method Summary

equals(Object arg0)
final Class<?>
final void
final void
final void
wait(long arg0, int arg1)
final void
wait(long arg0)
final void


public static final int LEFT_CHEEK

The midpoint between the subject's left mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's left eye. For full profile faces, this becomes the centroid of the nose base, nose tip, left ear lobe and left ear tip.

Constant Value: 1

public static final int LEFT_EAR

The midpoint of the subject's left ear tip and left ear lobe.

Constant Value: 3

public static final int LEFT_EYE

The center of the subject's left eye cavity.

Constant Value: 4

public static final int MOUTH_BOTTOM

The center of the subject's bottom lip.

Constant Value: 0

public static final int MOUTH_LEFT

The subject's left mouth corner where the lips meet.

Constant Value: 5

public static final int MOUTH_RIGHT

The subject's right mouth corner where the lips meet.

Constant Value: 11

public static final int NOSE_BASE

The midpoint between the subject's nostrils where the nose meets the face.

Constant Value: 6

public static final int RIGHT_CHEEK

The midpoint between the subject's right mouth corner and the outer corner of the subject's right eye. For full profile faces, this becomes the centroid of the nose base, nose tip, right ear lobe and right ear tip.

Constant Value: 7

public static final int RIGHT_EAR

The midpoint of the subject's right ear tip and right ear lobe.

Constant Value: 9

public static final int RIGHT_EYE

The center of the subject's right eye cavity.

Constant Value: 10

Public Methods

public int getLandmarkType ()

Gets the FaceLandmark.LandmarkType type.

public PointF getPosition ()

Gets a 2D point for landmark position, where (0, 0) is the upper-left corner of the image. The point is guaranteed to be within the bounds of the image.

public String toString ()