Questa sezione illustra una serie di richieste di esempio all'API Places Insights.
Restituire i luoghi all'interno di un cerchio
Restituire tutti i ristoranti entro un raggio di 200 m da Trafalgar Square, Londra.
- L'area di ricerca è un cerchio centrato su una latitudine e una longitudine specifiche. Il raggio di questo cerchio è di 200 metri, il che determina le dimensioni dell'area di ricerca.
- Il tipo di luogo richiesto è ristorante e viene trasmesso utilizzando
. - Il conteggio viene richiesto utilizzando
e gli ID luogo vengono richiesti utilizzandoINSIGHTS_PLACES
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant" } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=[''] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Escludere i tipi di luoghi
Puoi escludere i tipi di luoghi dal conteggio.
La richiesta seguente è uguale al primo esempio, ma aggiunge
a typeFilters
. Puoi utilizzare una stringa o un array di stringhe per includedTypes
e excludedTypes
Questo esempio esclude dal conteggio restaurant
due tipi di luoghi: cafe
e bakery
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant", "excludedTypes": [ "cafe", "bakery" ] } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=[''] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter with both included and excluded types type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"], excluded_types=["cafe", "bakery"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Utilizza il tipo principale
Questo esempio modifica la richiesta del primo esempio in modo da includere solo i luoghi
con un valore primaryType
di restaurant
nel conteggio.
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": ["INSIGHT_COUNT", "INSIGHT_PLACES"], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "circle": { "latLng": { "latitude": 51.508, "longitude": -0.128}, "radius": 200 } }, "typeFilter": { "includedPrimaryTypes": "restaurant" } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=[''] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with circle lat_lng = latlng_pb2.LatLng( latitude=51.508, longitude=-0.128 ) location_filter = LocationFilter( circle=LocationFilter.Circle( lat_lng=lat_lng, radius=200 ) ) # Create type filter with primary types type_filter = TypeFilter( included_primary_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[ Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT, Insight.INSIGHT_PLACES ], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") print("\nPlaces found:") for place in response.place_insights: print(f"Place ID: {}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Poligono personalizzato
Questo esempio mostra come utilizzare un poligono personalizzato per definire l'area di ricerca. Tieni presente che la specifica di INSIGHTS_PLACES
limita la ricerca a aree sufficientemente piccole da restituire fino a 100 ID luogo. Per aree più grandi, utilizza
per aggirare questa limitazione in modo che il servizio non debba
restituire i singoli ID luogo.
Come prima, il tipo di luogo utilizzato è restaurant
. Questo esempio introduce anche altri tre filtri:
: questo esempio conteggia solo i luoghi operativi.priceLevel
: questo esempio conteggia solo i luoghi economici e a prezzi moderati.ratingFilter
: questo esempio conteggia solo i luoghi con un punteggio delle recensioni compreso tra 4,0 e 5,0.
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": [ "INSIGHT_COUNT" ], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "customArea": { "polygon": { "coordinates": [ { "latitude": 37.776, "longitude": -122.666 }, { "latitude": 37.130, "longitude": -121.898 }, { "latitude": 37.326, "longitude": -121.598 }, { "latitude": 37.912, "longitude": -122.247 }, { "latitude": 37.776, "longitude": -122.666 } ] } } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": "restaurant" }, "operatingStatus": [ "OPERATING_STATUS_OPERATIONAL" ], "priceLevels": [ "PRICE_LEVEL_INEXPENSIVE", "PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE" ], "ratingFilter": { "minRating": 4.0, "maxRating": 5.0 } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight, RatingFilter, OperatingStatus, PriceLevel ) from google.type import latlng_pb2 from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=[''] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create coordinates for the polygon coordinates = [ latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.776, longitude=-122.666), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.130, longitude=-121.898), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.326, longitude=-121.598), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.912, longitude=-122.247), latlng_pb2.LatLng(latitude=37.776, longitude=-122.666) # Closing point ] # Create custom area with polygon using the nested structure location_filter = LocationFilter( custom_area=LocationFilter.CustomArea( polygon=LocationFilter.CustomArea.Polygon(coordinates=coordinates) ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create rating filter rating_filter = RatingFilter( min_rating=4.0, max_rating=5.0 ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter, operating_status=[OperatingStatus.OPERATING_STATUS_OPERATIONAL], price_levels=[ PriceLevel.PRICE_LEVEL_INEXPENSIVE, PriceLevel.PRICE_LEVEL_MODERATE ], rating_filter=rating_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()
Area geografica
Questo esempio utilizza un ID luogo Area geografica per impostare l'area di ricerca.
Questi ID luogo includono la geometria di un luogo, ad esempio una città o un paese. L'ID luogo utilizzato qui è ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w
, che corrisponde alla città di Mountain View, California.
Se passi l'ID luogo all'API di Dati di Places, l'area di ricerca viene impostata sui confini
dell'area geografica. L'ID luogo viene passato utilizzando place
, nel formato
Puoi ottenere un ID luogo per area geografica in uno dei seguenti modi:
- Ricerca ID luogo
- API Geocoding
- Ricerca di testo (novità)
- Ricerca nelle vicinanze (nuova)
- API Address Validation
- Place Autocomplete
curl --location '' \ --header 'X-Goog-Api-Key:API_KEY ' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ "insights": [ "INSIGHT_COUNT" ], "filter": { "locationFilter": { "region": { "place": "places/ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w" } }, "typeFilter": { "includedTypes": [ "restaurant" ] } } }'
from google.maps import areainsights_v1 from google.maps.areainsights_v1.types import ( ComputeInsightsRequest, Filter, LocationFilter, TypeFilter, Insight ) from google.oauth2 import service_account def get_area_insights(): # Initialize the client with service account credentials = service_account.Credentials.from_service_account_file( 'path/to/service_account.json ', scopes=[''] ) client = areainsights_v1.AreaInsightsClient( credentials=credentials ) # Create location filter with region location_filter = LocationFilter( region=LocationFilter.Region( place="places/ChIJiQHsW0m3j4ARm69rRkrUF3w" ) ) # Create type filter type_filter = TypeFilter( included_types=["restaurant"] ) # Create the main filter filter = Filter( location_filter=location_filter, type_filter=type_filter ) # Create the request request = ComputeInsightsRequest( insights=[Insight.INSIGHT_COUNT], filter=filter ) try: # Make the request response = client.compute_insights(request=request) # Print results print(f"Total count: {response.count}") except Exception as e: print(f"Error occurred: {e}") if __name__ == "__main__": get_area_insights()