使用 Google Chat API 傳送訊息

本指南說明如何在 Google Chat API 的 Message 資源上使用 create() 方法,執行下列任一操作:

  • 傳送含有文字、資訊卡和互動式小工具的訊息。
  • 傳送私人訊息給特定的 Chat 使用者。
  • 發起或回覆訊息討論串。
  • 為訊息命名,方便你在其他 Chat API 中指定 要求。

訊息大小上限 (包括任何文字或資訊卡) 為 32,000 個位元組。 如要傳送超過此大小的訊息,你的 Chat 應用程式 就必須傳送多則訊息。

除了呼叫 Chat API 來建立訊息,Chat 應用程式還可以建立及傳送訊息,回覆使用者的互動,例如在使用者將 Chat 應用程式加入聊天室後,發布歡迎訊息。回覆互動時,Chat 應用程式可以使用其他類型的訊息功能,包括互動式對話方塊和連結預覽介面。為了回覆使用者,Chat 應用程式會同步傳回訊息,而不會呼叫 Chat API。如要瞭解如何傳送訊息回應互動,請參閱「接收並回覆 Google Chat 應用程式互動內容」。

Chat 如何顯示及歸屬使用 Chat API 建立的訊息

您可以使用以下項目呼叫 create() 方法: 應用程式驗證使用者驗證。 Chat 會以不同方式區分訊息傳送者 取決於您使用的驗證類型。

當您以 Chat 應用程式驗證時,Chat 應用程式就會傳送訊息。

使用應用程式驗證功能呼叫 create() 方法。
圖 1:透過應用程式驗證,即時通訊應用程式會傳送訊息。如要指出傳送者不是人類,Chat 會在名稱旁邊顯示 App

當您以使用者身分進行驗證時,Chat 應用程式會代表使用者傳送訊息。Chat 也會顯示 Chat 應用程式名稱,將訊息歸因於該應用程式。

透過使用者驗證呼叫 create() 方法。
圖 2:啟用使用者驗證功能後,使用者傳送訊息,Chat 則會顯示 使用者名稱旁邊的 Chat 應用程式名稱。

驗證類型也會決定哪些訊息功能和介面 請附加在訊息中透過應用程式驗證,即時通訊應用程式可以傳送含有圖文並列、資訊卡式介面和互動式小工具的訊息。由於 Chat 使用者只能在訊息中傳送簡訊,您可以 僅在使用使用者驗證機制建立訊息時,才含有文字。 如要進一步瞭解 Chat API 提供的訊息功能,請參閱 Google Chat 訊息總覽

本指南說明如何使用其中一種驗證類型傳送訊息 快速分享





Apps Script

以 Chat 應用程式的形式傳送訊息


圖 4 Chat 應用程式傳送含有文字、資訊卡和配件按鈕的訊息。

如要呼叫 CreateMessage() 方法中,您必須在 要求:

  • chat.bot 授權範圍
  • 您要發布訊息的 Space 資源。Chat 應用程式必須是聊天室的成員。
  • 要建立的 Message 資源。如要定義訊息內容,您可以加上 RTF 格式 (text), 一或多個資訊卡介面 (cardsV2), 或兩者並行


以下程式碼示範 Chat 應用程式如何傳送訊息,並以 Chat 應用程式形式發布,其中包含文字、卡片和可點選的按鈕:


import {createClientWithAppCredentials} from './authentication-utils.js';

// This sample shows how to create message with app credential
async function main() {
  // Create a client
  const chatClient = createClientWithAppCredentials();

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {
    // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
    parent: 'spaces/SPACE_NAME',
    message: {
      text: '👋🌎 Hello world! I created this message by calling ' +
            'the Chat API\'s `messages.create()` method.',
      cardsV2 : [{ card: {
        header: {
          title: 'About this message',
          imageUrl: 'https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/short-term/release/googlesymbols/info/default/24px.svg'
        sections: [{
          header: 'Contents',
          widgets: [{ textParagraph: {
              text: '🔡 <b>Text</b> which can include ' +
                    'hyperlinks 🔗, emojis 😄🎉, and @mentions 🗣️.'
            }}, { textParagraph: {
              text: '🖼️ A <b>card</b> to display visual elements' +
                    'and request information such as text 🔤, ' +
                    'dates and times 📅, and selections ☑️.'
            }}, { textParagraph: {
              text: '👉🔘 An <b>accessory widget</b> which adds ' +
                    'a button to the bottom of a message.'
          ]}, {
            header: "What's next",
            collapsible: true,
            widgets: [{ textParagraph: {
                text: "❤️ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages.reactions/create'>Add a reaction</a>."
              }}, { textParagraph: {
                text: "🔄 <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/patch'>Update</a> " +
                      "or ❌ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/delete'>delete</a> " +
                      "the message."
      accessoryWidgets: [{ buttonList: { buttons: [{
        text: 'View documentation',
        icon: { materialIcon: { name: 'link' }},
        onClick: { openLink: {
          url: 'https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/create-messages'

  // Make the request
  const response = await chatClient.createMessage(request);

  // Handle the response



from authentication_utils import create_client_with_app_credentials
from google.apps import chat_v1 as google_chat

# This sample shows how to create message with app credential
def create_message_with_app_cred():
    # Create a client
    client = create_client_with_app_credentials()

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = google_chat.CreateMessageRequest(
        # Replace SPACE_NAME here.
        parent = "spaces/SPACE_NAME",
        message = {
            "text": '👋🌎 Hello world! I created this message by calling ' +
                    'the Chat API\'s `messages.create()` method.',
            "cards_v2" : [{ "card": {
                "header": {
                    "title": 'About this message',
                    "image_url": 'https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/short-term/release/googlesymbols/info/default/24px.svg'
                "sections": [{
                    "header": "Contents",
                    "widgets": [{ "text_paragraph": {
                            "text": '🔡 <b>Text</b> which can include ' +
                                    'hyperlinks 🔗, emojis 😄🎉, and @mentions 🗣️.'
                        }}, { "text_paragraph": {
                            "text": '🖼️ A <b>card</b> to display visual elements' +
                                    'and request information such as text 🔤, ' +
                                    'dates and times 📅, and selections ☑️.'
                        }}, { "text_paragraph": {
                            "text": '👉🔘 An <b>accessory widget</b> which adds ' +
                                    'a button to the bottom of a message.'
                    ]}, {
                        "header": "What's next",
                        "collapsible": True,
                        "widgets": [{ "text_paragraph": {
                                "text": "❤️ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages.reactions/create'>Add a reaction</a>."
                            }}, { "text_paragraph": {
                                "text": "🔄 <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/patch'>Update</a> " +
                                        "or ❌ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/delete'>delete</a> " +
                                        "the message."
            "accessory_widgets": [{ "button_list": { "buttons": [{
                "text": 'View documentation',
                "icon": { "material_icon": { "name": 'link' }},
                "on_click": { "open_link": {
                    "url": 'https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/create-messages'

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_message(request)

    # Handle the response



import com.google.apps.card.v1.Button;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.ButtonList;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.Card;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.Icon;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.MaterialIcon;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.OnClick;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.OpenLink;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.TextParagraph;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.Widget;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.Card.CardHeader;
import com.google.apps.card.v1.Card.Section;
import com.google.chat.v1.AccessoryWidget;
import com.google.chat.v1.CardWithId;
import com.google.chat.v1.ChatServiceClient;
import com.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest;
import com.google.chat.v1.Message;

// This sample shows how to create message with app credential.
public class CreateMessageAppCred {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (ChatServiceClient chatServiceClient =
        AuthenticationUtils.createClientWithAppCredentials()) {
      CreateMessageRequest.Builder request = CreateMessageRequest.newBuilder()
        // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
          .setText( "👋🌎 Hello world! I created this message by calling " +
                    "the Chat API\'s `messages.create()` method.")
              .setTitle("About this message")
                "🔡 <b>Text</b> which can include " +
                "hyperlinks 🔗, emojis 😄🎉, and @mentions 🗣️.")))
                "🖼️ A <b>card</b> to display visual elements " +
                "and request information such as text 🔤, " +
                "dates and times 📅, and selections ☑️.")))
                "👉🔘 An <b>accessory widget</b> which adds " +
                "a button to the bottom of a message."))))
              .setHeader("What's next")
                "❤️ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages.reactions/create'>Add a reaction</a>.")))
                "🔄 <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/patch'>Update</a> " +
                "or ❌ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/delete'>delete</a> " +
                "the message."))))))
                .setText("View documentation")
      Message response = chatServiceClient.createMessage(request.build());


Apps Script

 * This sample shows how to create message with app credential
 * It relies on the OAuth2 scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.bot'
 * used by service accounts.
function createMessageAppCred() {
  // Initialize request argument(s)
  // TODO(developer): Replace SPACE_NAME here.
  const parent = 'spaces/SPACE_NAME';
  const message = {
    text: '👋🌎 Hello world! I created this message by calling ' +
          'the Chat API\'s `messages.create()` method.',
    cardsV2 : [{ card: {
      header: {
        title: 'About this message',
        imageUrl: 'https://fonts.gstatic.com/s/i/short-term/release/googlesymbols/info/default/24px.svg'
      sections: [{
        header: 'Contents',
        widgets: [{ textParagraph: {
            text: '🔡 <b>Text</b> which can include ' +
                  'hyperlinks 🔗, emojis 😄🎉, and @mentions 🗣️.'
          }}, { textParagraph: {
            text: '🖼️ A <b>card</b> to display visual elements' +
                  'and request information such as text 🔤, ' +
                  'dates and times 📅, and selections ☑️.'
          }}, { textParagraph: {
            text: '👉🔘 An <b>accessory widget</b> which adds ' +
                  'a button to the bottom of a message.'
        ]}, {
          header: "What's next",
          collapsible: true,
          widgets: [{ textParagraph: {
              text: "❤️ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages.reactions/create'>Add a reaction</a>."
            }}, { textParagraph: {
              text: "🔄 <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/patch'>Update</a> " +
                    "or ❌ <a href='https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/api/reference/rest/v1/spaces.messages/delete'>delete</a> " +
                    "the message."
    accessoryWidgets: [{ buttonList: { buttons: [{
      text: 'View documentation',
      icon: { materialIcon: { name: 'link' }},
      onClick: { openLink: {
        url: 'https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/create-messages'
  const parameters = {};

  // Make the request
  const response = Chat.Spaces.Messages.create(
    message, parent, parameters, getHeaderWithAppCredentials()

  // Handle the response

如要執行這個範例,請將 SPACE_NAME 替換為空間 name 欄位的 ID。您可以呼叫 ListSpaces() 方法,或是從空格網址複製。


在本指南的第一個程式碼範例中 Chat 應用程式訊息的 (稱為配件小工具)。配件小工具 顯示在訊息中的任何文字或資訊卡後方。您可以使用這些小工具,以多種方式提示使用者與訊息互動,包括:

  • 評估訊息的準確度或滿意度。
  • 回報與訊息或 Chat 應用程式相關的問題。
  • 開啟相關內容的連結,例如說明文件。
  • 在特定時間內,從 Chat 應用程式中略過或暫緩類似訊息。

如要新增配件小工具,請在要求主體中加入 accessoryWidgets[] 欄位,並指定要加入的一或多個小工具。

下圖顯示會附加的 Chat 應用程式 附有配件小工具的文字訊息,可讓使用者為自己的體驗評分 取得最新資訊

圖 5:含有 文字和配件小工具

以下範例顯示會建立簡訊的要求主體 兩個配件按鈕使用者點選按鈕時, 函式 (例如 doUpvote) 會處理互動:

  text: "Rate your experience with this Chat app.",
  accessoryWidgets: [{ buttonList: { buttons: [{
    icon: { material_icon: {
      name: "thumb_up"
    color: { red: 0, blue: 255, green: 0 },
    onClick: { action: {
      function: "doUpvote"
  }, {
    icon: { material_icon: {
      name: "thumb_down"
    color: { red: 0, blue: 255, green: 0 },
    onClick: { action: {
      function: "doDownvote"


即時通訊應用程式可私下傳送訊息,讓訊息只供聊天室中的特定使用者查看。當 Chat 應用程式傳送私人訊息時,訊息會顯示標籤,通知使用者該訊息只有他們能看見。

如要使用 Chat API 傳送私人訊息,請指定 privateMessageViewer ] 欄位的值。如要指定使用者,請將值設為 這個 User 代表 Chat 使用者的資源您也可以使用 User 資源的 name 欄位,如以下範例所示:

  text: "Hello private world!",
  privateMessageViewer: {
    name: "users/USER_ID"

如要使用此範例,請將 USER_ID 或使用者專屬 ID,例如 12345678987654321hao@cymbalgroup.com。如要進一步瞭解如何指定使用者,請參閱「找出並指定 Google Chat 使用者」。



本節說明如何使用 使用者驗證。 使用者驗證功能啟用後,訊息內容只能包含文字,且必須省略僅限於 Chat 應用程式可用的訊息功能,包括資訊卡介面和互動式小工具。

圖 3. Chat 應用程式會在 使用者 ID

如要使用使用者驗證機制呼叫 CreateMessage() 方法,您必須指定 要求中的下列欄位:

  • 授權範圍 。下列範例使用 chat.messages.create 範圍。
  • 您要發布訊息的 Space 資源。已驗證的使用者必須是聊天室的成員。
  • Message 要建立的資源如要定義訊息內容,您必須加入 text 欄位。


  • messageId 欄位:可讓您 命名訊息,以便在其他 API 要求中使用。
  • thread.threadKeymessageReplyOption 欄位 發起或回覆討論串。如果空間未使用執行緒,系統會忽略這個欄位。

以下程式碼示範如何使用 Chat 應用程式 可以代表通過驗證的使用者在指定聊天室中傳送簡訊:


import {createClientWithUserCredentials} from './authentication-utils.js';

const USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'];

// This sample shows how to create message with user credential
async function main() {
  // Create a client
  const chatClient = await createClientWithUserCredentials(USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES);

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {
    // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
    parent: 'spaces/SPACE_NAME',
    message: {
      text: '👋🌎 Hello world!' +
            'Text messages can contain things like:\n\n' +
            '* Hyperlinks 🔗\n' +
            '* Emojis 😄🎉\n' +
            '* Mentions of other Chat users `@` \n\n' +
            'For details, see the ' +
            '<https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/format-messages' +
            '|Chat API developer documentation>.'

  // Make the request
  const response = await chatClient.createMessage(request);

  // Handle the response



from authentication_utils import create_client_with_user_credentials
from google.apps import chat_v1 as google_chat

SCOPES = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create"]

def create_message_with_user_cred():
    # Create a client
    client = create_client_with_user_credentials(SCOPES)

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = google_chat.CreateMessageRequest(
        # Replace SPACE_NAME here.
        parent = "spaces/SPACE_NAME",
        message = {
            "text": '👋🌎 Hello world!' +
                    'Text messages can contain things like:\n\n' +
                    '* Hyperlinks 🔗\n' +
                    '* Emojis 😄🎉\n' +
                    '* Mentions of other Chat users `@` \n\n' +
                    'For details, see the ' +
                    '<https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/format-messages' +
                    '|Chat API developer documentation>.'

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_message(request)

    # Handle the response



import com.google.chat.v1.ChatServiceClient;
import com.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest;
import com.google.chat.v1.Message;

// This sample shows how to create message with user credential.
public class CreateMessageUserCred {

  private static final String SCOPE =

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (ChatServiceClient chatServiceClient =
          ImmutableList.of(SCOPE))) {
      CreateMessageRequest.Builder request = CreateMessageRequest.newBuilder()
        // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
          .setText( "👋🌎 Hello world!" +
                    "Text messages can contain things like:\n\n" +
                    "* Hyperlinks 🔗\n" +
                    "* Emojis 😄🎉\n" +
                    "* Mentions of other Chat users `@` \n\n" +
                    "For details, see the " +
                    "<https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/format-messages" +
                    "|Chat API developer documentation>."));
      Message response = chatServiceClient.createMessage(request.build());


Apps Script

 * This sample shows how to create message with user credential
 * It relies on the OAuth2 scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'
 * referenced in the manifest file (appsscript.json).
function createMessageUserCred() {
  // Initialize request argument(s)
  // TODO(developer): Replace SPACE_NAME here.
  const parent = 'spaces/SPACE_NAME';
  const message = {
    text: '👋🌎 Hello world!' +
          'Text messages can contain things like:\n\n' +
          '* Hyperlinks 🔗\n' +
          '* Emojis 😄🎉\n' +
          '* Mentions of other Chat users `@` \n\n' +
          'For details, see the ' +
          '<https://developers.google.com/workspace/chat/format-messages' +
          '|Chat API developer documentation>.'

  // Make the request
  const response = Chat.Spaces.Messages.create(message, parent);

  // Handle the response

如要執行這個範例,請將 SPACE_NAME 替換為空間 name 欄位的 ID。您可以呼叫 ListSpaces() 方法,或是從空格網址複製。



根據預設,使用 Chat API 建立的訊息會啟動新串流。為了方便您日後識別及回覆該會話串,您可以在要求中指定會話串鍵:


  • 在要求主體中,納入 thread 欄位。如果已設定,您可以指定所建立的 threadKey。否則,您必須使用執行緒的 name
  • 指定查詢參數 messageReplyOption

以下程式碼示範如何使用 Chat 應用程式 可以傳送文字訊息,或回覆系統識別出的討論串 每個空間的金鑰:


import {createClientWithUserCredentials} from './authentication-utils.js';
const {MessageReplyOption} = require('@google-apps/chat').protos.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest;

const USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'];

// This sample shows how to create message with user credential with thread key
async function main() {
  // Create a client
  const chatClient = await createClientWithUserCredentials(USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES);

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {
    // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
    parent: 'spaces/SPACE_NAME',
    // Creates the message as a reply to the thread specified by thread_key
    // If it fails, the message starts a new thread instead
    messageReplyOption: MessageReplyOption.REPLY_MESSAGE_FALLBACK_TO_NEW_THREAD,
    message: {
      text: 'Hello with user credential!',
      thread: {
        // Thread key specifies a thread and is unique to the chat app
        // that sets it
        threadKey: 'THREAD_KEY'

  // Make the request
  const response = await chatClient.createMessage(request);

  // Handle the response



from authentication_utils import create_client_with_user_credentials
from google.apps import chat_v1 as google_chat

import google.apps.chat_v1.CreateMessageRequest.MessageReplyOption

SCOPES = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create"]

# This sample shows how to create message with user credential with thread key
def create_message_with_user_cred_thread_key():
    # Create a client
    client = create_client_with_user_credentials(SCOPES)

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = google_chat.CreateMessageRequest(
        # Replace SPACE_NAME here
        parent = "spaces/SPACE_NAME",
        # Creates the message as a reply to the thread specified by thread_key.
        # If it fails, the message starts a new thread instead.
        message_reply_option = MessageReplyOption.REPLY_MESSAGE_FALLBACK_TO_NEW_THREAD,
        message = {
            "text": "Hello with user credential!",
            "thread": {
                # Thread key specifies a thread and is unique to the chat app
                # that sets it.
                "thread_key": "THREAD_KEY"

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_message(request)

    # Handle the response



import com.google.chat.v1.ChatServiceClient;
import com.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest;
import com.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest.MessageReplyOption;
import com.google.chat.v1.Message;
import com.google.chat.v1.Thread;

// This sample shows how to create message with a thread key with user
// credential.
public class CreateMessageUserCredThreadKey {

  private static final String SCOPE =

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (ChatServiceClient chatServiceClient =
          ImmutableList.of(SCOPE))) {
      CreateMessageRequest.Builder request = CreateMessageRequest.newBuilder()
        // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
        // Creates the message as a reply to the thread specified by thread_key.
        // If it fails, the message starts a new thread instead.
          .setText("Hello with user credentials!")
          // Thread key specifies a thread and is unique to the chat app
          // that sets it.
      Message response = chatServiceClient.createMessage(request.build());


Apps Script

 * This sample shows how to create message with user credential with thread key
 * It relies on the OAuth2 scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'
 * referenced in the manifest file (appsscript.json).
function createMessageUserCredThreadKey() {
  // Initialize request argument(s)
  // TODO(developer): Replace SPACE_NAME here.
  const parent = 'spaces/SPACE_NAME';
  // Creates the message as a reply to the thread specified by thread_key
  // If it fails, the message starts a new thread instead
  const messageReplyOption = 'REPLY_MESSAGE_FALLBACK_TO_NEW_THREAD';
  const message = {
    text: 'Hello with user credential!',
    thread: {
      // Thread key specifies a thread and is unique to the chat app
      // that sets it
      threadKey: 'THREAD_KEY'

  // Make the request
  const response = Chat.Spaces.Messages.create(message, parent, {
    messageReplyOption: messageReplyOption

  // Handle the response


  • THREAD_KEY:聊天室中現有的執行緒金鑰,或 建立新的執行緒,為討論串命名。
  • SPACE_NAME:聊天室 name 欄位的 ID。您可以呼叫 ListSpaces() 方法,或是從空格網址複製。


如要在日後的 API 呼叫中擷取或指定訊息,您可以在要求中設定 messageId 欄位,為訊息命名。命名訊息可讓您指定訊息,而無需從訊息的資源名稱 (以 name 欄位表示) 儲存系統指派的 ID。

舉例來說,如要使用 get() 方法擷取訊息,您可以使用 指定要擷取哪些訊息的資源名稱。資源名稱是 格式為 spaces/{space}/messages/{message},其中 {message} 代表 您在建立 Deployment 時 撰寫新的電子郵件訊息

如要為訊息命名,請在建立訊息時,在 messageId 欄位中指定自訂 ID。messageId 欄位會設定 clientAssignedMessageId 擁有多個欄位,Message)。

您只能在建立訊息時為其命名。您無法為或 修改現有郵件的自訂 ID。自訂 ID 必須符合下列規定 規定:

  • 開頭為 client-。例如,client-custom-name 是有效的自訂 ID,但 custom-name 不是。
  • 最多可包含 63 個字元,且只能使用小寫英文字母、數字和連字號。
  • 聊天室中不得重複,Chat 應用程式無法使用 以便為不同訊息套用相同的自訂 ID。

以下程式碼示範如何使用 Chat 應用程式 可以代表 已驗證使用者:


import {createClientWithUserCredentials} from './authentication-utils.js';

const USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES = ['https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'];

// This sample shows how to create message with user credential with message id
async function main() {
  // Create a client
  const chatClient = await createClientWithUserCredentials(USER_AUTH_OAUTH_SCOPES);

  // Initialize request argument(s)
  const request = {
    // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
    parent: 'spaces/SPACE_NAME',
    // Message id lets chat apps get, update or delete a message without needing
    // to store the system assigned ID in the message's resource name
    messageId: 'client-MESSAGE-ID',
    message: { text: 'Hello with user credential!' }

  // Make the request
  const response = await chatClient.createMessage(request);

  // Handle the response



from authentication_utils import create_client_with_user_credentials
from google.apps import chat_v1 as google_chat

SCOPES = ["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create"]

# This sample shows how to create message with user credential with message id
def create_message_with_user_cred_message_id():
    # Create a client
    client = create_client_with_user_credentials(SCOPES)

    # Initialize request argument(s)
    request = google_chat.CreateMessageRequest(
        # Replace SPACE_NAME here
        parent = "spaces/SPACE_NAME",
        # Message id let chat apps get, update or delete a message without needing
        # to store the system assigned ID in the message's resource name.
        message_id = "client-MESSAGE-ID",
        message = {
            "text": "Hello with user credential!"

    # Make the request
    response = client.create_message(request)

    # Handle the response



import com.google.chat.v1.ChatServiceClient;
import com.google.chat.v1.CreateMessageRequest;
import com.google.chat.v1.Message;

// This sample shows how to create message with message id specified with user
// credential.
public class CreateMessageUserCredMessageId {

  private static final String SCOPE =

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    try (ChatServiceClient chatServiceClient =
          ImmutableList.of(SCOPE))) {
      CreateMessageRequest.Builder request = CreateMessageRequest.newBuilder()
        // Replace SPACE_NAME here.
          .setText("Hello with user credentials!"))
        // Message ID lets chat apps get, update or delete a message without
        // needing to store the system assigned ID in the message's resource
        // name.
      Message response = chatServiceClient.createMessage(request.build());


Apps Script

 * This sample shows how to create message with user credential with message id
 * It relies on the OAuth2 scope 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/chat.messages.create'
 * referenced in the manifest file (appsscript.json).
function createMessageUserCredMessageId() {
  // Initialize request argument(s)
  // TODO(developer): Replace SPACE_NAME here.
  const parent = 'spaces/SPACE_NAME';
  // Message id lets chat apps get, update or delete a message without needing
  // to store the system assigned ID in the message's resource name
  const messageId = 'client-MESSAGE-ID';
  const message = { text: 'Hello with user credential!' };

  // Make the request
  const response = Chat.Spaces.Messages.create(message, parent, {
    messageId: messageId

  // Handle the response


  • SPACE_NAME:聊天室 name 欄位的 ID。您可以呼叫 ListSpaces() 方法,或從空間的網址取得 ID。
  • MESSAGE-ID:開頭訊息的名稱 custom-。不得與 指定聊天室中的即時通訊應用程式。


當 Google Chat 應用程式或資訊卡傳回錯誤時,Chat 介面會顯示「發生錯誤」的訊息。或「無法處理您的要求」。有時使用 Chat UI 不會顯示任何錯誤訊息,但 Chat 應用程式或 資訊卡產生非預期的結果例如資訊卡訊息 顯示。

雖然 Chat UI 可能不會顯示錯誤訊息,但當您開啟 Chat 應用程式的錯誤記錄功能時,系統會提供說明性錯誤訊息和記錄資料,協助您修正錯誤。如需觀看說明, 偵錯及修正錯誤,請參閱 疑難排解並修正 Google Chat 錯誤