
Events are notifications that your agent can send and receive. There are three types of events:

Server-generated events

The RBM platform sends events to notify your agent about server-level updates such as message expirations.

For formatting and value options, see ServerEvent.

Message has expired; revocation succeeded

The message has expired and was successfully revoked. This event would be a good trigger for your fallback messaging strategy.

  "phoneNumber": [phone number of recipient that the original message was intended for] ,
  "messageId": [RCS message ID of the message],
  "agentId": [bot ID],
  "eventId": [unique ID generated by the RBM platform],
  "sendTime": [time at which the server sent this event]

Message has expired; revocation failed

The message has expired, but it was not revoked.

  "phoneNumber": [phone number of recipient that the original message was intended for] ,
  "messageId": [RCS message ID of the message],
  "agentId": [bot ID],
  "eventId": [unique ID generated by the RBM platform],
  "sendTime": [time at which the server sent this event]

Message delivery is not guaranteed.

  • If the message was delivered, you'll receive a DELIVERED event at your webhook.
  • If the message was not delivered, use the revoke API to send a revocation request.

If the message is time-sensitive, like an OTP or a fraud alert, it's best to send the message through an alternate channel like SMS even if this results in duplicate messages to the user.

User-generated events

As with user messages and capability checks, your agent receives user events as JSON.

For formatting and value options, see UserEvent.

User receives agent message

This event indicates that a message has been delivered.

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "eventType": "DELIVERED",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",
  "messageId": "MESSAGE_ID",
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID"

User reads agent message

This event indicates that a message has been opened or acknowledged.

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "eventType": "READ",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",
  "messageId": "MESSAGE_ID",
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID"

User starts typing

This event indicates that a user is typing.

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "eventType": "IS_TYPING",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",,
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID"

User sends a text message

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "text": "Hi",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID"

User sends a file

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "userFile": {
    "payload": {
      "mimeType": "image/gif",
      "fileSizeBytes": 127806,
      "fileUri": "",
      "fileName": "4_animated.gif"
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",,
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID"

User taps a suggested reply

When a user taps a suggested reply, your agent receives an event with the reply's postback data and text.

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID",
  "suggestionResponse": {
    "postbackData": "postback_1234",
    "text": "Hello there!"

User taps a suggested action

When a user taps a suggested action, your agent receives an event with the action's postback data.

  "senderPhoneNumber": "PHONE_NUMBER",
  "eventId": "EVENT_ID",
  "agentId": "AGENT_ID",
  "suggestionResponse": {
    "postbackData": "postback_1234"

Agent-generated events

Your agent sends events to simulate human interactions and assure the user that your agent is engaging with their messages. For users, events display as notifications within their conversations.

For formatting and value options, see phones.agentEvents.

Agent sends a READ event

To users, this event appears as a read receipt for a specific message. It lets the user know that the RBM platform delivered their message and the agent is processing it.

The following code sends a READ event for a message with a matching messageId.


curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "User-Agent: curl/rcs-business-messaging" \
-H "`oauth2l header --json PATH_TO_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY rcsbusinessmessaging`" \
-d "{
  'eventType': 'READ',
  'messageId': 'MESSAGE_ID'


// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');

// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage('+12223334444', messageId);
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.



// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();

// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.sendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.


# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service

# Send the device an event to indicate that message_id was read
rbm_service.send_read_event('+12223334444', message_id)
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.


using RCSBusinessMessaging;

// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,

// Send the device an event to indicate that messageId has been read
rbmApiHelper.SendReadMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.

Agent sends an IS_TYPING event

To users, this event appears as a typing indicator and lets them know that your agent is composing a message. The typing indicator expires after a short time (approximately 20 seconds) or when the user's device receives a new message from your agent. Your agent can send multiple IS_TYPING events to reset the typing indicator's expiration timer.

The following code sends an IS_TYPING event.


curl -X POST "" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "User-Agent: curl/rcs-business-messaging" \
-H "`oauth2l header --json PATH_TO_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_KEY rcsbusinessmessaging`" \
-d "{
  'eventType': 'IS_TYPING',


// Reference to RBM API helper
const rbmApiHelper = require('@google/rcsbusinessmessaging');

// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbmApiHelper.sendIsTypingMessage('+12223334444', function() {
    console.log('Typing event sent!');
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.



// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper();

// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.


# Reference to RBM Python client helper and messaging object structure
from rcs_business_messaging import rbm_service

# Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.


using RCSBusinessMessaging;

// Create an instance of the RBM API helper
RbmApiHelper rbmApiHelper = new RbmApiHelper(credentialsFileLocation,

// Send the device an event to indicate that the agent is typing
rbmApiHelper.SendIsTypingMessage(messageId, "+12223334444");
This code is an excerpt from an RBM sample agent.