v1 預訂餐點功能

您可以在執行階段新增支援功能,讓使用者提前安排外送和外帶餐點訂單。在履行中實作這項支援功能前,請建立服務目錄動態饋給,指定使用者可下預訂單的時間,如目錄動態饋給結構定義 (AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification) 所述。


Google 會根據餐廳或服務的履行時間 (如 AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification 所定義),提前 15 分鐘為單位,最多提前 7 天,提出預訂時段。

如要擷取建議的提前訂單時段,請在結帳時使用 FoodCartExtension 物件的 fulfillmentPreference 欄位中的下列值:

  • PickupInfo.pickupTimeIso8601
  • DeliveryInfo.deliveryTimeIso8601



情境 執行行為
系統可以為要求的時間段執行預先訂購的訂單。 建立具有相同時段的 ProposedOrder,接受 P0MFUTURE_SLOT 購物車 (「盡快」)。如需接受時段的結帳回應範例,請參閱這個程式碼片段
無法為要求的時段安排提前預約。 你的服務應執行以下操作:
  1. 拒絕要求的 P0MFUTURE_SLOT 購物車,並在 FoodErrorExtension 物件中指出無法執行訂單的原因。
    • 如果因產能而無法完成訂單,請指定錯誤類型 NO_CAPACITYFoodOrderError
    • 如果餐廳已關閉,無法完成訂單,請指定錯誤類型 CLOSEDFoodOrderError
    • 如果因其他原因無法完成訂單,請指定錯誤類型 UNAVAILABLE_SLOTFoodOrderError
  2. 盡可能在 correctedProposedOrder 中提供替代 P0MFUTURE_SLOT 值。這些值應為從目前時間開始,未來 7 天內的所有有效執行時段。在適用情況下加入 P0M 時段。



如果 Google 建議的提前訂房時段不合適,訂房服務可以使用 CheckoutResponseMessage 物件建議其他時段。

如要指定其他預訂時段,請使用 FoodErrorExtension 回應結帳要求,並設定下列值:

  1. foodOrderErrors 參數中,指定錯誤類型 (例如 UNAVAILABLE_SLOTNO_CAPACITYCLOSED)。
  2. correctedProposedOrder 參數中,透過 availableFulfillmentOptions 提供替代 P0MFUTURE_SLOT 值。

替代時段應從下單時間起算,持續 7 天,並包含所有可滿足使用者要求購物車的時間。

舉例來說,假設午餐特餐只在星期一至星期五的上午 11 點到下午 1 點供應。接著,使用者嘗試將午餐特餐加入購物車,但所選時段無法使用。在這種情況下,你的訂單履行服務應保留購物車中的午餐特價商品,並只傳回未來 7 天內的 11 點到 1 點的時間段

您應在回應中省略 correctedProposedOrder.Cart.fulfillmentPreference 物件。

如果沒有可預訂的時間段,或是餐廳或服務不支援預訂,您就不需要提供 correctedProposedOrder

當餐廳或服務可接受預購訂單時,請參閱下列範例,瞭解結帳要求和回應流程中,你的訂單執行服務與 Google 之間的 JSON 訊息。

範例:含有運送時段的 CheckoutRequest


  "inputs": [
      "intent": "actions.foodordering.intent.CHECKOUT",
      "arguments": [
          "extension": {
            "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.Cart",
            "merchant": {
              "id": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/merchant/id1",
              "name": "Cucina Venti"
            "lineItems": [
                "name": "Sizzling Prawns Dinner",
                "type": "REGULAR",
                "id": "sample_item_offer_id_1",
                "offerId": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/menu/item/offer/id1",
                "quantity": 1,
                "price": {
                  "type": "ESTIMATE",
                  "amount": {
                    "currencyCode": "USD",
                    "units": "16",
                    "nanos": 750000000
            "extension": {
              "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodCartExtension",
              "fulfillmentPreference": {
                "fulfillmentInfo": {
                  "delivery": {
                    // Deliver at 6:30PM.
                    "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"
              "location": {

範例:CheckoutResponse 接受時段


  "expectUserResponse": false,
  "finalResponse": {
    "richResponse": {
      "items": [
          "structuredResponse": {
            "checkoutResponse": {
              "proposedOrder": {
                "id": "sample_proposed_order_id_1",
                "cart": {
                  "merchant": {
                    "id": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/merchant/id1",
                    "name": "Falafel Bite"
                  "lineItems": [
                      "name": "Sizzling Prawns Dinner",
                      "type": "REGULAR",
                      "id": "sample_item_offer_id_1",
                      "offerId": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/menu/item/offer/id1",
                      "quantity": 1,
                      "price": {
                        "type": "ESTIMATE",
                        "amount": {
                          "currencyCode": "USD",
                          "units": "16",
                          "nanos": 750000000
                  "extension": {
                    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodCartExtension",
                    "fulfillmentPreference": {
                      "fulfillmentInfo": {
                        "delivery": {
                          // Same as the time in the request.
                          "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"
                    "location": {
                "totalPrice": {
                  "type": "ESTIMATE",
                  "amount": {
                    // Represents $16.75
                    "currencyCode": "USD",
                    "units": "16",
                    "nanos": 750000000
                "extension": {
                  "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderExtension",
                  // Send whole proposed order back.
                  "availableFulfillmentOptions": [
                    "fulfillmentInfo": {
                      "delivery": {
                        // Same as the time in the request.
                        "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"
              "paymentOptions": {

範例:含有替代時段的 CheckoutResponse

下列程式碼片段顯示結帳回應範例,其中你的訂單履行服務會提出其他提前訂購時段。請注意,回應中應省略 correctedProposedOrder.Cart.fulfillmentPreference 物件。

  "expectUserResponse": false,
  "finalResponse": {
    "richResponse": {
      "items": [
          "structuredResponse": {
            "error": {
              "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodErrorExtension",
              "foodOrderErrors": [
                  "error": "UNAVAILABLE_SLOT", // Cart level error
                  "description": "The restaurant is closed."
              "correctedProposedOrder": {
                // Send whole original cart back,
                // without the fulfillmentPreference.
                "cart": {
                "otherItems": {
                "totalPrice": {
                "extension": {
                  "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderExtension",
                  "availableFulfillmentOptions": [
                    "fulfillmentInfo": {
                      "delivery": {
                        "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T19:00:00-07:00"
                    "fulfillmentInfo": {
                      "delivery": {
                        "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T19:30:00-07:00"
                    "fulfillmentInfo": {
                      "delivery": {
                        "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T20:00:00-07:00"
              "paymentOptions": {


提交訂單時,如果預訂單時段有問題,您的 SubmitOrderResponseMessage 應在 RejectionInfo 物件中加入原因 (例如 UNAVAILABLE_SLOTUNKNOWN)。

當訂單獲得供應商接受時,請在 OrderState 物件中,將訂單狀態從 CREATED 更新為 CONFIRMED。在寄給使用者的確認電子郵件中,附上所選的時間時段。

如果你的訂單執行服務稍後才將訂單傳送至餐廳,請使用非同步訂單更新動作傳送更新內容給 Google。

在履行服務的提交訂單回應或後續的非同步訂單更新的 OrderUpdate 物件中,請加入 estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601,並將值設為以下設定:

  • 如果訂單狀態為 CREATEDCONFIRMED,請將值設為使用者預訂時程訂單的送達或取貨時間。
  • 如果餐廳或服務提供更準確的預估送達時間,請將值設為預估送達時間或取貨時間。

範例:含有運送時段的 SubmitOrderRequest


  "inputs": [
      "intent": "actions.intent.TRANSACTION_DECISION",
      "arguments": [
          "transactionDecisionValue": {
            "order": {
              "finalOrder": {
                "cart": {
                  "notes": "Guest prefers their food to be hot when it is delivered.",
                  "merchant": {
                    "id": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/merchant/id1",
                    "name": "Cucina Venti"
                  "lineItems": [
                      "name": "Sizzling Prawns Dinner",
                      "type": "REGULAR",
                      "id": "sample_item_offer_id_1",
                      "offerId": "https://www.exampleprovider.com/menu/item/offer/id1",
                      "quantity": 1,
                      "price": {
                        "type": "ESTIMATE",
                        "amount": {
                          "currencyCode": "USD",
                          "units": "16",
                          "nanos": 750000000
                  "extension": {
                    "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodCartExtension",
                    "fulfillmentPreference": {
                      "fulfillmentInfo": {
                        "delivery": {
                          "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"
                    "contact": {
                "totalPrice": {
                  "type": "ESTIMATE",
                  "amount": {
                    "currencyCode": "USD",
                    "units": "16",
                    "nanos": 750000000
                "id": "sample_final_order_id",
                "extension": {
                  // Send whole proposed order back.
                  "availableFulfillmentOptions": [
                    "fulfillmentInfo": {
                      "delivery": {
                        "deliveryTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"
              "googleOrderId": "sample_google_order_id",
              "orderDate": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z",
              "paymentInfo": {

示例:接受訂單的 SubmitOrderResponse


  "expectUserResponse": false,
  "finalResponse": {
    "richResponse": {
      "items": [
          "structuredResponse": {
            "orderUpdate": {
              "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id",
              "orderState": {
                "state": "CREATED",
                "label": "Order placed"
              "receipt": {
                "userVisibleOrderId": "userVisibleId1234"
              "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z",
              "orderManagementActions": [
              "infoExtension": {
                 "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.actions.v2.orders.FoodOrderUpdateExtension",
                 // Same as the user selected time.
                 "estimatedFulfillmentTimeIso8601": "2017-12-14T18:30:00-07:00"

範例:因時段無空位而拒絕訂單的 SubmitOrderResponse


  "expectUserResponse": false,
  "finalResponse": {
    "richResponse": {
      "items": [
          "structuredResponse": {
            "orderUpdate": {
              "actionOrderId": "sample_action_order_id",
              "orderState": {
                "state": "REJECTED",
                "label": "Unavailable slot"
              "rejectionInfo": {
                // Note that this UNAVAILABLE_SLOT is different from the enum
                // with the same name proposed for FoodOrderError.
                "state": "UNAVAILABLE_SLOT",
                "label": "Unavailable slot"
              "updateTime": "2017-07-17T12:00:00Z",
              "orderManagementActions": [


您可以使用 AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification 類型指定送達或取貨時間,讓使用者事先安排訂單。

注意: 您必須為服務履行指定兩個不同的時間視窗:指定使用者可下單的訂單視窗,以及指定履行訂單的履行視窗OpeningHoursSpecification 物件會定義使用者何時可以下單。其子項履行時間 (ServiceDeliveryHoursSpecificationAdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification) 會定義訂單何時可履行。

以下範例定義服務接受預訂單的營業時間,服務間隔為 15 分鐘。

  "hoursAvailable": [
      "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T00:00:00", // Ordering available 24 hours
      "closes": "T23:59:59",
      "deliveryHours": [
          "@type": "ServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
          "opens": "T09:00:00", // ASAP orders b/w 9am and 8:59:59pm
          "closes": "T21:00:00",
          "deliveryLeadTime": {
            "value": "60",
            "unitCode": "MIN"
          "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
          "opens": "T10:00:00",  // Delivery between 10AM and 7:59:59PM
          "closes": "T20:00:00",
          "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M", // in slots spaced 15 minutes apart (ISO8601)
          "advanceBookingRequirement": {
            "minValue": 60,   // The slot should be at least 60 mins away
            "maxValue": 8640, // but not more than 6 days away
            "unitCode": "MIN"


  • 使用者可以在 12 月 25 日下單,以便當天送達。
  • 使用者可以在 12 月 25 日提前下單,並安排在 12 月 27 日出貨。
  • 使用者無法在 12 月 22 日提前訂購 12 月 25 日的預定送達日期。
  "specialOpeningHoursSpecification": {
    "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
    "validFrom": "2018-12-25T00:00:00-07:00",
    "validThrough": "2018-12-26T00:00:00-07:00",
    "opens": "T00:00:00", // No advance ordering
    "closes": "T00:00:00"


  • 使用者無法在 12 月 25 日下單,以便當天到貨。
  • 使用者可以在 12 月 25 日提前下單,並安排在 12 月 27 日出貨。
  • 使用者無法在 12 月 22 日提前訂購 12 月 25 日的預定送達日期。
  "specialOpeningHoursSpecification": [
      "@type": "ServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "validFrom": "2018-12-25T00:00:00-07:00",
      "validThrough": "2018-12-26T00:00:00-07:00",
      "opens": "T00:00:00", // No ASAP ordering on Christmas
      "closes": "T00:00:00"
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "validFrom": "2018-12-25T00:00:00-07:00",
      "validThrough": "2018-12-26T00:00:00-07:00",
      "opens": "T00:00:00", // Orders cannot be scheduled for Christmas
      "closes": "T00:00:00"

以下範例服務會在 24 小時全天候接受訂單,並在週一至週五上午 10 點至凌晨 2 點 59 分 59 秒之間送達:

  "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
  "opens": "T00:00:00",
  "closes": "T23:59:59",
  "deliveryHours": {
    "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
    "opens": "T10:00:00", // Delivery starts at 10:00AM
    "closes": "T15:00:00", // Delivery ends at 3:00PM. Delivery from 10AM-2:59:59PM.
    "dayOfWeek": [
    "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M", // in slots spaced 15 minutes apart
    "advanceBookingRequirement": {
      "minValue": 60,   // The slot should be at least 60 mins away
      "maxValue": 8640, // but not more than 6 days away
      "unitCode": "MIN"

下列範例服務每天從上午 8 點到下午 4 點 59 分 59 秒接受訂單,客戶可以選擇在 1 小時內送達,或選擇其中一個時段:

  "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
  "opens": "T08:00:00",  // Ordering opens at 8:00AM
  "closes": "T17:00:00",  // Ordering closes at 5:00PM, last order at 4:59:59PM
  "deliveryHours": [
      "@type": "ServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T17:00:00",
      "deliveryLeadTime": {
        "@type": "QuantitativeValue",
        "value": "60", // If no exact deliveryLeadTime, put a maximum time
        "unitCode": "MIN"
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T17:00:00",
      "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M", // in slots spaced 15 minutes apart
      "advanceBookingRequirement": {
        "minValue": 90,   // The slot should be at least 90 mins away
        "maxValue": 8640, // but not more than 6 days away
        "unitCode": "MIN"

以下範例顯示商店在平日營業時間為上午 8 點至下午 4 點 59 分 59 秒,週末營業時間為上午 8 點至下午 6 點 59 分。我們並非 24 小時全年無休。

  // On weekdays, ordering open from 8AM-4:59:59PM.
  "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
  "opens": "T08:00:00",
  "closes": "T17:00:00",
  "dayOfWeek": [
  "deliveryHours": [
      // Fulfillment between 8AM-4:59:59PM on weekdays.
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T17:00:00",
      "dayOfWeek": [
      "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M",
      "advanceBookingRequirement": {
        "minValue": 60,
        "maxValue": 8640,
        "unitCode": "MIN"
      // Fulfillment between 8AM-6:59:59PM on weekends (even for orders placed on a
      // weekday).
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T19:00:00",
      "dayOfWeek": [
      "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M",
      "advanceBookingRequirement": {
        "minValue": 60,
        "maxValue": 8640,
        "unitCode": "MIN"
  // On weekends, one can place orders upto 6:59:59PM.
  "@type": "OpeningHoursSpecification",
  "opens": "T08:00:00",
  "closes": "T19:00:00",
  "dayOfWeek": [
  "deliveryHours": [
      // But fulfillment on weekdays is only till 4:59:59PM.
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T17:00:00",
      "dayOfWeek": [
      "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M",
      "advanceBookingRequirement": {
        "minValue": 60,
        "maxValue": 8640,
        "unitCode": "MIN"
      // Fulfillment on weekends is till 6:59:59PM.
      "@type": "AdvanceServiceDeliveryHoursSpecification",
      "opens": "T08:00:00",
      "closes": "T19:00:00",
      "dayOfWeek": [
      "serviceTimeInterval": "PT15M",
      "advanceBookingRequirement": {
        "minValue": 60,
        "maxValue": 8640,
        "unitCode": "MIN"