Gerar e enviar PDFs do Planilhas Google

Nível de codificação: iniciante
Duração: 15 minutos
Tipo de projeto: automação com um menu personalizado


  • Entenda o que a solução faz.
  • Entenda o que os serviços do Apps Script fazem na solução.
  • Configure o script.
  • Execute o script.

Sobre esta solução

Crie PDFs automaticamente com informações de uma planilha das Planilhas Google. Depois que os PDFs são gerados, você pode enviá-los por e-mail diretamente das Planilhas. O foco desta solução é a criação de faturas personalizadas, mas você pode atualizar o modelo e o script de acordo com seu caso.

Captura de tela do modelo de fatura

Como funciona

O script usa a planilha Modelo de fatura como modelo para gerar PDFs. As informações são retiradas de outras planilhas para preencher células específicas no modelo. Para enviar os PDFs por e-mail, o script itera pela planilha Faturas para gerar o link do PDF e o endereço de e-mail associado. O script cria um assunto e um corpo genéricos de e-mail e anexa o PDF antes do envio.

Serviços do Apps Script

Esta solução usa os seguintes serviços:

  • Serviço de planilha: fornece todas as informações para gerar PDFs de faturas e criar o e-mail. Limpa os dados do modelo quando um usuário clica em Redefinir modelo no menu personalizado.
  • Serviço de utilitários: pausa o script com o método sleep() enquanto itera cada cliente para garantir que as informações corretas sejam adicionadas a cada fatura.
  • Serviço de busca de URL: exporta a planilha modelo de fatura para um PDF.
  • Serviço de script: autoriza o serviço de busca de URL a acessar a planilha.
  • Serviço do Drive: cria uma pasta para os PDFs exportados. Anexar os arquivos PDF aos e-mails.
  • Serviço do Gmail: cria e envia os e-mails.


Para usar este exemplo, você precisa dos seguintes pré-requisitos:

  • Uma Conta do Google (as contas do Google Workspace podem exigir a aprovação do administrador).
  • Um navegador da Web com acesso à Internet.

Configurar o script

  1. Clique no botão a seguir para copiar a planilha Gerar e enviar PDFs das Planilhas Google. O projeto do Apps Script para essa solução é anexado à planilha.
    Fazer uma cópia

  2. Clique em Extensões > Apps Script.

  3. No arquivo, atualize as seguintes variáveis:

    1. Defina EMAIL_OVERRIDE como true.
    2. Defina EMAIL_ADDRESS_OVERRIDE como seu endereço de e-mail.
  4. Clique em Salvar Ícone "Salvar".

Executar o script

  1. Volte para a planilha e clique em Gerar e enviar PDFs > Processar faturas.
  2. Quando solicitado, autorize o script. Se a tela de consentimento do OAuth mostrar o aviso Este app não está verificado, continue selecionando Avançado > Acessar {Project Name} (inseguro).

  3. Clique em Gerar e enviar PDFs > Processar faturas novamente.

  4. Para conferir os PDFs, mude para a planilha Faturas e clique nos links na coluna Invoice link.

  5. Clique em Gerar e enviar PDFs > Enviar e-mails.

  6. Verifique seu e-mail para analisar os e-mails e os PDFs anexados. Como você definiu EMAIL_OVERRIDE como true na seção anterior, o script envia todos os e-mails para o endereço de e-mail especificado para EMAIL_ADDRESS_OVERRIDE. Se você definir EMAIL_OVERRIDE como falso, o script vai enviar os e-mails para os endereços de e-mail listados na página Clientes.

  7. (Opcional) Para limpar os dados da planilha Modelo de fatura, clique em Gerar e enviar PDFs > Redefinir modelo.

Revisar o código

Para revisar o código do Apps Script para essa solução, clique em Ver código-fonte abaixo:

// To learn how to use this script, refer to the documentation:

Copyright 2022 Google LLC

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

// TODO: To test this solution, set EMAIL_OVERRIDE to true and set EMAIL_ADDRESS_OVERRIDE to your email address.
const EMAIL_OVERRIDE = false;

// Application constants
const APP_TITLE = 'Generate and send PDFs';
const OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME = "Customer PDFs";
const DUE_DATE_NUM_DAYS = 15

// Sheet name constants. Update if you change the names of the sheets.
const CUSTOMERS_SHEET_NAME = 'Customers';
const PRODUCTS_SHEET_NAME = 'Products';
const TRANSACTIONS_SHEET_NAME = 'Transactions';
const INVOICES_SHEET_NAME = 'Invoices';
const INVOICE_TEMPLATE_SHEET_NAME = 'Invoice Template';

// Email constants
const EMAIL_SUBJECT = 'Invoice Notification';
const EMAIL_BODY = 'Hello!\rPlease see the attached PDF document.';

 * Iterates through the worksheet data populating the template sheet with 
 * customer data, then saves each instance as a PDF document.
 * Called by user via custom menu item.
function processDocuments() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const customersSheet = ss.getSheetByName(CUSTOMERS_SHEET_NAME);
  const productsSheet = ss.getSheetByName(PRODUCTS_SHEET_NAME);
  const transactionsSheet = ss.getSheetByName(TRANSACTIONS_SHEET_NAME);
  const invoicesSheet = ss.getSheetByName(INVOICES_SHEET_NAME);
  const invoiceTemplateSheet = ss.getSheetByName(INVOICE_TEMPLATE_SHEET_NAME);

  // Gets data from the storage sheets as objects.
  const customers = dataRangeToObject(customersSheet);
  const products = dataRangeToObject(productsSheet);
  const transactions = dataRangeToObject(transactionsSheet);

  ss.toast('Creating Invoices', APP_TITLE, 1);
  const invoices = [];

  // Iterates for each customer calling createInvoiceForCustomer routine.
  customers.forEach(function (customer) {
    ss.toast(`Creating Invoice for ${customer.customer_name}`, APP_TITLE, 1);
    let invoice = createInvoiceForCustomer(
      customer, products, transactions, invoiceTemplateSheet, ss.getId());
  // Writes invoices data to the sheet.
  invoicesSheet.getRange(2, 1, invoices.length, invoices[0].length).setValues(invoices);

 * Processes each customer instance with passed in data parameters.
 * @param {object} customer - Object for the customer
 * @param {object} products - Object for all the products
 * @param {object} transactions - Object for all the transactions
 * @param {object} invoiceTemplateSheet - Object for the invoice template sheet
 * @param {string} ssId - Google Sheet ID     
 * Return {array} of instance customer invoice data
function createInvoiceForCustomer(customer, products, transactions, templateSheet, ssId) {
  let customerTransactions = transactions.filter(function (transaction) {
    return transaction.customer_name == customer.customer_name;

  // Clears existing data from the template.

  let lineItems = [];
  let totalAmount = 0;
  customerTransactions.forEach(function (lineItem) {
    let lineItemProduct = products.filter(function (product) {
      return product.sku_name == lineItem.sku;
    const qty = parseInt(lineItem.licenses);
    const price = parseFloat(lineItemProduct.price).toFixed(2);
    const amount = parseFloat(qty * price).toFixed(2);
    lineItems.push([lineItemProduct.sku_name, lineItemProduct.sku_description, '', qty, price, amount]);
    totalAmount += parseFloat(amount);

  // Generates a random invoice number. You can replace with your own document ID method.
  const invoiceNumber = Math.floor(100000 + Math.random() * 900000);

  // Calulates dates.
  const todaysDate = new Date().toDateString()
  const dueDate = new Date( + 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24 * DUE_DATE_NUM_DAYS).toDateString()

  // Sets values in the template.
  templateSheet.getRange(18, 2, lineItems.length, 6).setValues(lineItems);

  // Cleans up and creates PDF.
  Utilities.sleep(500); // Using to offset any potential latency in creating .pdf
  const pdf = createPDF(ssId, templateSheet, `Invoice#${invoiceNumber}-${customer.customer_name}`);
  return [invoiceNumber, todaysDate, customer.customer_name,, '', totalAmount, dueDate, pdf.getUrl(), 'No'];

* Resets the template sheet by clearing out customer data.
* You use this to prepare for the next iteration or to view blank
* the template for design.
* Called by createInvoiceForCustomer() or by the user via custom menu item.
function clearTemplateSheet() {

  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const templateSheet = ss.getSheetByName(INVOICE_TEMPLATE_SHEET_NAME);
  // Clears existing data from the template.
  const rngClear = templateSheet.getRangeList(['B10:B11', 'F10', 'F12', 'F14']).getRanges()
  rngClear.forEach(function (cell) {
  // This sample only accounts for six rows of data 'B18:G24'. You can extend or make dynamic as necessary.
  templateSheet.getRange(18, 2, 7, 6).clearContent();

 * Creates a PDF for the customer given sheet.
 * @param {string} ssId - Id of the Google Spreadsheet
 * @param {object} sheet - Sheet to be converted as PDF
 * @param {string} pdfName - File name of the PDF being created
 * @return {file object} PDF file as a blob
function createPDF(ssId, sheet, pdfName) {
  const fr = 0, fc = 0, lc = 9, lr = 27;
  const url = "" + ssId + "/export" +
    "?format=pdf&" +
    "size=7&" +
    "fzr=true&" +
    "portrait=true&" +
    "fitw=true&" +
    "gridlines=false&" +
    "printtitle=false&" +
    "top_margin=0.5&" +
    "bottom_margin=0.25&" +
    "left_margin=0.5&" +
    "right_margin=0.5&" +
    "sheetnames=false&" +
    "pagenum=UNDEFINED&" +
    "attachment=true&" +
    "gid=" + sheet.getSheetId() + '&' +
    "r1=" + fr + "&c1=" + fc + "&r2=" + lr + "&c2=" + lc;

  const params = { method: "GET", headers: { "authorization": "Bearer " + ScriptApp.getOAuthToken() } };
  const blob = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, params).getBlob().setName(pdfName + '.pdf');

  // Gets the folder in Drive where the PDFs are stored.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME);

  const pdfFile = folder.createFile(blob);
  return pdfFile;

 * Sends emails with PDF as an attachment.
 * Checks/Sets 'Email Sent' column to 'Yes' to avoid resending.
 * Called by user via custom menu item.
function sendEmails() {
  const ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  const invoicesSheet = ss.getSheetByName(INVOICES_SHEET_NAME);
  const invoicesData = invoicesSheet.getRange(1, 1, invoicesSheet.getLastRow(), invoicesSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
  const keysI = invoicesData.splice(0, 1)[0];
  const invoices = getObjects(invoicesData, createObjectKeys(keysI));
  ss.toast('Emailing Invoices', APP_TITLE, 1);
  invoices.forEach(function (invoice, index) {

    if (invoice.email_sent != 'Yes') {
      ss.toast(`Emailing Invoice for ${invoice.customer}`, APP_TITLE, 1);

      const fileId = invoice.invoice_link.match(/[-\w]{25,}(?!.*[-\w]{25,})/)
      const attachment = DriveApp.getFileById(fileId);

      let recipient =;
      if (EMAIL_OVERRIDE) {
        recipient = EMAIL_ADDRESS_OVERRIDE

      GmailApp.sendEmail(recipient, EMAIL_SUBJECT, EMAIL_BODY, {
        attachments: [attachment.getAs(MimeType.PDF)],
        name: APP_TITLE
      invoicesSheet.getRange(index + 2, 9).setValue('Yes');

 * Helper function that turns sheet data range into an object. 
 * @param {SpreadsheetApp.Sheet} sheet - Sheet to process
 * Return {object} of a sheet's datarange as an object 
function dataRangeToObject(sheet) {
  const dataRange = sheet.getRange(1, 1, sheet.getLastRow(), sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
  const keys = dataRange.splice(0, 1)[0];
  return getObjects(dataRange, createObjectKeys(keys));

 * Utility function for mapping sheet data to objects.
function getObjects(data, keys) {
  let objects = [];
  for (let i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) {
    let object = {};
    let hasData = false;
    for (let j = 0; j < data[i].length; ++j) {
      let cellData = data[i][j];
      if (isCellEmpty(cellData)) {
      object[keys[j]] = cellData;
      hasData = true;
    if (hasData) {
  return objects;
// Creates object keys for column headers.
function createObjectKeys(keys) {
  return (key) {
    return key.replace(/\W+/g, '_').toLowerCase();
// Returns true if the cell where cellData was read from is empty.
function isCellEmpty(cellData) {
  return typeof (cellData) == "string" && cellData == "";

 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * @OnlyCurrentDoc
 * The above comment specifies that this automation will only
 * attempt to read or modify the spreadsheet this script is bound to.
 * The authorization request message presented to users reflects the
 * limited scope.

 * Creates a custom menu in the Google Sheets UI when the document is opened.
 * @param {object} e The event parameter for a simple onOpen trigger.
function onOpen(e) {

const menu = SpreadsheetApp.getUi().createMenu(APP_TITLE)
    .addItem('Process invoices', 'processDocuments')
    .addItem('Send emails', 'sendEmails')
    .addItem('Reset template', 'clearTemplateSheet')

 * Copyright 2022 Google LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

 * Returns a Google Drive folder in the same location 
 * in Drive where the spreadsheet is located. First, it checks if the folder
 * already exists and returns that folder. If the folder doesn't already
 * exist, the script creates a new one. The folder's name is set by the
 * "OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME" variable from the file.
 * @param {string} folderName - Name of the Drive folder. 
 * @return {object} Google Drive Folder
function getFolderByName_(folderName) {

  // Gets the Drive Folder of where the current spreadsheet is located.
  const ssId = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getId();
  const parentFolder = DriveApp.getFileById(ssId).getParents().next();

  // Iterates the subfolders to check if the PDF folder already exists.
  const subFolders = parentFolder.getFolders();
  while (subFolders.hasNext()) {
    let folder =;

    // Returns the existing folder if found.
    if (folder.getName() === folderName) {
      return folder;
  // Creates a new folder if one does not already exist.
  return parentFolder.createFolder(folderName)
    .setDescription(`Created by ${APP_TITLE} application to store PDF output files`);

 * Test function to run getFolderByName_.
 * @prints a Google Drive FolderId.
function test_getFolderByName() {

  // Gets the PDF folder in Drive.
  const folder = getFolderByName_(OUTPUT_FOLDER_NAME);

  console.log(`Name: ${folder.getName()}\rID: ${folder.getId()}\rDescription: ${folder.getDescription()}`)
  // To automatically delete test folder, uncomment the following code:
  // folder.setTrashed(true);


Esse exemplo é mantido pelo Google com a ajuda de especialistas em desenvolvimento do Google.

Próximas etapas