- 動作編號
- 說明
- 玩遊戲,如果您的動作是遊戲,必須註冊這個內建意圖,才能符合隱含叫用的資格。
- 查詢範例
- JSON-LD 範例
[ { "exampleValues": [ { "@context": "https://schema.org", "description": "cute animals", "genre": "adventure", "name": "Example Game 1", "schemaType": "Game" } ], "name": "game", "schemaType": [] } ]
除非另有註明,否則本頁面中的內容是採用創用 CC 姓名標示 4.0 授權,程式碼範例則為阿帕契 2.0 授權。詳情請參閱《Google Developers 網站政策》。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其關聯企業的註冊商標。
上次更新時間:2024-08-29 (世界標準時間)。
[null,null,["上次更新時間:2024-08-29 (世界標準時間)。"],[[["The `actions.intent.PLAY_GAME` built-in intent allows users to launch games through Google Assistant and is required for implicit invocation of game Actions."],["Developers must register their game Action for this intent and provide JSON-LD schema specifying game details like name, genre, and description to enable game discovery and engagement."],["Users can trigger this intent with phrases like \"Play a game\" or \"Play a trivia game\", allowing for a natural and intuitive way to access games."]]],[]]