Migrate account management from the Content API for Shopping

You can use the accounts resource to create and manage your merchant account. For more information, see Overview of Merchant Accounts API.

This page describes how you can migrate account management from Content API to Merchant API.


Use the following request URL format for the Merchant Accounts API:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/{accountId}/accounts

Here's a sample comparison of the Content API for Shopping to the Merchant Accounts API for account creation and management requests:

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
URL https://shoppingcontent.googleapis.com/content/v2.1/{merchantId}/accounts/{accountId}/ https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/{accountId}/accounts
Identifiers {merchantId}/accounts/{accountId} {accountId}


The account data is passed using the Account resource in Content API for Shopping. Merchant Accounts API provides multiple resources to pass accounts data. These resources include Account, User, BusinessInfo, and BusinessIdentity resources.

The following table provides a comparison between the Account resource in Content API for Shopping and the Account resource in Merchant Accounts API.

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
id account_id
name account_name
kind Not available
websiteUrl uri field in the homepage resource
adultContent adult_content
sellerId Not available
users In User resource
youtubeChannelLinks Not available yet
googleMyBusinessLink Not available yet
businessInformation In businessInfo resource
businessIdentity In businessIdentity resource
automaticImprovements Not available yet
adsLinks Not available yet
cssId Available only in the CSS API
labelIds Available only in the CSS API
accountManagement Not available yet
automaticLabelIds Available only in the CSS API
conversionSettings Not available yet

The following table provides a comparison between the AccountUser resource in Content API for Shopping and the User resource in Merchant Accounts API.

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
emailAddress email is part of the name
admin user#access_rights.ADMIN
orderManager Not available
paymentsManager Not available
paymentsAnalyst Not available
reportingManager user#access_rights.PERFORMANCE_REPORTING

The following table provides a comparison between the AccountBusinessInformation resource in Content API for Shopping and its equivalent resource businessinfo in Merchant Accounts API.

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
businessInformation businessinfo
phoneNumber phone
phoneVerificationStatus phone_verification_state
customerService customer_service
koreanBusinessRegistrationNumber Not available

The following table provides a comparison between the AccountBusinessIdentity resource in Content API for Shopping and businessIdentity resource in Merchant Accounts API.

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
blackOwned black_owned
womenOwned women_owned
veteranOwned veteran_owned
latinoOwned latino_owned
smallBusiness small_business
includeForPromotions promotions_consent

The following table provides a comparison between the AccountIdentityType resource in the Content API for Shopping and the identityAttribute resource in Merchant Accounts API.

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
self_identified identity_declaration
true signifies SELF_IDENTIFIES_AS


The following methods have been introduced in the Merchant Accounts API:

Content API for Shopping Merchant Accounts API
accounts.authinfo GET https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts with no filter
accounts.claimwebsite POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/accountId/homepage:claim
For more information, see Method: accounts.v1beta.accounts.homepage.claim
accounts.custombatch Not available. Custom batch is not supported in Merchant API.
accounts.delete DELETE https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts/accountId
accounts.get Maps to a GET request for the resource where the required field or set of fields are defined.
accounts.insert POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accounts:createAndConfigure
For more information, see Create and configure a merchant account.
accounts.link Not supported yet
accounts.list GET https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/accounts/v1beta/accountId:listSubaccounts
accounts.listlinks Not supported yet
accounts.update Maps to an update request for the resource where the required field or set of fields are defined.