如果要将样式应用于数据地图项,请在数据集地图项图层将 style
属性设置为可以包含样式逻辑的 google.maps.FeatureStyleFunction
;或者设置为 google.maps.FeatureStyleOptions
// Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor'];
// Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor"];
您可以在地图项样式选项中定义数据地图项图层的样式设置,例如为多边形设置填充和描边样式,或者为点设置颜色和直径样式。本例展示了可直接通过地图项的 style
// Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 4, };
// Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 4 };
您可以使用地图项样式函数来定义数据集地图项的样式设置逻辑。如需设置地图项的样式,请将 style
属性设置为 google.maps.FeatureStyleFunction
。您可通过样式函数对逻辑进行定义,以设置地图项图层上的各个地图项的样式。设置 featureLayer.style
后,样式函数会针对受影响的地图项图层中的每个地图项运行。系统会在您设置样式属性时应用该函数。如需更新样式,您必须重新设置 style 属性。本例展示了一个简单的地图项样式函数:
const styleDefault = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: 'blue', fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0 }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if (lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if (lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['globalid'])) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; }
const styleDefault = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2.0, strokeOpacity: 1.0, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; const styleClicked = { ...styleDefault, strokeColor: "blue", fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.5, }; const styleMouseMove = { ...styleDefault, strokeWeight: 4.0, }; function applyStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Note, 'globalid' is an attribute in this dataset. //@ts-ignore if ( lastClickedFeatureIds.includes(datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"]) ) { return styleClicked; } //@ts-ignore if ( lastInteractedFeatureIds.includes( datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["globalid"], ) ) { return styleMouseMove; } return styleDefault; }
针对地图项应用样式函数时,样式函数应始终返回一致的结果。例如,如果要随机为一组地图项着色,不应针对随机部分应用地图项样式函数,否则会导致意外结果。由于此函数会针对图层中的每个地图项运行,因此优化至关重要。如果不再使用某个图层,请将样式设置为 null
本例中使用的数据集是纽约市中央公园 2018 年松鼠调查的结果。下表摘录自 CSV 格式的调查数据文件,从中我们可以看到:x
和 y
列用于表示地理位置;表中包含 LatLng
X | Y | UniqueSquirrelID | Hectare | Shift | Date | Hectare SquirrelNumber | Age | PrimaryFurColor | HighlightFurColor | CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor | Colornotes | Location | AboveGroundSighter Measurement | SpecificLocation | Running | Chasing | Climbing | Eating | Foraging | Other Activities | Kuks | Quaas | Moans | Tailflags | Tailtwitches | Approaches | Indifferent | Runsfrom | OtherInteractions | LatLng |
-73.9561344937861 | 40.7940823884086 | 37F-PM-1014-03 | 37F | PM | 10142018 | 3 | + | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | POINT (-73.9561344937861 40.7940823884086) | |||||||||
-73.9688574691102 | 40.7837825208444 | 21B-AM-1019-04 | 21B | AM | 10192018 | 4 | + | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | POINT (-73.9688574691102 40.7837825208444) | |||||||||
-73.9742811484852 | 40.775533619083 | 11B-PM-1014-08 | 11B | PM | 10142018 | 8 | Gray | Gray+ | Above Ground | 10 | false | true | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | POINT (-73.97428114848522 40.775533619083) | ||||||
-73.9596413903948 | 40.7903128889029 | 32E-PM-1017-14 | 32E | PM | 10172018 | 14 | Adult | Gray | Gray+ | Nothing selected as Primary. Gray selected as Highlights. Made executive adjustments. | false | false | false | true | true | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | true | POINT (-73.9596413903948 40.7903128889029) | ||||||
-73.9702676472613 | 40.7762126854894 | 13E-AM-1017-05 | 13E | AM | 10172018 | 5 | Adult | Gray | Cinnamon | Gray+Cinnamon | Above Ground | on tree stump | false | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | POINT (-73.9702676472613 40.7762126854894) | ||||
-73.9683613516225 | 40.7725908847499 | 11H-AM-1010-03 | 11H | AM | 10102018 | 3 | Adult | Cinnamon | White | Cinnamon+White | false | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | false | true | false | true | false | POINT (-73.9683613516225 40.7725908847499) | ||||||
-73.9541201789795 | 40.7931811701082 | 36H-AM-1010-02 | 36H | AM | 10102018 | 2 | Adult | Gray | Gray+ | just outside hectare | Ground Plane | FALSE | false | false | false | false | true | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | false | POINT (-73.9541201789795 40.7931811701082) |
本例中的代码采用简单的方法,根据 CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor']; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case 'Black+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'black', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+Gray': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon, White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'silver', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'yellow', pointRadius: 8 }; break; } }
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor"]; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case "Black+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "black", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+Gray": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "gray", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Cinnamon+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon, White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "silver", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "yellow", pointRadius: 8 }; break; } }
let map; function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor']; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case 'Black+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'black', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+Gray': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Cinnamon+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: '#8b0000', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', pointRadius: 8 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+Cinnamon, White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'silver', strokeColor: '#8b0000', pointRadius: 6 }; break; case 'Gray+White': return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'gray', strokeColor: 'white', pointRadius: 6 }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: 'yellow', pointRadius: 8 }; break; } } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary('maps') as google.maps.MapsLibrary; const position = {lat: 40.780101, lng: -73.967780}; const map = new Map(document.getElementById('map') as HTMLElement, { zoom: 17, center: position, mapId: 'b98e588c46685dd7', mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false, fullscreenControl: false, }); // Add the data legend. makeLegend(map); // Dataset ID for squirrel dataset. const datasetId = '02fa1552-37dd-4a95-844f-f99e1c22541f'; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = setStyle; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT].push(attributionDiv); } // Create a custom control to hold attribution text. function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement('div'); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; attributionLabel.style.opacity = '0.7'; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto,Arial,sans-serif'; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = '10px'; attributionLabel.style.padding = '2px'; attributionLabel.style.margin = '2px'; attributionLabel.textContent = 'Data source: NYC Open Data'; return attributionLabel; } function makeLegend(map) { let colors = { 'black': ['black'], 'cinnamon': ['#8b0000'], 'cinnamon + gray': ['#8b0000','gray'], 'cinnamon + white': ['#8b0000', 'white'], 'gray': ['gray'], 'gray + cinnamon': ['gray', '#8b0000'], 'gray + cinnamon + white': ['silver', '#8b0000'], 'gray + white': ['gray', 'white'], 'no color data': ['yellow'], }; let legend = document.createElement('div'); legend.id = 'legend'; let title = document.createElement('div'); title.innerText = 'Fur Colors'; title.classList.add('title'); legend.appendChild(title); let k; for (k in colors) { let wrapper = document.createElement('div'); wrapper.id = 'container'; let box = document.createElement('div'); box.style.backgroundColor = colors[k][0]; if (colors[k][1]) { box.style.borderColor = colors[k][1]; } else { box.style.borderColor = colors[k][0]; } box.classList.add('box'); let txt = document.createElement('div'); txt.classList.add('legend'); txt.innerText = k; wrapper.appendChild(box); wrapper.appendChild(txt); legend.appendChild(wrapper); } map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_TOP].push(legend); } initMap();
let map; function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { // Get the dataset feature, so we can work with all of its attributes. const datasetFeature = params.feature; // Get all of the needed dataset attributes. const furColors = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["CombinationofPrimaryandHighlightColor"]; // Apply styles. Fill is primary fur color, stroke is secondary fur color. switch (furColors) { case "Black+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "black", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Cinnamon+Gray": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "gray", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Cinnamon+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "#8b0000", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", pointRadius: 8 }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+Cinnamon, White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "silver", strokeColor: "#8b0000", pointRadius: 6, }; break; case "Gray+White": return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "gray", strokeColor: "white", pointRadius: 6, }; break; default: // Color not defined. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { fillColor: "yellow", pointRadius: 8 }; break; } } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"); const position = { lat: 40.780101, lng: -73.96778 }; const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), { zoom: 17, center: position, mapId: "b98e588c46685dd7", mapTypeControl: false, streetViewControl: false, fullscreenControl: false, }); // Add the data legend. makeLegend(map); // Dataset ID for squirrel dataset. const datasetId = "02fa1552-37dd-4a95-844f-f99e1c22541f"; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); //@ts-ignore datasetLayer.style = setStyle; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement("div"); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM_LEFT].push(attributionDiv); } // Create a custom control to hold attribution text. function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement("div"); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; attributionLabel.style.opacity = "0.7"; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = "Roboto,Arial,sans-serif"; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = "10px"; attributionLabel.style.padding = "2px"; attributionLabel.style.margin = "2px"; attributionLabel.textContent = "Data source: NYC Open Data"; return attributionLabel; } function makeLegend(map) { let colors = { "black": ["black"], "cinnamon": ["#8b0000"], "cinnamon + gray": ["#8b0000", "gray"], "cinnamon + white": ["#8b0000", "white"], "gray": ["gray"], "gray + cinnamon": ["gray", "#8b0000"], "gray + cinnamon + white": ["silver", "#8b0000"], "gray + white": ["gray", "white"], "no color data": ["yellow"], }; let legend = document.createElement("div"); legend.id = "legend"; let title = document.createElement("div"); title.innerText = "Fur Colors"; title.classList.add("title"); legend.appendChild(title); let k; for (k in colors) { let wrapper = document.createElement("div"); wrapper.id = "container"; let box = document.createElement("div"); box.style.backgroundColor = colors[k][0]; if (colors[k][1]) { box.style.borderColor = colors[k][1]; } else { box.style.borderColor = colors[k][0]; } box.classList.add("box"); let txt = document.createElement("div"); txt.classList.add("legend"); txt.innerText = k; wrapper.appendChild(box); wrapper.appendChild(txt); legend.appendChild(wrapper); } map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_TOP].push(legend); } initMap();
本例中使用的数据集描绘的是纽约市的公园。以下内容摘录自 GeoJSON 数据集文件,显示了一个具有代表性的地图项条目。
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "jurisdiction": "DPR", "mapped": "False", "zipcode": "11356", "acres": "0.05", "location": "College Pl., College Pt. Blvd., bet. 11 Ave. and 12 Ave.", "nys_assembly": "27", "councildistrict": "19", "url": "http://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/Q042/", "typecategory": "Triangle/Plaza", "us_congress": "14", "eapply": "Poppenhusen Park", "parentid": "Q-07", "gispropnum": "Q042", "retired": "false", "communityboard": "407", "objectid": "6248", "globalid": "F4810079-CBB9-4BE7-BBFA-B3C0C35D5DE5", "name311": "Poppenhusen Park", "department": "Q-07", "pip_ratable": "true", "subcategory": "Sitting Area/Triangle/Mall", "precinct": "109", "permit": "true", "acquisitiondate": null, "omppropid": "Q042", "gisobjid": "100000301", "signname": "Poppenhusen Park", "address": null, "permitparent": "Q-07", "class": "PARK", "nys_senate": "11", "permitdistrict": "Q-07", "borough": "Q", "waterfront": "false" }, "geometry": { "type": "MultiPolygon", "coordinates": [ [ [ [ -73.84575702371716, 40.78796240884273 ], [ -73.84593393292693, 40.78796857347548 ], [ -73.84577256469657, 40.787651355629556 ], [ -73.84575702371716, 40.78796240884273 ] ] ] ] } },
本例中的代码将特殊颜色应用于 typecategory
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // 'typecategory' is an attribute in this Dataset. const typeCategory = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['typecategory']; switch (typeCategory) { case 'Undeveloped': // Color undeveloped areas blue. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'blue', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; case 'Parkway': // Color historical house sites red. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity: 0.5, }; break; default: // Color other type categories green. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; } }
function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // 'typecategory' is an attribute in this Dataset. const typeCategory = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["typecategory"]; switch (typeCategory) { case "Undeveloped": // Color undeveloped areas blue. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "blue", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; case "Parkway": // Color historical house sites red. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "red", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "red", fillOpacity: 0.5, }; break; default: // Color other type categories green. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; } }
let map; function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // 'typecategory' is an attribute in this Dataset. const typeCategory = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes['typecategory']; switch (typeCategory) { case 'Undeveloped': // Color undeveloped areas blue. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'blue', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'blue', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; case 'Parkway': // Color historical house sites red. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'red', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'red', fillOpacity: 0.5, }; break; default: // Color other type categories green. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: 'green', fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; } } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps") as google.maps.MapsLibrary; const position = {lat: 40.580732, lng: -74.152826}; const map = new Map(document.getElementById('map') as HTMLElement, { zoom: 14, center: position, mapId: 'b98e588c46685dd7', mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for NYC park data. const datasetId = '6fe13aa9-b900-45e7-b636-3236672c3f4f'; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = setStyle; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement('div'); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; attributionLabel.style.opacity = '0.7'; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto,Arial,sans-serif'; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = '10px'; attributionLabel.style.padding = '2px'; attributionLabel.style.margin = '2px'; attributionLabel.textContent = 'Data source: NYC Open Data'; return attributionLabel; } initMap();
let map; function setStyle(/* FeatureStyleFunctionOptions */ params) { const datasetFeature = params.feature; // 'typecategory' is an attribute in this Dataset. const typeCategory = datasetFeature.datasetAttributes["typecategory"]; switch (typeCategory) { case "Undeveloped": // Color undeveloped areas blue. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "blue", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "blue", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; case "Parkway": // Color historical house sites red. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "red", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "red", fillOpacity: 0.5, }; break; default: // Color other type categories green. return /* FeatureStyleOptions */ { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 2, strokeOpacity: 1, fillColor: "green", fillOpacity: 0.3, }; break; } } async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"); const position = { lat: 40.580732, lng: -74.152826 }; const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), { zoom: 14, center: position, mapId: "b98e588c46685dd7", mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for NYC park data. const datasetId = "6fe13aa9-b900-45e7-b636-3236672c3f4f"; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); datasetLayer.style = setStyle; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement("div"); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement("div"); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; attributionLabel.style.opacity = "0.7"; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = "Roboto,Arial,sans-serif"; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = "10px"; attributionLabel.style.padding = "2px"; attributionLabel.style.margin = "2px"; attributionLabel.textContent = "Data source: NYC Open Data"; return attributionLabel; } initMap();
本例中使用的数据集描绘的是西雅图地区的桥梁。以下内容摘录自 GeoJSON 数据集文件,显示了一个具有代表性的地图项条目。
{ "type": "Feature", "properties": { "OBJECTID": 1, "COMPTYPE": 66, "COMPKEY": 515774, "HANSEGKEY": 489781, "UNITID": "BRG-935", "UNITTYPE": " ", "BRGUNITID": "BRG-935", "UNITDESC_BRG": "YALE AVE BR REV LANE OC ", "UNITDESC_SEG": "HOWELL ST ON RP BETWEEN HOWELL ST AND I5 SB ", "INSTDATE": null, "EXPDATE": null, "STATUS": " ", "STATUSDT": null, "CONDITION": " ", "CONDDT": null, "OWN": " ", "LSTVERIFY": null, "MAINTBY": " ", "ADDBY": "GARCIAA", "ADDDTTM": "2010-01-21T00:00:00Z", "MODBY": null, "MODDTTM": null, "BR_NBR": 935, "BR_CODE": " 935", "BR_TYPE": "ST", "BR_NAME": "YALE AVE BR REV LANE OC", "BR_FACILITIES": "YALE AVE-SR 5 ON RAMP", "BR_FEATURES": "SR 5 REV LANE", "BR_RATING": 0, "BR_INSET": 1, "BR_GEO": "DT", "BR_OWNER": "DOT", "BR_OWNER_NAME": "State of Washington", "GEOBASID": 0, "XGEOBASID": 0, "GISSEGKEY": 489781, "EARTHQUAKE_RESPONSE_TEAM": " ", "SHAPE_Length": 220.11891836147655 }, "geometry": { "type": "LineString", "coordinates": [ [ -122.329201929090928, 47.616910448708538 ], [ -122.329206483407461, 47.616976719821004 ], [ -122.32921802149356, 47.617042137515213 ], [ -122.329236413912909, 47.617105967923777 ], [ -122.329261454336034, 47.617167494985758 ], [ -122.329292861855023, 47.617226028479571 ], [ -122.329330284134699, 47.617280911766009 ], [ -122.329373301365223, 47.617331529154569 ], [ -122.329421430971635, 47.617377312810319 ], [ -122.329474133027375, 47.617417749124023 ], [ -122.32953081631139, 47.617452384473893 ] ] } },
// Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 4, };
// Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 4 };
let map; async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps") as google.maps.MapsLibrary; const position = {lat: 47.59, lng: -122.31}; const map = new Map(document.getElementById('map') as HTMLElement, { zoom: 14, center: position, mapId: 'b98e588c46685dd7', mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for Seattle Bridges const datasetId = '3d0bd5fb-3f42-47fe-b50f-81c0932cd533'; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); // Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: 'green', strokeWeight: 4, }; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement('div'); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } // Create a custom control to hold attribution text. function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement('div'); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = '#fff'; attributionLabel.style.opacity = '0.7'; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = 'Roboto,Arial,sans-serif'; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = '10px'; attributionLabel.style.padding = '2px'; attributionLabel.style.margin = '2px'; attributionLabel.textContent = 'Data source: Seattle GeoData'; return attributionLabel; } initMap();
let map; async function initMap() { // Request needed libraries. const { Map } = await google.maps.importLibrary("maps"); const position = { lat: 47.59, lng: -122.31 }; const map = new Map(document.getElementById("map"), { zoom: 14, center: position, mapId: "b98e588c46685dd7", mapTypeControl: false, }); // Dataset ID for Seattle Bridges const datasetId = "3d0bd5fb-3f42-47fe-b50f-81c0932cd533"; //@ts-ignore const datasetLayer = map.getDatasetFeatureLayer(datasetId); // Apply style to all features. datasetLayer.style = { strokeColor: "green", strokeWeight: 4 }; // Create an attribution DIV and add the attribution to the map. const attributionDiv = document.createElement("div"); const attributionControl = createAttribution(map); attributionDiv.appendChild(attributionControl); map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM].push(attributionDiv); } // Create a custom control to hold attribution text. function createAttribution(map) { const attributionLabel = document.createElement("div"); // Define CSS styles. attributionLabel.style.backgroundColor = "#fff"; attributionLabel.style.opacity = "0.7"; attributionLabel.style.fontFamily = "Roboto,Arial,sans-serif"; attributionLabel.style.fontSize = "10px"; attributionLabel.style.padding = "2px"; attributionLabel.style.margin = "2px"; attributionLabel.textContent = "Data source: Seattle GeoData"; return attributionLabel; } initMap();