在 Google Ads API 中,更新是使用字段掩码完成的。字段掩码会列出您打算通过更新更改的所有字段,并且系统会忽略字段掩码中未包含的任何指定字段,即使这些字段已发送到服务器也是如此。
生成字段掩码的推荐方法是使用 google.api_core
软件包中包含的 field_mask
辅助函数。它接受两个 protobuf 对象,并返回一个字段掩码对象,其中包含一个 list
如果将 None
作为第一个参数传递,则字段掩码列表将仅包含第二个 protobuf 对象上未设置为默认值的所有字段。
from google.api_core import protobuf_helpers
from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient
# Retrieve a GoogleAdsClient instance.
client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage()
# Create a new campaign operation.
campaign_operation = client.get_type('CampaignOperation')
# Retrieve a new campaign object from its update field.
campaign = campaign_operation.update
# Mutate the campaign.
campaign.network_settings.target_search_network.value = False
# Create a field mask using the updated campaign.
# The field_mask helper is only compatible with raw protobuf message
# instances, which we can access using the ._pb attribute.
field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(None, campaign._pb)
# Copy the field_mask onto the operation's update_mask field.
client.copy_from(campaign_operation.update_mask, field_mask)
首先,我们创建一个空的 CampaignOperation 对象。然后,我们设置从中检索一个空的 Campaign 对象。然后,我们更新该广告系列对象并创建新的字段掩码,将其与 None
进行比较,这将生成一个仅包含已更改的 network_settings.target_search_network
下面是一个更新现有广告系列的示例。在这里,我们假设脚本已提供一个 resource_name
参数,该参数是广告系列的有效资源名称和有效的 customer_id
import proto
from google.api_core import protobuf_helpers
from google.ads.googleads.client import GoogleAdsClient
# Retrieve a GoogleAdsClient instance.
client = GoogleAdsClient.load_from_storage()
# Retrieve an instance of the GoogleAdsService.
googleads_service = client.get_service('GoogleAdsService')
# Search query to retrieve campaign.
query = f"""
FROM campaign
WHERE campaign.resource_name = {resource_name}"""
# Submit a query to retrieve a campaign instance.
response = googleads_service.search_stream(customer_id=customer_id, query=query)
# Iterate over results to retrieve the campaign.
for batch in response:
for row in batch.results:
initial_campaign = row.campaign
# Create a new campaign operation.
campaign_operation = client.get_type('CampaignOperation')
# Set the copied campaign object to a variable for easy reference.
updated_campaign = campaign_operation.update
# Copy the retrieved campaign into the new campaign.
# Here we use the proto.Message.copy_from method because of its simple
# compatibility with the protobuf message instances, which are wrapped
# by the proto-plus library.
proto.Message.copy_from(updated_campaign, initial_campaign)
# Mutate the new campaign.
updated_campaign.network_settings.target_search_network = False
# Create a field mask using the updated campaign.
field_mask = protobuf_helpers.field_mask(
initial_campaign._pb, updated_campaign._pb
# Copy the field mask onto the operation's update_mask field.
# Note that the client's copy_from method is designed to work with both native
# messages and messages wrapped by proto-plus, so it works here for the
# update_mask, even though it's an instance of the native message class
# google.protobuf.field_mask_pb2.FieldMask.
client.copy_from(campaign_operation.update_mask, field_mask)
将与从 API 检索的 initial_campaign
共享所有相同的字段,即资源名称。生成的字段掩码会告知 API 只需更改 network_settings.target_search_network