The local feeds partnership program lets retailers participate in local inventory ads and free local product listings without having to create their own primary and local product inventory feeds. Retailers can provide their sales and inventory information to a trusted data provider that can share that information with Google. For the list of supported data partners, see About the local feeds partnership program.
You can add local product inventory by uploading a local product inventory feed.
To get your inventory data provider added to the Merchant Center, provide your details at Point-of-Sale Data Provider Feedback to show local product on Google.
To learn about the migration from Content API for Shopping, see Migrate local feeds partnership.
Retrieve a retailer's onboarding status
You can use the GetLfpState
method to retrieve the state of the merchant-level
properties related to the local feeds partnership integration. Based on the
provided properties, you can check whether the integration is working as
intended or if any additional action is required.
Insert an inventory
To insert an inventory, use the following request:
POST{PARENT} /lfpInventories:insert
"availability": "in stock",
"collectionTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"gtin": "gtin",
"offerId": "{OFFER_ID} ",
"pickupMethod": "buy",
"pickupSla": "same day",
"price": {
"amountMicros": "1000000",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"regionCode": "US",
"storeCode": "{STORE_CODE} ",
"targetAccount": "{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} "
You can expect to see the following response:
"name": "accounts/{merchantId}/lfpInventories/{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} ~{STORE_CODE} ~{OFFER_ID} ",
"targetAccount": "{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} ",
"storeCode": "123",
"offerId": "{OFFER_ID} ",
"regionCode": "US",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"gtin": "gtin",
"price": {
"amountMicros": "1000000",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"availability": "in stock",
"collectionTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
"pickupMethod": "buy",
"pickupSla": "same day",
"feedLabel": "US"
For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpInventories.insert.
Insert a sale
To insert a sale, use the following request:
POST{PARENT} /lfpSales:insert
"contentLanguage": "en",
"gtin": "gtin",
"offerId": "offerId",
"price": {
"amountMicros": "1000000",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"quantity": 2,
"regionCode": "US",
"saleTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
"storeCode": "123",
"targetAccount": "{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} "
You can expect to see the following response:
"name": "accounts/1000005718521947/lfpSales/{UUID} ",
"targetAccount": "{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} ",
"storeCode": "123",
"offerId": "offerId",
"regionCode": "US",
"contentLanguage": "en",
"gtin": "gtin",
"price": {
"amountMicros": "1000000",
"currencyCode": "USD"
"quantity": "2",
"saleTime": "2024-01-08T08:00:00Z",
"uid": "{UUID} ",
"feedLabel": "US"
For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpSales.insert
Insert a store
To insert a store, use the following request:
POST{PARENT} /lfpStores:insert
"storeAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA",
"storeCode": "{STORE_CODE} ",
"targetAccount": "{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} "
You can expect to see the following response:
"name": "accounts/{MERCHANT_ID} /lfpStores/{TARGETMERCHANT_ID} ~{STORE_CODE} ",
"targetAccount": "1000005718454644",
"storeCode": "{STORE_CODE} ",
"storeAddress": "1600 Amphitheatre Pkwy, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA",
For more information, see Method: accounts.lfpStores.insert.
Send a notification to a retailer
You can use the SendLfpNotification
method to send a notification to a
retailer. For example, you can use this method to send an onboarding notification to the retailer.
POST{accountId} /lfpNotifications:send
"target_account": {targetMerchantId} ,
"email_address": {emailAddress} ,
"type": {Type}
Replace the following:
- {accountId}: The unique identifier of your Merchant Center account
- {targetMerchantId}: The unique identifier of the account to which you want to send the notification
- {emailAddress}: The email address of the account to which you want to send the notification
- {Type}: You can only pass the string value
in this field