GCKDevice.h 文件
GCKDeviceStatus 枚举。
typedef | NS_CLOSED_ENUM (NSInteger, GCKDeviceStatus) |
typedef | NS_OPTIONS (NSInteger, GCKDeviceCapabilities) |
- 开始时间
- 3.3
枚举器 |
GCKDeviceTypeGeneric |
GCKDeviceTypeTV |
支持 Cast 的电视。
GCKDeviceTypeSpeaker |
支持 Cast 的音响设备或其他音频设备。
GCKDeviceTypeSpeakerGroup |
GCKDeviceTypeNearbyUnpaired |
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最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-02。
[null,null,["最后更新时间 (UTC):2023-12-02。"],[[["The `GCKDevice.h` file defines the `GCKDevice` class, representing a receiver device, and the `GCKDeviceStatus` enum."],["It includes enumerations like `GCKDeviceType` to categorize devices (e.g., TV, speaker) and typedefs for device capabilities."],["The `kGCKCastDeviceCategory` variable identifies Cast devices, and the file provides backwards compatibility through `GCKDeviceCapability` typedef."],["This header file offers essential components for interacting with and managing Cast devices within an application."]]],[]]