
请选择平台: Android iOS JavaScript


您可以让地图项图层响应 mousemoveclick 事件,并使用它们返回所点击边界的相关信息。这些信息包括 ID、显示名称和地图项类型。下面这个示例地图展示了 2 级行政区的边界,该地图使用了事件处理脚本,用于根据用户互动(mousemove 更改边框粗细、click 阴影背景颜色并导致显示信息窗口)为多边形应用样式。



  1. 通过调用 针对您要查看的每个事件,针对地图项图层添加 addListener() 函数 注册。在本示例中,地图还获得了一个监听器。


    // Add the feature layer.
    featureLayer = map.getFeatureLayer('ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2');
    // Add the event listeners for the feature layer.
    featureLayer.addListener('click', handleClick);
    featureLayer.addListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);
    // Map event listener.
    map.addListener('mousemove', () => {
      // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers
      // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last
      // interacted feature ids.
      if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) {
        lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
        featureLayer.style = applyStyle;


    // Add the feature layer.
    featureLayer = map.getFeatureLayer("ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2");
    // Add the event listeners for the feature layer.
    featureLayer.addListener("click", handleClick);
    featureLayer.addListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
    // Map event listener.
    map.addListener("mousemove", () => {
      // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers
      // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last
      // interacted feature ids.
      if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) {
        lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
        featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

  2. 添加事件处理脚本代码,以便根据互动类型为所选多边形设置样式。


    function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
      lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map(f => f.placeId);
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;
    function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map(f => f.placeId);
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;


    function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
      lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.placeId);
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;
    function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.placeId);
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

  3. 使用地图项样式函数来应用样式。此处显示的地图项样式函数会根据互动类型有条件地应用样式。此处定义了三种样式:一种用于在 mousemove 时加粗边框,一种用于在 click 时更改背景并显示信息窗口,还有一种是默认样式。


    // Define styles.
    // Stroke and fill with minimum opacity value.
    const styleDefault = {
      strokeColor: '#810FCB',
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2.0,
      fillColor: 'white',
      fillOpacity: 0.1,  // Polygons must be visible to receive events.
    // Style for the clicked polygon.
    const styleClicked = {
      fillColor: '#810FCB',
      fillOpacity: 0.5,
    // Style for polygon on mouse move.
    const styleMouseMove = {
      strokeWeight: 4.0,
    // Apply styles using a feature style function.
    function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) {
      const placeId = params.feature.placeId;
      if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
        return styleClicked;
      if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
        return styleMouseMove;
      return styleDefault;


    // Define styles.
    // Stroke and fill with minimum opacity value.
    const styleDefault = {
      strokeColor: "#810FCB",
      strokeOpacity: 1.0,
      strokeWeight: 2.0,
      fillColor: "white",
      fillOpacity: 0.1, // Polygons must be visible to receive events.
    // Style for the clicked polygon.
    const styleClicked = {
      fillColor: "#810FCB",
      fillOpacity: 0.5,
    // Style for polygon on mouse move.
    const styleMouseMove = {
      strokeWeight: 4.0,
    // Apply styles using a feature style function.
    function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) {
      const placeId = params.feature.placeId;
      if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
        return styleClicked;
      if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
        return styleMouseMove;
      return styleDefault;



let map: google.maps.Map;
let featureLayer;
let infoWindow;
let lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
let lastClickedFeatureIds = [];

function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
  lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map(f => f.placeId);
  lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
  lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map(f => f.placeId);
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

async function initMap() {
  // Request needed libraries.
  const { Map, InfoWindow } = await google.maps.importLibrary('maps') as google.maps.MapsLibrary;

  map = new Map(document.getElementById('map') as HTMLElement, {
    center: {lat: 39.23, lng: -105.73},
    zoom: 8,
    // In the cloud console, configure your Map ID with a style that enables the
    // 'Administrative Area Level 2' Data Driven Styling type.
    mapId: 'a3efe1c035bad51b', // Substitute your own map ID.
    mapTypeControl: false,

  // Add the feature layer.
  featureLayer = map.getFeatureLayer('ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2');

  // Add the event listeners for the feature layer.
  featureLayer.addListener('click', handleClick);
  featureLayer.addListener('mousemove', handleMouseMove);

  // Map event listener.
  map.addListener('mousemove', () => {
    // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers
    // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last
    // interacted feature ids.
    if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) {
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

  // Create the infowindow.
  infoWindow = new InfoWindow({});
  // Apply style on load, to enable clicking.
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

// Helper function for the infowindow.
async function createInfoWindow(event) {
  let feature = event.features[0];
  if (!feature.placeId) return;

  // Update the infowindow.
  const place = await feature.fetchPlace();
  let content =
      '<span style="font-size:small">Display name: ' + place.displayName +
      '<br/> Place ID: ' + feature.placeId +
      '<br/> Feature type: ' + feature.featureType + '</span>';

  updateInfoWindow(content, event.latLng);

// Define styles.
// Stroke and fill with minimum opacity value.
const styleDefault = {
  strokeColor: '#810FCB',
  strokeOpacity: 1.0,
  strokeWeight: 2.0,
  fillColor: 'white',
  fillOpacity: 0.1,  // Polygons must be visible to receive events.
// Style for the clicked polygon.
const styleClicked = {
  fillColor: '#810FCB',
  fillOpacity: 0.5,
// Style for polygon on mouse move.
const styleMouseMove = {
  strokeWeight: 4.0,

// Apply styles using a feature style function.
function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) {
  const placeId = params.feature.placeId;
  if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
    return styleClicked;
  if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
    return styleMouseMove;
  return styleDefault;

// Helper function to create an info window.
function updateInfoWindow(content, center) {
    shouldFocus: false,



let map;
let featureLayer;
let infoWindow;
let lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
let lastClickedFeatureIds = [];

function handleClick(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
  lastClickedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.placeId);
  lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

function handleMouseMove(/* MouseEvent */ e) {
  lastInteractedFeatureIds = e.features.map((f) => f.placeId);
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

async function initMap() {
  // Request needed libraries.
  const { Map, InfoWindow } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps");

  map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), {
    center: { lat: 39.23, lng: -105.73 },
    zoom: 8,
    // In the cloud console, configure your Map ID with a style that enables the
    // 'Administrative Area Level 2' Data Driven Styling type.
    mapId: "a3efe1c035bad51b", // Substitute your own map ID.
    mapTypeControl: false,
  // Add the feature layer.
  featureLayer = map.getFeatureLayer("ADMINISTRATIVE_AREA_LEVEL_2");
  // Add the event listeners for the feature layer.
  featureLayer.addListener("click", handleClick);
  featureLayer.addListener("mousemove", handleMouseMove);
  // Map event listener.
  map.addListener("mousemove", () => {
    // If the map gets a mousemove, that means there are no feature layers
    // with listeners registered under the mouse, so we clear the last
    // interacted feature ids.
    if (lastInteractedFeatureIds?.length) {
      lastInteractedFeatureIds = [];
      featureLayer.style = applyStyle;
  // Create the infowindow.
  infoWindow = new InfoWindow({});
  // Apply style on load, to enable clicking.
  featureLayer.style = applyStyle;

// Helper function for the infowindow.
async function createInfoWindow(event) {
  let feature = event.features[0];

  if (!feature.placeId) return;

  // Update the infowindow.
  const place = await feature.fetchPlace();
  let content =
    '<span style="font-size:small">Display name: ' +
    place.displayName +
    "<br/> Place ID: " +
    feature.placeId +
    "<br/> Feature type: " +
    feature.featureType +

  updateInfoWindow(content, event.latLng);

// Define styles.
// Stroke and fill with minimum opacity value.
const styleDefault = {
  strokeColor: "#810FCB",
  strokeOpacity: 1.0,
  strokeWeight: 2.0,
  fillColor: "white",
  fillOpacity: 0.1, // Polygons must be visible to receive events.
// Style for the clicked polygon.
const styleClicked = {
  fillColor: "#810FCB",
  fillOpacity: 0.5,
// Style for polygon on mouse move.
const styleMouseMove = {
  strokeWeight: 4.0,

// Apply styles using a feature style function.
function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) {
  const placeId = params.feature.placeId;

  if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
    return styleClicked;

  if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(placeId)) {
    return styleMouseMove;
  return styleDefault;

// Helper function to create an info window.
function updateInfoWindow(content, center) {
    shouldFocus: false,



 * Always set the map height explicitly to define the size of the div element
 * that contains the map. 
#map {
  height: 100%;

 * Optional: Makes the sample page fill the window. 
body {
  height: 100%;
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;


    <title>Handle Region Boundary Click Event</title>

    <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./style.css" />
    <script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>
    <div id="map"></div>

    <!-- prettier-ignore -->
    <script>(g=>{var h,a,k,p="The Google Maps JavaScript API",c="google",l="importLibrary",q="__ib__",m=document,b=window;b=b[c]||(b[c]={});var d=b.maps||(b.maps={}),r=new Set,e=new URLSearchParams,u=()=>h||(h=new Promise(async(f,n)=>{await (a=m.createElement("script"));e.set("libraries",[...r]+"");for(k in g)e.set(k.replace(/[A-Z]/g,t=>"_"+t[0].toLowerCase()),g[k]);e.set("callback",c+".maps."+q);a.src=`https://maps.${c}apis.com/maps/api/js?`+e;d[q]=f;a.onerror=()=>h=n(Error(p+" could not load."));a.nonce=m.querySelector("script[nonce]")?.nonce||"";m.head.append(a)}));d[l]?console.warn(p+" only loads once. Ignoring:",g):d[l]=(f,...n)=>r.add(f)&&u().then(()=>d[l](f,...n))})
        ({key: "AIzaSyB41DRUbKWJHPxaFjMAwdrzWzbVKartNGg", v: "weekly"});</script>

