Local feeds partnership API

You can add local product inventory by uploading a local product inventory feed. The local product inventory feed provides a list of items that can be sold in-store with attributes to describe them.

To get your inventory data provider added to the Merchant Center, provide their details in this form.

Insert an inventory

To insert an inventory, use the following request:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/lfp/v1beta/{parent}/lfpInventories:insert

 "availability": "in stock",
 "collectionTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
 "contentLanguage": "en",
 "gtin": "gtin",
 "offerId": "{offerId}",
 "pickupMethod": "buy",
 "pickupSla": "same day",
 "price": {
   "amountMicros": "1000000",
   "currencyCode": "USD"
 "regionCode": "US",
 "storeCode": "{storeCode}",
 "targetAccount": "{targetMerchantId}"

You can expect to see the following response:

 "name": "accounts/{merchantId}/lfpInventories/{targetMerchantId}~{storeCode}~{offerId}",
 "targetAccount": "{targetMerchantId}",
 "storeCode": "123",
 "offerId": "{offerId}",
 "regionCode": "US",
 "contentLanguage": "en",
 "gtin": "gtin",
 "price": {
   "amountMicros": "1000000",
   "currencyCode": "USD"
 "availability": "in stock",
 "collectionTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
 "pickupMethod": "buy",
 "pickupSla": "same day",
 "feedLabel": "US"

For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpInventories.insert.

Insert a sale

To insert a sale, use the following request:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/lfp/v1beta/{parent}/lfpSales:insert

 "contentLanguage": "en",
 "gtin": "gtin",
 "offerId": "offerId",
 "price": {
   "amountMicros": "1000000",
   "currencyCode": "USD"
 "quantity": 2,
 "regionCode": "US",
 "saleTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
 "storeCode": "123",
 "targetAccount": "{targetMerchantId}"

You can expect to see the following response:

 "name": "accounts/1000005718521947/lfpSales/{uuid}",
 "targetAccount": "{targetMerchantId}",
 "storeCode": "123",
 "offerId": "offerId",
 "regionCode": "US",
 "contentLanguage": "en",
 "gtin": "gtin",
 "price": {
   "amountMicros": "1000000",
   "currencyCode": "USD"
 "quantity": "2",
 "saleTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
 "uid": "{uuid}",
 "feedLabel": "US"

For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpSales.insert

Insert a store

To insert a store, use the following request:

POST https://merchantapi.googleapis.com/lfp/v1beta/{parent}/lfpStores:insert

 "storeAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA",
 "storeCode": "{storeCode}",
 "targetAccount": "{targetMerchantId}"

You can expect to see the following response:

 "name": "accounts/{merchantId}/lfpStores/{targetMerchantId}~{storeCode}",
 "targetAccount": "1000005718454644",
 "storeCode": "{storeCode}",
 "storeAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA",

For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpStores.insert.