GCKCommon.h 文件
GCKCastState、GCKConnectionState、GCKConnectionSuspendReason、GCKActiveInputStatus 和 GCKStandbyStatus 枚举。
typedef | NS_CLOSED_ENUM (NSInteger, GCKConnectionState) |
typedef | NS_CLOSED_ENUM (NSInteger, GCKActiveInputStatus) |
typedef | NS_CLOSED_ENUM (NSInteger, GCKStandbyStatus) |
typedef | NS_CLOSED_ENUM (NSUInteger, GCKCastState) |
GCKCastState、GCKConnectionState、GCKConnectionSuspendReason、GCKActiveInputStatus 和 GCKStandbyStatus 枚举。
枚举器 |
GCKConnectionSuspendReasonAppBackgrounded |
GCKConnectionSuspendReasonNetworkError |
由于网络 I/O 或协议错误,连接已暂停。
GCKConnectionSuspendReasonNetworkNotReachable |
GCKConnectionSuspendReasonAppTerminated |
包含 GoogleCast 框架版本号的字符串常量。
请求 ID 无效;如果某个方法返回此请求 ID,则表示无法发出请求。
如未另行说明,那么本页面中的内容已根据知识共享署名 4.0 许可获得了许可,并且代码示例已根据 Apache 2.0 许可获得了许可。有关详情,请参阅 Google 开发者网站政策。Java 是 Oracle 和/或其关联公司的注册商标。
最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-02。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-02。"],[[["The GCKCommon.h file defines enums for Cast state, connection state, connection suspension reasons, active input status, and standby status."],["It includes an enum, `GCKConnectionSuspendReason`, which specifies the reasons behind a connection suspension, such as app backgrounding, network errors, and app termination."],["The file declares constants like `kGCKFrameworkVersion` for the framework version, `kGCKInvalidRequestID` representing an invalid request, and `kGCKThreadException` indicating an API call from an invalid thread."],["It contains typedefs for GCKConnectionState, GCKActiveInputStatus, GCKStandbyStatus, and GCKCastState, all of which are closed enums using NSInteger or NSUInteger."]]],["This document outlines key elements within the GCKCommon.h file, which contains enumerations, functions, and variables related to Google Cast. The `GCKConnectionSuspendReason` enum details reasons for connection suspension, such as the app being backgrounded, network errors, network unreachability, or app termination. Other enums include `GCKCastState`, `GCKConnectionState`, `GCKActiveInputStatus`, and `GCKStandbyStatus`. Notable variables are `kGCKFrameworkVersion` (framework version), `kGCKInvalidRequestID` (for failed requests), and `kGCKThreadException` (invalid thread calls).\n"]]