客户提交订单后,您可以向 Google 发送订单更新消息,告知客户订单发生的变化。然后,Google 会在订购界面中将该消息转发给客户。
- 订单的预计送货时间变为可用或发生变化。
- 订单的状态发生变化。
- 订单无法再履行。
- 订单中包含的菜单项的价格发生了变化。
- 客户可以通过新的方式管理订单,例如通过客户服务或餐厅电话号码。
- 订单的收据会随之显示。
例如,以下示例使用订单更新在餐厅确认订单后将客户订单的状态从 CREATED
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
用例 1:餐厅确认订单 | 系统会向 Google 发送状态为 CONFIRMED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 estimatedFulfillmentTime 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "CONFIRMED", "label": "Provider confirmed" }, "receipt": { "userVisibleOrderId": "userVisibleId1234" }, "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "2017-07-17T13:00:00Z/2017-07-17T13:30:00Z" } } } }
以下示例展示了因各种原因被拒的订单的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
使用情形 1:由于提供商无法联系餐厅或餐厅无法履行订单,订单被拒。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 REJECTED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含错误类型为 NO_CAPACITY 的 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 、rejectionInfo 和 foodOrderError 。 |
使用情形 2:由于司机不可用或送货地址不在服务范围内,订单被拒绝。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 REJECTED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含错误类型为 OUT_OF_SERVICE_AREA 的 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 、rejectionInfo 和 foodOrderError 。 |
使用情形 3:由于餐厅意外关闭或正在关闭,订单被拒绝。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 REJECTED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含错误类型为 CLOSED 的 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 、rejectionInfo 和 foodOrderError 。 |
用例 4:订单因部分商品缺货而被拒。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 REJECTED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含错误类型为 AVAILABILITY_CHANGED 的 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 、rejectionInfo 和 foodOrderError 。 |
使用情形 5:订单因未知或未分类的原因而被拒。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 REJECTED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含错误类型为 UNKNOWN 的 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 rejectionInfo 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "REJECTED", "label": "Order rejected" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "rejectionInfo": { "type": "UNKNOWN", "reason": "Sorry, the restaurant cannot take your order right now." }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "foodOrderErrors": [ { "error": "NO_CAPACITY", "description": "Sorry, the restaurant cannot take your order right now." } ] } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "REJECTED", "label": "Order rejected" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "rejectionInfo": { "type": "UNKNOWN", "reason": "Sorry, delivery is currently not available to your address." }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "foodOrderErrors": [ { "error": "OUT_OF_SERVICE_AREA", "description": "Sorry, delivery is currently not available to your address." } ] } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "REJECTED", "label": "Order rejected" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "rejectionInfo": { "type": "UNKNOWN", "reason": "Sorry, the restaurant is closed unexpectedly." }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "foodOrderErrors": [ { "error": "CLOSED", "description": "Sorry, the restaurant is closed unexpectedly." } ] } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "REJECTED", "label": "Order rejected" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "rejectionInfo": { "type": "UNKNOWN", "reason": "Sorry, some of items are not available right now." }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "foodOrderErrors": [ { "error": "AVAILABILITY_CHANGED", "id": "sample_menu_item_id", "description": "Sorry, some of the items are not available right now." } ] } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "REJECTED", "label": "Order rejected" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "rejectionInfo": { "type": "UNKNOWN", "reason": "Sorry, your order is rejected." }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ] } } }
以下示例演示了因客户要求而取消的订单的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
用例 1:客户要求取消订单 | 向 Google 发送状态为 CANCELLED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 cancellationInfo 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "CANCELLED", "label": "Order cancelled" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "cancellationInfo": { "reason": "Customer requested" }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ] } } }
以下示例展示了已履行的订单的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
用例 1:订单已履单 | 向 Google 发送状态为 FULFILLED 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 和 orderManagementActions 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "FULFILLED", "label": "Order delivered" }, "updateTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z", "fulfillmentInfo": { "deliveryTime": "2017-05-10T02:30:00.000Z" }, "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ] } } }
以下示例演示了针对正在运送至客户的配送订单的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
用例 1:订单正在运输中。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 IN_TRANSIT 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 estimatedFulfillmentTime 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "IN_TRANSIT", "label": "Order is on the way" }, "inTransitInfo": { "updatedTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z" }, "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "PT20M" } } } }
以下示例演示了为客户准备好自提的订单设置的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
用例 1:订单已准备好自提。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 READY_FOR_PICKUP 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 estimatedFulfillmentTime 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "READY_FOR_PICKUP", "label": "Order is ready for pickup" }, "updateTime": "2018-04-15T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "PT20M" } } } }
以下示例演示了餐厅正在准备的订单的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
使用场景 | 实现方式 |
使用场景 1:餐厅正在准备订单。 | 向 Google 发送状态为 IN_PREPARATION 的 OrderUpdate 。它必须包含 actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementActions 和 estimatedFulfillmentTime 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "IN_PREPARATION", "label": "Order is being prepared" }, "updateTime": "2018-04-15T11:30:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "PT20M" } } } }
以下示例展示了针对对客户订单进行的各种更改的 AsyncOrderUpdateRequestMessage
用例 1:需要更新预计执行时间。 | 向 Google 发送 OrderUpdate ,其中包含订单状态、actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementAction 和更新后的 estimatedFulfillmentTime 。 |
使用情形 2:需要更新订单的总价。 | 向 Google 发送 OrderUpdate ,其中包含订单状态、actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、orderManagementAction 、estimatedFulfillmentTime 和更新后的 totalPrice 。 |
用例 3:需要更新订单的订单管理操作。 | 向 Google 发送 OrderUpdate ,其中包含订单状态、actionOrderId 、userVisibleOrderId 、estimatedFulfillmentTime 和更新后的 orderManagementActions 。 |
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "CONFIRMED", "label": "Provider confirmed" }, "receipt": { "userVisibleOrderId": "userVisibleId1234" }, "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "2017-07-17T13:00:00Z/2017-07-17T13:30:00Z" } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "CONFIRMED", "label": "Provider confirmed" }, "receipt": { "userVisibleOrderId": "userVisibleId1234" }, "totalPrice": { "type": "ESTIMATE", "amount": { "currencyCode": "USD", "units": "20", "nanos": 500000000 } }, "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "2017-07-17T13:00:00Z/2017-07-17T13:30:00Z" } } } }
{ "isInSandbox": true, "customPushMessage": { "orderUpdate": { "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id", "orderState": { "state": "CONFIRMED", "label": "Provider confirmed" }, "receipt": { "userVisibleOrderId": "userVisibleId1234" }, "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z", "orderManagementActions": [ { "type": "CUSTOMER_SERVICE", "button": { "title": "Contact customer service", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:support@example.com" } } }, { "type": "EMAIL", "button": { "title": "Email restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "mailto:person@example.com" } } }, { "type": "CALL_RESTAURANT", "button": { "title": "Call restaurant", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554679" } } }, { "type": "CALL_DRIVER", "button": { "title": "Call driver", "openUrlAction": { "url": "tel:+16505554681" } } } ], "infoExtension": { "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension", "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "2017-07-17T13:00:00Z/2017-07-17T13:30:00Z" } } } }