إبقاء معلومات المتجر محدّثة

يمكنك استخدام Merchant Inventories API للحفاظ على حداثة معلومات المنتجات المتوفرة في المتجر. ويشمل ذلك تعديل price وavailability، وإزالة المتاجر التي لم يعُد يتم بيع المنتج فيها.

إذا كنت مقدّم خدمة تابعًا لجهة خارجية، يمكنك استخدام Merchant Inventories API ل إنشاء واجهة للتجّار من أجل تعديل معلومات توفّر منتجاتهم في المتجر.

تعديل السعر ومدى التوفّر حسب المتجر

استخدِم الرمز localInventories.insert لتعديل معلومات المنتج داخل المتجر.

تستبدل هذه الدعوة المرجع الكامل LocalInventory ، لذا تأكَّد من تضمين جميع الحقول. اطّلِع على مقالة إضافة معلومات عن المنتجات المتوفّرة في المتجر إلى المنتجات المحلّية للحصول على نموذج код ومزيد من التفاصيل.

عرض متاجرك الحالية

يوضّح هذا القسم كيفية عرض المتاجر المرتبطة بمنتج أو حساب.

حسب المنتج

استخدِم localInventories.list لعرض جميع المستودعات المحلية المرتبطة بحساب product معيّن في حسابك. تُرجِع هذه الدعوة موارد LocalInventory الكاملة. استخدِم سمة store_code لتحديد كل متجر.

في ما يلي نموذج يمكنك استخدامه لعرض مستودعات المنتجات المتوفّرة داخل المتجر لمنتج معيّن:

import com.google.api.gax.core.FixedCredentialsProvider;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.ListLocalInventoriesRequest;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventory;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceClient;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceClient.ListLocalInventoriesPagedResponse;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceSettings;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Authenticator;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Config;

/** This class demonstrates how to list all the Local inventories on a given product */
public class ListLocalInventoriesSample {

  private static String getParent(String accountId, String productId) {
    return String.format("accounts/%s/products/%s", accountId, productId);

  public static void listLocalInventories(Config config, String productId) throws Exception {
    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    LocalInventoryServiceSettings localInventoryServiceSettings =

    String parent = getParent(config.getAccountId().toString(), productId);

    try (LocalInventoryServiceClient localInventoryServiceClient =
        LocalInventoryServiceClient.create(localInventoryServiceSettings)) {

      //  The parent product has the format: accounts/{account}/products/{product}
      ListLocalInventoriesRequest request =

      System.out.println("Sending list Local inventory request:");
      ListLocalInventoriesPagedResponse response =

      int count = 0;

      // Iterates over all rows in all pages and prints the Local inventory
      // in each row.
      for (LocalInventory element : response.iterateAll()) {
      System.out.print("The following count of elements were returned: ");
    } catch (Exception e) {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Config config = Config.load();
    // An ID assigned to a product by Google. In the format
    // channel:contentLanguage:feedLabel:offerId
    String productId = "local:en:label:1111111111";
    listLocalInventories(config, productId);
  curl --location
  'https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/inventories/v1beta/accounts/987654321/products/en~US~12345/localInventories' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\ApiCore\PagedListResponse;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\LocalInventory;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\Client\LocalInventoryServiceClient;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\ListLocalInventoriesRequest;

 * Class to list the `LocalInventory` resources for the given product in your
 * merchant account. The response might contain fewer items than specified by
 * `pageSize`. If `pageToken` was returned in previous request, it can be
 * used to obtain additional results.
 * `LocalInventory` resources are listed per product for a given account.

class ListLocalInventories

    // ENSURE you fill in the merchant account and product ID for the sample to
    // work.
    private const PARENT = 'accounts/[INSERT_ACCOUNT_HERE]/products/[INSERT_PRODUCT_HERE]';

     * Lists all the local inventories of a given product.
     * @param string $parent The `name` of the parent product to list `LocalInventory`
     *     resources for.
     *     Format: `accounts/{account}/products/{product}`
    function listLocalInventoriesSample(string $parent): void
        // Gets the OAuth credentials to make the request.
        $credentials = Authentication::useServiceAccountOrTokenFile();

        // Creates options config containing credentials for the client to use.
        $options = ['credentials' => $credentials];

        // Creates a client.
        $localInventoryServiceClient = new LocalInventoryServiceClient($options);

        // Prepare the request message.
        $request = (new ListLocalInventoriesRequest())

        // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
        try {
            // Page size is set to the default value. If you are returned more
            // responses than your page size, this code will automatically
            // re-call the service with the `pageToken` until all responses
            // are returned.
            $parameters = ['pageSize' => 25000];

            /** @var PagedListResponse $response */
            $response =
                $localInventoryServiceClient->listLocalInventories($request, $parameters);

            /** @var LocalInventory $element */
            foreach ($response as $element) {
                printf('LocalInventory data: %s%s', $element->serializeToJsonString(), PHP_EOL);
        } catch (ApiException $ex) {
            printf('Call failed with message: %s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);

    // Helper to execute the sample.
    function callSample(): void
        // Lists all the local inventories of the parent product.

$sample = new ListLocalInventories();
from examples.authentication import configuration
from examples.authentication import generate_user_credentials
from google.shopping import merchant_inventories_v1beta

# ENSURE you fill in the product ID for the sample to
# work.
_ACCOUNT = configuration.Configuration().read_merchant_info()
_PARENT = f"accounts/{_ACCOUNT}/products/{_PRODUCT}"

def list_local_inventories():
  """Lists the `LocalInventory` resources for the given product.

  The response might contain fewer items than specified by
  `pageSize`. If `pageToken` was returned in previous request, it can be
  used to obtain additional results.

  `LocalInventory` resources are listed per product for a given account.

  # Gets OAuth Credentials.
  credentials = generate_user_credentials.main()

  # Creates a client.
  client = merchant_inventories_v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceClient(

  # Creates the request.
  # Page size is set to the default value.
  request = merchant_inventories_v1beta.ListLocalInventoriesRequest(

    # Makes the request and catch and print any error messages.
    # If you are returned more responses than your page size, this code
    # will automatically re-call the service with the `pageToken` until all
    # responses are returned.
    page_result = client.list_local_inventories(request=request)

    # Print the response.
    for response in page_result:

  except RuntimeError as e:
    print("List failed")

if __name__ == "__main__":

حسب الحساب

يمكنك الاطّلاع على كل المتاجر المرتبطة بحسابك في ملفك التجاري أو باستخدام Google My Business API. لا يمكنك استخدام Merchant API لعرض المتاجر أو إدارتها على مستوى الحساب، لأنّ هذه المعلومات تأتي من ملفك التجاري.

إزالة المتاجر

في ما يلي كيفية إزالة المتاجر التي لم تعُد تبيع منتجات فيها.

من المنتجات

إذا لم يعُد يتم بيع منتج معيّن في متجر معيّن، يجب إزالة إدخال المستودع المحلي لهذا المتجر من المنتج. يمكنك استخدام الرمز localInventories.delete لإزالة إدخال مستودع فعلي محلي معيّن من منتج.

في ما يلي نموذج يمكنك استخدامه لإزالة إدخال مستودع داخل المتجر من منتج معيّن:

import com.google.api.gax.core.FixedCredentialsProvider;
import com.google.auth.oauth2.GoogleCredentials;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.DeleteLocalInventoryRequest;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryName;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceClient;
import com.google.shopping.merchant.inventories.v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceSettings;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Authenticator;
import shopping.merchant.samples.utils.Config;

/** This class demonstrates how to delete a Local inventory for a given product */
public class DeleteLocalInventorySample {

  public static void deleteLocalInventory(Config config, String productId, String storeCode)
      throws Exception {
    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    LocalInventoryServiceSettings localInventoryServiceSettings =

    String name =

    try (LocalInventoryServiceClient localInventoryServiceClient =
        LocalInventoryServiceClient.create(localInventoryServiceSettings)) {
      DeleteLocalInventoryRequest request =

      System.out.println("Sending deleteLocalInventory request");
      localInventoryServiceClient.deleteLocalInventory(request); // no response returned on success
          "Delete successful, note that it may take up to 30 minutes for the delete to update in"
              + " the system.");
    } catch (Exception e) {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    Config config = Config.load();
    // An ID assigned to a product by Google. In the format
    // channel:contentLanguage:feedLabel:offerId
    String productId = "local:en:label:1111111111";
    // The ID uniquely identifying each region.
    String storeCode = "EXAMPLE";

    deleteLocalInventory(config, productId, storeCode);
  curl --location --request DELETE
  'https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/inventories/v1beta/accounts/987654321/products/en~US~12345/localInventories/123456' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer <API_TOKEN>'
use Google\ApiCore\ApiException;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\Client\LocalInventoryServiceClient;
use Google\Shopping\Merchant\Inventories\V1beta\DeleteLocalInventoryRequest;

 * Deletes the specified `LocalInventory` resource from the given product
 * in your merchant account.  It might take up to an hour for the
 * `LocalInventory` to be deleted from the specific product.
 * Once you have received a successful delete response, wait for that
 * period before attempting a delete again.

class DeleteLocalInventory

    // ENSURE you fill in the merchant account, product, and region ID for the
    // sample to work.
    private const ACCOUNT = 'INSERT_ACCOUNT_ID_HERE';
    private const PRODUCT = 'INSERT_PRODUCT_ID_HERE';
    private const STORE_CODE = 'INSERT_STORE_CODE_HERE';

     * Deletes a specific local inventory of a given product.
     * @param string $formattedName The name of the `LocalInventory` resource
     * to delete.
     *     Format: `accounts/{account}/products/{product}/localInventories/{store_code}`
     *     Please see {@see LocalInventoryServiceClient::localInventoryName()}
     *     for help formatting this field.
    function deleteLocalInventorySample(string $formattedName): void
         // Gets the OAuth credentials to make the request.
         $credentials = Authentication::useServiceAccountOrTokenFile();

         // Creates options config containing credentials for the client to use.
         $options = ['credentials' => $credentials];

         // Creates a client.
         $localInventoryServiceClient = new LocalInventoryServiceClient($options);

        // Prepare the request message.
        $request = (new DeleteLocalInventoryRequest())

         // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
         try {
             print 'Delete call completed successfully.' . PHP_EOL;
         } catch (ApiException $ex) {
             printf('Call failed with message: %s%s', $ex->getMessage(), PHP_EOL);

     * Helper to execute the sample.
    function callSample(): void
        // These variables are defined at the top of the file.
        $formattedName = LocalInventoryServiceClient::localInventoryName(

        // Deletes the specific local inventory of the parent product.

$sample = new DeleteLocalInventory();
from examples.authentication import configuration
from examples.authentication import generate_user_credentials
from google.shopping import merchant_inventories_v1beta

# ENSURE you fill in the product ID and store code
# for the sample to work.
_ACCOUNT = configuration.Configuration().read_merchant_info()
_NAME = (f"accounts/{_ACCOUNT}/products/{_PRODUCT}/localInventories/"

def delete_local_inventory():
  """Deletes the specified `LocalInventory` resource from the given product.

  It might take up to an hour for the `LocalInventory` to be deleted
  from the specific product. Once you have received a successful delete
  response, wait for that period before attempting a delete again.

  # Gets OAuth Credentials.
  credentials = generate_user_credentials.main()

  # Creates a client.
  client = merchant_inventories_v1beta.LocalInventoryServiceClient(

  # Creates the request.
  request = merchant_inventories_v1beta.DeleteLocalInventoryRequest(name=_NAME)

  # Makes the request and catch and print any error messages.
    print("Delete successful")
  except RuntimeError as e:
    print("Delete failed")

if __name__ == "__main__":

تزيل هذه الدعوة معلومات المتجر المحدّد فقط، من المنتج المحدّد فقط.

من الحسابات

يمكنك إزالة المتاجر التي لم تعُد تبيع منتجاتك فيها من حسابك من خلال إزالتها من ملفّك التجاري. اطّلِع على مقالة إغلاق نشاط تجاري أو إزالته للحصول على المزيد من المعلومات.