工作階段符記會將使用者自動完成搜尋的查詢和選取階段歸入不同的工作階段,以用於計費。以下範例說明如何在 Autocomplete (新版) 和 Place Details (新版) 呼叫中使用工作階段符記。
使用者負責為每個工作階段產生專屬的工作階段權杖。Google 建議使用第 4 版 UUID。
提出 Autocomplete (新版) 要求
Autocomplete (New) 要求是 HTTP POST 要求。如要進一步瞭解要求主體參數,請參閱 Place Autocomplete (新版) 要求。
以下一系列要求顯示使用者在舊金山搜尋披薩店。使用者開始輸入查詢時,系統會針對每個按鍵輸入事件呼叫 Autocomplete (New)。系統會在每個呼叫中,將產生的工作階段權杖當做參數傳遞。
要求 1
curl -X POST -d '{ "input": "p", "sessionToken": "3519edfe-0f75-4a30-bfe4-7cbd89340b2c", "locationBias": { "circle": { "center": { "latitude": 37.7937, "longitude": -122.3965 }, "radius": 500.0 } } }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY " \ https://places.googleapis.com/v1/places:autocomplete
回應 1
{ "suggestions": [ { "placePrediction": { "place": "places/ChIJHSGzi_yAhYARnrPmDWAx9ro", "placeId": "ChIJHSGzi_yAhYARnrPmDWAx9ro", "text": { "text": "PIER 39, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA, USA", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 1 } ] }, "structuredFormat": { "mainText": { "text": "PIER 39", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 1 } ] }, "secondaryText": { "text": "The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA, USA" } }, "types": [ "historical_landmark", "shopping_mall", "point_of_interest", "establishment", "marina", "tourist_attraction" ] } }, ] / ... / }
要求 2
curl -X POST -d '{ "input": "pi", "sessionToken": "3519edfe-0f75-4a30-bfe4-7cbd89340b2c", "locationBias": { "circle": { "center": { "latitude": 37.7937, "longitude": -122.3965 }, "radius": 500.0 } } }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY " \ https://places.googleapis.com/v1/places:autocomplete
回應 2
{ "suggestions": [ { "placePrediction": { "place": "places/ChIJHSGzi_yAhYARnrPmDWAx9ro", "placeId": "ChIJHSGzi_yAhYARnrPmDWAx9ro", "text": { "text": "PIER 39, The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA, USA", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 2 } ] }, "structuredFormat": { "mainText": { "text": "PIER 39", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 2 } ] }, "secondaryText": { "text": "The Embarcadero, San Francisco, CA, USA" } }, "types": [ "establishment", "point_of_interest", "shopping_mall", "marina", "historical_landmark", "tourist_attraction" ] } }, /.../ ] }
要求 3
curl -X POST -d '{ "input": "piz", "sessionToken": "3519edfe-0f75-4a30-bfe4-7cbd89340b2c", "locationBias": { "circle": { "center": { "latitude": 37.7937, "longitude": -122.3965 }, "radius": 500.0 } } }' -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H "X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY " https://places.googleapis.com/v1/places:autocomplete
回應 3
{ "suggestions": [ { "placePrediction": { "place": "places/ChIJ_QJSSfGAhYARQVFJBNKy3HE", "placeId": "ChIJ_QJSSfGAhYARQVFJBNKy3HE", "text": { "text": "Pizza By The Slice, Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 3 } ] }, "structuredFormat": { "mainText": { "text": "Pizza By The Slice", "matches": [ { "endOffset": 3 } ] }, "secondaryText": { "text": "Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA" } }, "types": [ "establishment", "point_of_interest", "food", "pizza_restaurant", "restaurant" ] } }, /.../ ] }
向 Place Details (新版) 或 Address Validation 提出要求,並傳遞與 Autocomplete (新版) 要求相同的工作階段符記,即可終止工作階段。
提出 Place Details (New) 要求
Place Details (新版) 要求是 HTTP GET 要求。如要進一步瞭解要求主體參數,請參閱 Place Details (New) 要求。
以下 Place Details (新版) 要求包含所選地點的 id
,以及先前 Autocomplete (新版) 呼叫中使用的 sessionToken
curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ -H "X-Goog-Api-Key:YOUR_API_KEY " \ -H "X-Goog-FieldMask: id,displayName,accessibilityOptions,businessStatus" \ https://places.googleapis.com/v1/places/ChIJ_QJSSfGAhYARQVFJBNKy3HE?sessionToken=3519edfe-0f75-4a30-bfe4-7cbd89340b2c
的 id
地點,呼叫會產生下列 JSON 回應:
{ "id": "ChIJ_QJSSfGAhYARQVFJBNKy3HE", "businessStatus": "OPERATIONAL", "displayName": { "text": "Pizza By The Slice", "languageCode": "en" }, "accessibilityOptions": { "wheelchairAccessibleParking": false, "wheelchairAccessibleEntrance": true } }
提出 Address Validation 要求
地址驗證要求是 HTTP POST 要求。如要進一步瞭解要求主體參數,請參閱「傳送地址驗證要求」。
下列地址驗證要求包含所選地點的地址,可在 Autocomplete (新版) 回應的text
欄位中找到,以及先前 Autocomplete (新版) 呼叫中使用的 sessionToken
。curl -X POST -d '{ "sessionToken": "3519edfe-0f75-4a30-bfe4-7cbd89340b2c", "address": { "addressLines": "Pizza By The Slice, Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA, USA" } }' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \ "https://addressvalidation.googleapis.com/v1:validateAddress?key=YOUR_API_KEY "
這項呼叫會產生下列 JSON 回應:
{ "result": { "verdict": { "inputGranularity": "PREMISE", "validationGranularity": "PREMISE", "geocodeGranularity": "PREMISE", "hasInferredComponents": true }, "address": { "formattedAddress": "Pizza By The Slice, Grant Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94133, USA", "postalAddress": { "regionCode": "US", "languageCode": "en", "postalCode": "94133", "administrativeArea": "CA", "locality": "San Francisco", "addressLines": [ "Pizza By The Slice", "Grant Ave" ] }, "addressComponents": [ { "componentName": { "text": "Pizza By The Slice", "languageCode": "en" }, "componentType": "point_of_interest", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED" }, { "componentName": { "text": "Grant Avenue", "languageCode": "en" }, "componentType": "route", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED" }, { "componentName": { "text": "San Francisco", "languageCode": "en" }, "componentType": "locality", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED" }, { "componentName": { "text": "CA", "languageCode": "en" }, "componentType": "administrative_area_level_1", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED" }, { "componentName": { "text": "USA", "languageCode": "en" }, "componentType": "country", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED" }, { "componentName": { "text": "94133" }, "componentType": "postal_code", "confirmationLevel": "CONFIRMED", "inferred": true } ], "missingComponentTypes": [ "street_number" ] }, "geocode": { "location": { "latitude": 37.800504, "longitude": -122.4074794 }, "plusCode": { "globalCode": "849VRH2V+62" }, "bounds": { "low": { "latitude": 37.800504, "longitude": -122.4074794 }, "high": { "latitude": 37.800504, "longitude": -122.4074794 } }, "featureSizeMeters": 10, "placeId": "ChIJ_QJSSfGAhYARQVFJBNKy3HE", "placeTypes": [ "food", "restaurant", "point_of_interest", "establishment" ] }, "uspsData": { "standardizedAddress": { "firstAddressLine": "PIZZA BY THE SLICE", "secondAddressLine": "GRANT AVE", "cityStateZipAddressLine": "SAN FRANCISCO", "city": "SAN FRANCISCO", "state": "CA", "zipCode": "94133" }, "dpvFootnote": "A1M1", "postOfficeCity": "SAN FRANCISCO", "postOfficeState": "CA" } }, "responseId": "4b669675-2c3b-463a-ae20-400248cf6ac9" }
如果使用者放棄工作階段,工作階段就會終止。舉例來說,如果使用者開始搜尋披薩店,但未選取地點 (觸發 Place Details (New) 呼叫) 或驗證地址 (觸發 Address Validation 呼叫),工作階段就會終止,工作階段符記也會到期。