Manage your product listings and accounts for Google Shopping
- v2.1.accounts
- v2.1.accounts.credentials
- v2.1.accounts.labels
- v2.1.accounts.returncarrier
- v2.1.accountstatuses
- v2.1.accounttax
- v2.1.collections
- v2.1.collectionstatuses
- v2.1.conversionsources
- v2.1.csses
- v2.1.datafeeds
- v2.1.datafeedstatuses
- v2.1.freelistingsprogram
- v2.1.freelistingsprogram.checkoutsettings
- v2.1.liasettings
- v2.1.localinventory
- v2.1.merchantsupport
- v2.1.ordertrackingsignals
- v2.1.pos
- v2.1.productdeliverytime
- v2.1.products
- v2.1.productstatuses
- v2.1.promotions
- v2.1.pubsubnotificationsettings
- v2.1.quotas
- v2.1.recommendations
- v2.1.regionalinventory
- v2.1.regions
- v2.1.reports
- v2.1.returnaddress
- v2.1.returnpolicy
- v2.1.returnpolicyonline
- v2.1.shippingsettings
- v2.1.shoppingadsprogram
To call this service, we recommend that you use the Google-provided client libraries. If your application needs to use your own libraries to call this service, use the following information when you make the API requests.
Discovery document
A Discovery Document is a machine-readable specification for describing and consuming REST APIs. It is used to build client libraries, IDE plugins, and other tools that interact with Google APIs. One service may provide multiple discovery documents. This service provides the following discovery document:
Service endpoint
A service endpoint is a base URL that specifies the network address of an API service. One service might have multiple service endpoints. This service has the following service endpoint and all URIs below are relative to this service endpoint:
Methods | |
authinfo |
GET /content/v2.1/accounts/authinfo Returns information about the authenticated user. |
claimwebsite |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/claimwebsite Claims the website of a Merchant Center sub-account. |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/accounts/batch Retrieves, inserts, updates, and deletes multiple Merchant Center (sub-)accounts in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId} Deletes a Merchant Center sub-account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId} Retrieves a Merchant Center account. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts Creates a Merchant Center sub-account. |
link |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/link Performs an action on a link between two Merchant Center accounts, namely accountId and linkedAccountId. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts Lists the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. |
listlinks |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/listlinks Returns the list of accounts linked to your Merchant Center account. |
requestphoneverification |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/requestphoneverification Request verification code to start phone verification. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId} Updates a Merchant Center account. |
updatelabels |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/updatelabels Updates labels that are assigned to the Merchant Center account by CSS user. |
verifyphonenumber |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/verifyphonenumber Validates verification code to verify phone number for the account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/credentials Uploads credentials for the Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/labels Creates a new label, not assigned to any account. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/labels/{labelId} Deletes a label and removes it from all accounts to which it was assigned. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/labels Lists the labels assigned to an account. |
patch |
PATCH /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/labels/{labelId} Updates a label. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/returncarrier Links return carrier to a merchant account. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/returncarrier/{carrierAccountId} Delete a return carrier in the merchant account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/returncarrier Lists available return carriers in the merchant account. |
patch |
PATCH /content/v2.1/accounts/{accountId}/returncarrier/{carrierAccountId} Updates a return carrier in the merchant account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/accountstatuses/batch Retrieves multiple Merchant Center account statuses in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accountstatuses/{accountId} Retrieves the status of a Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accountstatuses Lists the statuses of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/accounttax/batch Retrieves and updates tax settings of multiple accounts in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounttax/{accountId} Retrieves the tax settings of the account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounttax Lists the tax settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounttax/{accountId} Updates the tax settings of the account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collections Uploads a collection to your Merchant Center account. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collections/{collectionId} Deletes a collection from your Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collections/{collectionId} Retrieves a collection from your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collections Lists the collections in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collectionstatuses/{collectionId} Gets the status of a collection from your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/collectionstatuses Lists the statuses of the collections in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources Creates a new conversion source. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources/{conversionSourceId} Archives an existing conversion source. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources/{conversionSourceId} Fetches a conversion source. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources Retrieves the list of conversion sources the caller has access to. |
patch |
PATCH /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources/{conversionSourceId} Updates information of an existing conversion source. |
undelete |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/conversionsources/{conversionSourceId}:undelete Re-enables an archived conversion source. |
Methods | |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{cssGroupId}/csses/{cssDomainId} Retrieves a single CSS domain by ID. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{cssGroupId}/csses Lists CSS domains affiliated with a CSS group. |
updatelabels |
POST /content/v2.1/{cssGroupId}/csses/{cssDomainId}/updatelabels Updates labels that are assigned to a CSS domain by its CSS group. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/datafeeds/batch Deletes, fetches, gets, inserts and updates multiple datafeeds in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds/{datafeedId} Deletes a datafeed configuration from your Merchant Center account. |
fetchnow |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds/{datafeedId}/fetchNow Invokes a fetch for the datafeed in your Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds/{datafeedId} Retrieves a datafeed configuration from your Merchant Center account. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds Registers a datafeed configuration with your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds Lists the configurations for datafeeds in your Merchant Center account. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeeds/{datafeedId} Updates a datafeed configuration of your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/datafeedstatuses/batch Gets multiple Merchant Center datafeed statuses in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeedstatuses/{datafeedId} Retrieves the status of a datafeed from your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/datafeedstatuses Lists the statuses of the datafeeds in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/freelistingsprogram Retrieves the status and review eligibility for the free listing program. |
requestreview |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/freelistingsprogram/requestreview Requests a review of free listings in a specific region. |
Methods | |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/freelistingsprogram/checkoutsettings Deletes Checkout settings and unenrolls merchant from Checkout program. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/freelistingsprogram/checkoutsettings Gets Checkout settings for the given merchant. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/freelistingsprogram/checkoutsettings Enrolls merchant in Checkout program. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/liasettings/batch Retrieves and/or updates the LIA settings of multiple accounts in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId} Retrieves the LIA settings of the account. |
getaccessiblegmbaccounts |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/accessiblegmbaccounts Retrieves the list of accessible Business Profiles. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings Lists the LIA settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. |
listposdataproviders |
GET /content/v2.1/liasettings/posdataproviders Retrieves the list of POS data providers that have active settings for the all eiligible countries. |
requestgmbaccess |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/requestgmbaccess Requests access to a specified Business Profile. |
requestinventoryverification |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/requestinventoryverification/{country} Requests inventory validation for the specified country. |
setinventoryverificationcontact |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/setinventoryverificationcontact Sets the inventory verification contract for the specified country. |
setomnichannelexperience |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/setomnichannelexperience Sets the omnichannel experience for the specified country. |
setposdataprovider |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId}/setposdataprovider Sets the POS data provider for the specified country. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/liasettings/{accountId} Updates the LIA settings of the account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/localinventory/batch Updates local inventory for multiple products or stores in a single request. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products/{productId}/localinventory Updates the local inventory of a product in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
renderaccountissues |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/merchantsupport/renderaccountissues Provide a list of merchant's issues with a support content and available actions. |
renderproductissues |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/merchantsupport/renderproductissues/{productId} Provide a list of issues for merchant's product with a support content and available actions. |
triggeraction |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/merchantsupport/triggeraction Start an action. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/ordertrackingsignals Creates new order tracking signal. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/pos/batch Batches multiple POS-related calls in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/store/{storeCode} Deletes a store for the given merchant. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/store/{storeCode} Retrieves information about the given store. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/store Creates a store for the given merchant. |
inventory |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/inventory Submit inventory for the given merchant. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/store Lists the stores of the target merchant. |
sale |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pos/{targetMerchantId}/sale Submit a sale event for the given merchant. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/productdeliverytime Creates or updates the delivery time of a product. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/productdeliverytime/{productId} Deletes the delivery time of a product. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/productdeliverytime/{productId} Gets productDeliveryTime by productId . |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/products/batch Retrieves, inserts, and deletes multiple products in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products/{productId} Deletes a product from your Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products/{productId} Retrieves a product from your Merchant Center account. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products Uploads a product to your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products Lists the products in your Merchant Center account. |
update |
PATCH /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products/{productId} Updates an existing product in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/productstatuses/batch Gets the statuses of multiple products in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/productstatuses/{productId} Gets the status of a product from your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/productstatuses Lists the statuses of the products in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/promotions Inserts a promotion for your Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/promotions/{id} Retrieves a promotion from your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/promotions List all promotions from your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pubsubnotificationsettings Retrieves a Merchant Center account's pubsub notification settings. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/pubsubnotificationsettings Register a Merchant Center account for pubsub notifications. |
Methods | |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/quotas Lists the daily call quota and usage per method for your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
generate |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/recommendations/generate Generates recommendations for a merchant. |
reportInteraction |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/recommendations/reportInteraction Reports an interaction on a recommendation for a merchant. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/regionalinventory/batch Updates regional inventory for multiple products or regions in a single request. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/products/{productId}/regionalinventory Updates the regional inventory of a product in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/regions Creates a region definition in your Merchant Center account. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/regions/{regionId} Deletes a region definition from your Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/regions/{regionId} Retrieves a region defined in your Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/regions Lists the regions in your Merchant Center account. |
patch |
PATCH /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/regions/{regionId} Updates a region definition in your Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
search |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/reports/search Retrieves merchant performance metrics matching the search query and optionally segmented by selected dimensions. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/returnaddress/batch Batches multiple return address related calls in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnaddress/{returnAddressId} Deletes a return address for the given Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnaddress/{returnAddressId} Gets a return address of the Merchant Center account. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnaddress Inserts a return address for the Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnaddress Lists the return addresses of the Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/returnpolicy/batch Batches multiple return policy related calls in a single request. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicy/{returnPolicyId} Deletes a return policy for the given Merchant Center account. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicy/{returnPolicyId} Gets a return policy of the Merchant Center account. |
insert |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicy Inserts a return policy for the Merchant Center account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicy Lists the return policies of the Merchant Center account. |
Methods | |
create |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicyonline Creates a new return policy. |
delete |
DELETE /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicyonline/{returnPolicyId} Deletes an existing return policy. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicyonline/{returnPolicyId} Gets an existing return policy. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicyonline Lists all existing return policies. |
patch |
PATCH /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/returnpolicyonline/{returnPolicyId} Updates an existing return policy. |
Methods | |
custombatch |
POST /content/v2.1/shippingsettings/batch Retrieves and updates the shipping settings of multiple accounts in a single request. |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/shippingsettings/{accountId} Retrieves the shipping settings of the account. |
getsupportedcarriers |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/supportedCarriers Retrieves supported carriers and carrier services for an account. |
getsupportedholidays |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/supportedHolidays Retrieves supported holidays for an account. |
getsupportedpickupservices |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/supportedPickupServices Retrieves supported pickup services for an account. |
list |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/shippingsettings Lists the shipping settings of the sub-accounts in your Merchant Center account. |
update |
PUT /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/shippingsettings/{accountId} Updates the shipping settings of the account. |
Methods | |
get |
GET /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/shoppingadsprogram Retrieves the status and review eligibility for the Shopping Ads program. |
requestreview |
POST /content/v2.1/{merchantId}/shoppingadsprogram/requestreview Requests a review of Shopping ads in a specific region. |