用于定义逻辑,以在数据集内有选择性地设置地图项的样式。它会根据定义的逻辑返回 FeatureStyleOptions
。如果不需要样式设置逻辑,您可以使用 FeatureStyleOptions
在继续操作之前,您应备好地图 ID、地图样式和数据集 ID。
将数据集 ID 与地图样式相关联
- 在 Google Cloud 控制台中,前往数据集页面。
- 点击相应数据集的名称。系统随即会显示数据集详细信息页面。
- 点击预览标签页。
- 滚动到添加地图样式,然后点击该选项。
- 勾选要关联的地图样式对应的复选框,然后点击保存。
设置地图项样式时,最简单的方式是通过传递 FeatureStyleOptions
来定义颜色、不透明度和线条粗细等样式属性。您可以直接将地图项样式选项应用于数据集地图项图层,也可以将这些选项与 FeatureStyleFunction
const styleOptions = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, };
const styleOptions = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, };
您可以通过 FeatureStyleFunction
以声明的方式设置样式规则,并将其应用于整个数据集。然后根据数据集属性值将 FeatureStyleOptions
应用于地图项。您还可以从地图项样式函数返回 null
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor']; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case 'Black+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'black', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+Gray': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon, White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'silver', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'yellow', pointRadius: 8 }; break; } }
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor"]; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case "Black+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "black", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+Gray": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "gray", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Cinnamon+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon, White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "silver", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "yellow", pointRadius: 8 }; break; } }
- 调用
并传递数据集 ID,以获取数据集地图项图层。 - 为数据集图层设置地图项样式选项(例如
const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = styleOptions;
const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = styleOptions;
如需移除图层的样式,请将 style
设置为 null
featureLayer.style = null;
您还可以从地图项样式函数返回 null
在 Google 地图上显示已上传的数据集时,您的地图必须显示所有必要的提供方说明。提供方说明文本不得遮挡或干扰 Google 徽标。
要添加提供方说明文本,您可以使用自定义控件将任意 HTML 放置在地图上的标准位置。以下代码示例中所示的函数通过程序化方式创建了此类自定义控件:
function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement('div'); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; attributionLabel.style.opacity = '0.7'; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto,Arial,sans-serif'; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = '10px'; attributionLabel.style.padding = '2px'; attributionLabel.style.margin = '2px'; attributionLabel.textContent = 'Data source: NYC Open Data'; return attributionLabel; }
function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement("div"); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; attributionLabel.style.opacity = "0.7"; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = "Roboto,Arial,sans-serif"; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = "10px"; attributionLabel.style.padding = "2px"; attributionLabel.style.margin = "2px"; attributionLabel.textContent = "Data source: NYC Open Data"; return attributionLabel; }
// Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv);
// Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement("div"); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv);