Content API for Shopping compatibility

You can use this guide to integrate Merchant API with your existing Content API for Shopping implementation.

Get started

See the Merchant API design for details about the Merchant API, and its sub-APIs.

To start using the Merchant API, change your request URLs to the following format:{SUB_API}/{VERSION}/{RESOURCE_NAME}:{METHOD}

See the quickstart guide and the Merchant API reference for more information.

gRPC support

The Merchant API supports gRPC and REST. You can use gRPC for the Merchant API and REST for the Content API for Shopping at the same time.

The Merchant API client libraries require gRPC.

See use gRPC for more information.


This guide describes general changes that apply to the entire Merchant API. See the following guides for changes to specific features:

The Merchant API is designed to work alongside existing Content API for Shopping v2.1 features.

For example, you can use the Merchant Inventories API alongside your existing Content API for Shopping v2.1 products implementation. You might use the Content API for Shopping to upload a new local product (that you sell in a local store), then use the Merchant Inventories API LocalInventory resource to manage in-store information for that product.

Batch requests

The Merchant API doesn't support the customBatch method featured in the Content API for Shopping. Instead, see Send multiple requests at once or execute your calls asynchronously.

The following sample demonstrates how to insert a product input.


  public static void asyncInsertProductInput(Config config, String dataSource) throws Exception {

    // Obtains OAuth token based on the user's configuration.
    GoogleCredentials credential = new Authenticator().authenticate();

    // Creates service settings using the credentials retrieved above.
    ProductInputsServiceSettings productInputsServiceSettings =

    // Creates parent to identify where to insert the product.
    String parent = getParent(config.getAccountId().toString());

    // Calls the API and catches and prints any network failures/errors.
    try (ProductInputsServiceClient productInputsServiceClient =
        ProductInputsServiceClient.create(productInputsServiceSettings)) {

      // Creates five insert product input requests with random product IDs.
      List<InsertProductInputRequest> requests = new ArrayList<>(5);
      for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
        InsertProductInputRequest request =
                // You can only insert products into datasource types of Input "API" and "FILE", and
                // of Type "Primary" or "Supplemental."
                // This field takes the `name` field of the datasource.
                // If this product is already owned by another datasource, when re-inserting, the
                // new datasource will take ownership of the product.


      System.out.println("Sending insert product input requests");
      List<ApiFuture<ProductInput>> futures =

                  request ->

      // Creates callback to handle the responses when all are ready.
      ApiFuture<List<ProductInput>> responses = ApiFutures.allAsList(futures);
          new ApiFutureCallback<List<ProductInput>>() {
            public void onSuccess(List<ProductInput> results) {
              System.out.println("Inserted products below");

            public void onFailure(Throwable throwable) {

    } catch (Exception e) {

If you use customBatch in Content API, and need this feature for the Merchant API, let us know why in your feedback.


To align with Google's API improvement principles, we've made some changes to the identifiers for Merchant API resources.

name replaces Id

All Merchant API resources use the name field as their unique identifier.

Here's an example of how to use the name field in your calls:


This new name field is returned as the resource identifier for all read and write calls in the Merchant API.

For example, implement a getName() method to retrieve the name from a resource, and store the output as a variable instead of constructing the name from the merchant and resource IDs yourself.

parent fields for child resources

In the Merchant API, all child resources have the parent field. You can use the parent field to specify the name of the resource to insert the child to, instead of passing the entire parent resource. You can also use the parent field with list methods to list the child resources of that parent.

For example, to list local inventories for a given product, specify the product's name in the parent field for the list method. In this case, the given product is the parent of the LocalInventory resources returned.


Here are some common types shared across the Merchant API sub-APIs.


Here's what's changed for Price in the Merchant Common package:

Content API Merchant API
Amount field value:string amountMicros:int64
Currency field currency:string currencyCode:string

The Price amount is now recorded in micros, where 1 million micros is equivalent to your currency's standard unit.

In the Content API for Shopping, Price was a decimal number in the form of a string.

The amount field name has changed from value to amountMicros

The currency field name has changed from currency to currencyCode. The format remains as ISO 4217.