Getting started with the Android NDK for see-through

This guide shows you how to set up Google VR development with the Android NDK and build the HelloVRBeta sample app. This app is designed to help you learn about working with the see-through mode technology as well as the experimental 6DoF controllers and faceplate.

  1. Download and install the latest version of gvr-android-sdk\*.zip from the releases page.
  2. Follow these steps to build and run the HelloVRBeta sample app. The requirements and steps to build the sample app using the NDK are nearly the same as building the HelloVR sample app for the SDK, with the following key changes:

    1. Download the latest version of the Android NDK.
    2. Extract the NDK .so files by running:

        ./gradlew :extractNdk
    3. In settings.gradle, uncomment the following line:

        include ':samples:ndk-hellovrbeta'
    4. To build and run the sample app in Android Studio, select samples-ndk-hellovrbeta as your target.