
你可以使用 Merchant Inventories API 指出產品資訊因區域而異。舉例來說,您可能會在不同地點販售不同的產品,或是根據購買地點為相同產品收取不同的價格。





你必須先為商家帳戶設定區域,才能為產品新增區域資訊。您可以使用 Merchant API regions 資源建立新的區域。



您可以使用 Merchant API 篩選帳戶下的產品,並透過 channel 驗證是否有現有的線上產品。線上產品的 channel 必須使用 online 做為值。

如要將線上產品新增至帳戶,請使用 Merchant API 插入新產品建立資料來源


商家帳戶中含有線上產品後,您可以新增 regionpriceavailability 等區域資訊。

如要瞭解如何從 Content API for Shopping 遷移,請參閱「遷移商品目錄管理」一文。

以下是使用 regionalInventories.insert 新增區域資訊至產品的範例:

import com.google.api.gax.core.FixedCredentialsProvider;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.InsertRegionalInventoryRequest;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.RegionalInventory;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.RegionalInventoryServiceClient;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.RegionalInventoryServiceSettings;
import com.google.shopping.type.Price;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Authenticator;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Config;

/** This class demonstrates how to insert a regional inventory for a given product */
public class InsertRegionalInventorySample {

  private static String getParent(String accountId, String productId) {
    return String.format("accounts/%s/products/%s", accountId, productId);

  public static void insertRegionalInventory(Config config, String productId, String regionId)
      throws Exception {
    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    RegionalInventoryServiceSettings regionalInventoryServiceSettings =

    String parent = getParent(config.getAccountId().toString(), productId);

    try (RegionalInventoryServiceClient regionalInventoryServiceClient =
        RegionalInventoryServiceClient.create(regionalInventoryServiceSettings)) {

      Price price = Price.newBuilder().setAmountMicros(33_450_000).setCurrencyCode("USD").build();

      InsertRegionalInventoryRequest request =
                      .setAvailability("out of stock")

      System.out.println("Sending insert RegionalInventory request");
      RegionalInventory response = regionalInventoryServiceClient.insertRegionalInventory(request);
      System.out.println("Inserted RegionalInventory Name below");
    } catch (Exception e) {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Config config = Config.load();
    // An ID assigned to a product by Google. In the format
    // channel:contentLanguage:feedLabel:offerId
    String productId = "online:en:label:1111111111";
    // The ID uniquely identifying each region.
    String regionId = "1111111";
    insertRegionalInventory(config, productId, regionId);
  curl --location
  'https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/inventories/v1beta/accounts/987654321/products/en~US~12345/regionalInventories:insert' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>' \
  --data '{
     "region": "123456",
     "price": {
         "amountMicros": "33450000",
         "currencyCode": "USD"
     "availability": "out of stock"
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\RegionalInventory;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\Client\RegionalInventoryServiceClient;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\InsertRegionalInventoryRequest;
use Google\Shopping\Type\Price;

 * Class to insert a `RegionalInventory` to a given product in your
 * merchant account.
 * Replaces the full `RegionalInventory` resource if an entry with the same
 * [`region`]
 * [google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.RegionalInventory.region]
 * already exists for the product.
 * It might take up to 30 minutes for the new or updated `RegionalInventory`
 * resource to appear in products.

class InsertRegionalInventory
    // ENSURE you fill in the merchant account and product ID for the sample to
    // work.
    private const PARENT = 'accounts/[INSERT_ACCOUNT_HERE]/products/[INSERT_PRODUCT_HERE]';
    // ENSURE you fill in region ID for the sample to work.

     * Inserts a regional inventory underneath the parent product.
     * @param string $parent The account and product where this inventory will be inserted.
     *     Format: `accounts/{account}/products/{product}`
     * @param string $regionalInventoryRegion
     *     ID of the region for this
     *     `RegionalInventory` resource. See the [Regional availability and
     *     pricing](https://support.google.com/merchants/answer/9698880) for more details.
    public function insertRegionalInventorySample(string $parent, string $regionalInventoryRegion): void
        // Gets the OAuth credentials to make the request.
        $credentials = Authentication::useServiceAccountOrTokenFile();

        // Creates options config containing credentials for the client to use.
        $options = ['credentials' => $credentials];

        // Creates a client.
        $regionalInventoryServiceClient = new RegionalInventoryServiceClient($options);

        // Creates a price object.
        $price = new Price(
                'currency_code' => "USD",
                'amount_micros' => 33450000,

        // Creates a new regional inventory object.
        $regionalInventory = (new RegionalInventory())
            ->setAvailability("in stock")

        $request = (new InsertRegionalInventoryRequest())

        // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
        try {
            /** @var RegionalInventory $response */
            $response = $regionalInventoryServiceClient->insertRegionalInventory($request);
            printf('Response data: %s%s', $response->serializeToJsonString(), PHP_EOL);
        } catch (ApiException $ex) {
            printf('Call failed with message: %s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);

     * Helper to execute the sample.
    public function callSample(): void
        // Makes the call to insert the regional inventory to the parent product
        // for the given region.
        $this->insertRegionalInventorySample($this::PARENT, $this::REGIONAL_INVENTORY_REGION);


$sample = new InsertRegionalInventory();
from examples.authentication import configuration
from examples.authentication import generate_user_credentials
from google.shopping import merchant_inventories_v1beta

# ENSURE you fill in the product ID and region ID for the sample to
# work.
_ACCOUNT = configuration.Configuration().read_merchant_info()
_PARENT = f"accounts/{_ACCOUNT}/products/{_PRODUCT}"
# ENSURE you fill in region ID for the sample to work.

def insert_regional_inventory():
  """Inserts a `RegionalInventory` to a given product.

  Replaces the full `RegionalInventory` resource if an entry with the same
  `region` already exists for the product.

  It might take up to 30 minutes for the new or updated `RegionalInventory`
  resource to appear in products.

  # Gets OAuth Credentials.
  credentials = generate_user_credentials.main()

  # Creates a client.
  client = merchant_inventories_v1beta.RegionalInventoryServiceClient(

  # Creates a regional inventory and populate its attributes.
  regional_inventory = merchant_inventories_v1beta.RegionalInventory()
  regional_inventory.region = _REGION
  regional_inventory.availability = "in stock"
  regional_inventory.price = {
      "currency_code": "USD",
      "amount_micros": 33450000,

  # Creates the request.
  request = merchant_inventories_v1beta.InsertRegionalInventoryRequest(

  # Makes the request and catch and print any error messages.
    response = client.insert_regional_inventory(request=request)

    print("Insert successful")
  except RuntimeError as e:
    print("Insert failed")

if __name__ == "__main__":


RegionalInventory 最多可能需要 30 分鐘才會顯示在產品中。


在 Google 上免費刊登產品資訊

如要在 Google 上免費刊登產品,請設定免費產品資訊

設定免費產品資訊後,符合資格的產品 (含 RegionalInventory) 就會根據你提供的區域資訊,顯示在 Google 的「購物」分頁中。