
StreetViewService class

google.maps.StreetViewService class

A StreetViewService object performs searches for Street View data.

Access by calling const {StreetViewService} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

Parameters:  None
Creates a StreetViewService, which provides an interface to the data stored in the Street View service.
getPanorama(request[, callback])
Return Value:  Promise<StreetViewResponse>
Retrieves the StreetViewPanoramaData for a panorama that matches the supplied Street View query request. The StreetViewPanoramaData is passed to the provided callback.

StreetViewStatus constants

google.maps.StreetViewStatus constants

The status returned by the StreetViewService on completion of a Street View request. These can be specified by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'OK' or google.maps.StreetViewStatus.OK.

Access by calling const {StreetViewStatus} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

OK The request was successful.
UNKNOWN_ERROR The request could not be successfully processed, yet the exact reason for failure is unknown.
ZERO_RESULTS There are no panoramas found that match the search criteria.

StreetViewLocationRequest interface

google.maps.StreetViewLocationRequest interface

A Street View request to be sent with getPanorama. StreetViewLocationRequest lets you search for a Street View panoroma at a specified location.

location optional
Type:  LatLng|LatLngLiteral optional
Specifies the location where to search for a Street View panorama.
preference optional
Type:  StreetViewPreference optional
Sets a preference for which panorama should be found within the radius: the one nearest to the provided location, or the best one within the radius.
radius optional
Type:  number optional
Default: 50
Sets a radius in meters in which to search for a panorama.
source optional
Type:  StreetViewSource optional
Specifies the source of panoramas to search. This allows a restriction to search for just outdoor panoramas for example.
sources optional
Type:  Iterable<StreetViewSource> optional
Specifies the sources of panoramas to search. This allows a restriction to search for just outdoor panoramas for example. Setting multiple sources will be evaluated as the intersection of those sources.

StreetViewPanoRequest interface

google.maps.StreetViewPanoRequest interface

A StreetViewPanoRequest is used with the getPanorama to find a panorama with a specified ID.

pano optional
Type:  string optional
Specifies the pano ID to search for.

StreetViewResponse interface

google.maps.StreetViewResponse interface

The response resolved for a Promise from StreetViewService.getPanorama.

The representation of a panorama.

StreetViewLocation interface

google.maps.StreetViewLocation interface

A representation of a location in the Street View panorama.

Type:  string
A unique identifier for the panorama. This is stable within a session but unstable across sessions.
description optional
Type:  string optional
A localized string describing the location.
latLng optional
Type:  LatLng optional
The latlng of the panorama.
shortDescription optional
Type:  string optional
Short description of the location.

StreetViewPreference constants

google.maps.StreetViewPreference constants

Options that bias a search result towards returning a Street View panorama that is nearest to the request location, or a panorama that is considered most likely to be what the user wants to see. Specify these by value, or by using the constant's name. For example, 'best' or google.maps.StreetViewPreference.BEST.

Access by calling const {StreetViewPreference} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

BEST Return the Street View panorama that is considered most likely to be what the user wants to see. The best result is determined by algorithms based on user research and parameters such as recognised points of interest, image quality, and distance from the given location.
NEAREST Return the Street View panorama that is the shortest distance from the provided location. This works well only within a limited radius. The recommended radius is 1km or less.

StreetViewSource constants

google.maps.StreetViewSource constants

Identifiers to limit Street View searches to selected sources. These values are specified as strings. For example, 'outdoor'.

Access by calling const {StreetViewSource} = await google.maps.importLibrary("streetView").
See Libraries in the Maps JavaScript API.

DEFAULT Uses the default sources of Street View, searches will not be limited to specific sources.
GOOGLE Limits Street View searches to official Google collections.
OUTDOOR Limits Street View searches to outdoor collections. Indoor collections are not included in search results. Note also that the search only returns panoramas where it's possible to determine whether they're indoors or outdoors. For example, PhotoSpheres are not returned because it's unknown whether they are indoors or outdoors.

StreetViewPanoramaData interface

google.maps.StreetViewPanoramaData interface

The representation of a panorama returned from the provider defined using registerPanoProvider.

Specifies the custom tiles for this panorama.
copyright optional
Type:  string optional
Specifies the copyright text for this panorama.
imageDate optional
Type:  string optional
Specifies the year and month in which the imagery in this panorama was acquired. The date string is in the form YYYY-MM.
location optional
Type:  StreetViewLocation optional
Specifies the location meta-data for this panorama.

google.maps.StreetViewLink interface

A collection of references to adjacent Street View panos.

description optional
Type:  string optional
A localized string describing the link.
heading optional
Type:  number optional
The heading of the link.
pano optional
Type:  string optional
A unique identifier for the panorama. This id is stable within a session but unstable across sessions.