
MapsNetworkError class

google.maps.MapsNetworkError class

Base class for managing network errors in Maps.

This class extends Error.

Access by calling const {MapsNetworkError} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Identifies the type of error produced by the API.
Represents the network service that responded with the error.

MapsRequestError class

google.maps.MapsRequestError class

Represents a request error from a web service (i.e. the equivalent of a 4xx code in HTTP).

This class extends MapsNetworkError.

Access by calling const {MapsRequestError} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Inherited: code, endpoint

MapsServerError class

google.maps.MapsServerError class

Represents a server-side error from a web service (i.e. the equivalent of a 5xx code in HTTP).

This class extends MapsNetworkError.

Access by calling const {MapsServerError} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Inherited: code, endpoint

MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint constants

google.maps.MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint constants

Identifiers for API endpoints used by MapsNetworkError instances.

Access by calling const {MapsNetworkErrorEndpoint} = await google.maps.importLibrary("core").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

DIRECTIONS_ROUTE Identifies the Routes API within the Directions API.
DISTANCE_MATRIX Identifies the DistanceMatrix API.
ELEVATION_ALONG_PATH Identifies the getElevationsAlongPath API within the Elevation API.
ELEVATION_LOCATIONS Identifies the getElevationForLocations API within the Elevation API.
FLEET_ENGINE_GET_DELIVERY_VEHICLE Identifies the Get DeliveryVehicle API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_GET_TRIP Identifies the Get Trip API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_GET_VEHICLE Identifies the Get Vehicle API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_DELIVERY_VEHICLES Identifies the List DeliveryVehicles API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_TASKS Identifies the List Tasks API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_LIST_VEHICLES Identifies the List Vehicles API within Fleet Engine.
FLEET_ENGINE_SEARCH_TASKS Identifies the Search Tasks API within Fleet Engine.
GEOCODER_GEOCODE Identifies the geocode API within the Geocoder.
MAPS_MAX_ZOOM Identifies the MaximumZoomImageryService API within the Maps API.
PLACES_AUTOCOMPLETE Identifies the Autocomplete API within the Places API.
PLACES_DETAILS Identifies the Details API within the Places API.
PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_PHONE_NUMBER Identifies the findPlaceFromPhoneNumber API within the Places API.
PLACES_FIND_PLACE_FROM_QUERY Identifies the findPlaceFromQuery API within the Places API.
PLACES_GATEWAY Identifies the Gateway API within the Places API.
PLACES_GET_PLACE Identifies the Get Place API within the Places API.
PLACES_SEARCH_TEXT Identifies the Search Text API within the Places API.
STREETVIEW_GET_PANORAMA Identifies the getPanorama method within the Streetview service.